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Your search for "*" yielded 532918 hits

Improving pandemic preparedness and management : Lessons learned and ways forward : independent expert report

Epidemics and pandemics have shaped human history and will continue to do so. The COVID-19 crisis has shown that there is need to understand how Europe can ensure better management of and preparedness for them. This joint advice builds on lessons learned from the current and from previous pandemics. It analyses their complexity, drawing on insights from research and scholarship and taking European

Poor Psychosocial Well-Being in the First Year-and-a-Half After Losing a Parent to Cancer–A Longitudinal Study Among Young Adults Participating in Support Groups

The purpose of this study was to investigate variations in psychosocial well-being over time among young adults who participated in a support group after the death of a parent from cancer. Fifty-five young adults, aged 16–28 years, completed questionnaires that measured self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and life satisfaction at three time-points during the first year-and-one-half after the loss. R

Oxygen induces the expression of invasion and stress response genes in the anaerobic salmon parasite Spironucleus salmonicida

Background: Spironucleus salmonicida is an anaerobic parasite that can cause systemic infections in Atlantic salmon. Unlike other diplomonad parasites, such as the human pathogen Giardia intestinalis, Spironucleus species can infiltrate the blood stream of their hosts eventually colonizing organs, skin and gills. How this presumed anaerobe can persist and invade oxygenated tissues, despite having

An integrated analysis of Maglemose bone points reframes the Early Mesolithic of Southern Scandinavia

The extensive peat bogs of Southern Scandinavia have yielded rich Mesolithic archaeological assemblages, with one of the most iconic artefacts being the bone point. Although great in number they remain understudied. Here we present a combined investigation of the typology, protein-based species composition, and absolute chronology of Maglemosian bone points. The majority of the bone points are mad

Past-tense inflection of non-verbs : a potential clinical marker of developmental language disorder in Swedish children

Aim: In this paper, we explore the performance of past-tense inflection of non-verbs (NVI) in children with developmental language disorder (DLD) and in typically developing controls, to investigate its accuracy as a clinical marker for Swedish-speaking children with DLD. Further, we investigate the relationship between NVI, nonword-repetition, and family history. Methods: The sample consists of 3

Virtual collaborative design environment : Supporting seamless integration of multitouch table and immersive VR

Throughout the design of a new building it is essential that all involved stakeholders understand, communicate, participate, and collaborate with each other to acquire a high-quality result. To support these shared and creative design processes, this paper presents the design and evaluation of virtual collaborative design environment (ViCoDE) - a new collaborative design system. ViCoDE features se

PET amyloid in normal aging : direct comparison of visual and automatic processing methods

Assessment of amyloid deposits is a critical step for the identification of Alzheimer disease (AD) signature in asymptomatic elders. Whether the different amyloid processing methods impacts on the quality of clinico-radiological correlations is still unclear. We directly compared in 155 elderly controls with extensive neuropsychological testing at baseline and 4.5 years follow-up three approaches:

A risk analysis methodology for the use of crowd models during the Covid-19 pandemic

Pandemics such as Covid-19 have posed a set of questions concerning safe space usage given the risk of virus transmission in confined and open spaces. In this context, this report presents a risk analysis methodology for the use of crowd modelling tools as an aid to assess safety in confined and open spaces. Crowd models can be used to investigate people movement in the built environment, thus the

Pentecostal Praise and Worship as a Mode of Theology

This chapter presents ethnography as a fruitful partner to theology in the study of the lived faith of African Pentecostal believers. The first part of the article has a theoretical approach, discussing the nature, modes, and methods of theology, arguing that the interactive and multi-modal nature of theology and the charismatization of contemporary Christianity require us to search for new method

Head midline position for preventing the occurrence or extension of germinal matrix-intraventricular haemorrhage in preterm infants

Background: Head position during care may affect cerebral haemodynamics and contribute to the development of germinal matrix-intraventricular haemorrhage (GM-IVH) in very preterm infants. Turning the head toward one side may occlude jugular venous drainage while increasing intracranial pressure and cerebral blood volume. It is suggested that cerebral venous pressure is reduced and hydrostatic brai