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Your search for "*" yielded 532208 hits

Towards a coherent, sustainable corporate reporting by adopting Integrated Reporting - A qualitative study of contemporary integrated reporting practice and challenges in Germany and the United States of America

The corporate reporting practice is adapting to rising demands by stakeholders and shareholders for an enhanced consideration of non-financial information. These interest groups demand management to look beyond the financials and determine which factors create long-term value for the organisation. Moreover, regulatory pressure is exercised on the company. The purpose of this thesis is thus, to ga

Social Responsibility in a Wicked World: an exploratory discussion on how the video game industry can exponentially impact society for the better

This paper explores the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the video game industry, taking video game studios as the main subjects. The aim was to understand the perceived importance of implementing CSR initiatives within businesses and to ascertain the current state of the industry in regard to the subject. A review of the literature was conducted in order to comprehen

Seeking Refuge in Architecture

Domestic violence is a cruel and inhumane act of aggression that is inflicted on a victim by someone in their close domestic circle. This includes partners, ex-partners, immediate family members, other relatives and family friends. Violence within the home is the most common form of interpersonal violence for women. The aim of domestic violence programs and shelters is to empower the survivors an

Det bilberoende samhället – Utmaningar och möjligheter som främjar hållbara resvanor i Östersunds kommun

The transport sector is responsible for a third of Swedens’ total GHG emissions, where the private cars are a large part of this. Sweden is committed to reducing the emissions from the transport sector with 70 % until the year 2030. Shifting the vehicle fleet to electrical will be one important factor in achieving the goal, but such technical innovation will not be enough. To reach a more sust

Implementing a multi-criteria GIS analysis and predictive modelling to locate Upper Palaeolithic decorated caves in the Périgord noir, France

Geographical Information Systems are a powerful tool for the processing of geographical data and can be used to implement predictive modelling for the purpose of archaeological research. The study presented here proposes a predictive model based on multi-criteria evaluation, and aims at analysing the parameters of known Upper Palaeolithic decorated caves in the Périgord noir, in southwest France.

Materiality and Brand Discursivity: Study case on commodities and discursive practices in the Swedish market.

This thesis analyzes the link between materiality and brand discursiveness. This study examines how material culture contributes to brand narratives' meaning and symbolic construction. For this purpose, the creation of commodities with metal obtained from molten guns is analyzed through a discursive analysis and anthropological theory. This research describes how the brands analyzed deploy dis

Autoencoder outlier detection during the Covid-19 vaccination campaign

Data inom hälsovården kan användas för att hitta mönster för att exempelvis ta fram hur många som är sjuka, eller hur många som har fått ta blodprov. Det används ofta statistiska modeller för att göra undersökningar, men i detta projektet används artificiell intelligens, och mer specifikt neuronnät. Då tar vi hjälp av artificiell intelligens för att hitta mönster inom datakällor som kan vara svåraOutlier detection in high-dimensional data is a complex task, useful in many fields. One major application is in healthcare, where the high-dimensional healthcare registers can be used to detect patterns related to the medical behaviour and state of the population. In this project, neural network based autoencoders were used to study the Covid-19 vaccination campaign, where it was trained on healt

Experimental assessment of properties for a non-aqueous and precipitating alkanolamine absorption system

Med ökande koncentrationer av koldioxid (CO2) i atmosfären kan energieffektiva tekniker för koldioxidinfångning (CCS) bli viktiga för att växthusgasutsläppen ska minska. Rapportens syfte har varit att experimentellt bestämma och utvärdera fyra egenskaper hos lösningar av vatten, dimetylsulfoxid (DMSO) och aminoalkoholen 2-amino-2-metyl-1-propanol (AMP) som ska användas i en pilotanläggning. Vid inWith increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations, energy efficient carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies could prove important to enable reductions in the global CO2 emissions. The aim was to investigate a novel, non-aqueous, and precipitating chemical absorption system of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP), which forms solid carbamate salt cryst

Användningen av en robothund vid inspektioner i byggbranschen

Syftet med detta arbete är att utreda hur man kan implementera och optimera användningen av en inspektionsrobot, på en byggarbetsplats. Detta examensarbete grundar sig i en fallstudie, där användningen av en inspektionsrobot vid skyddsronder undersöks. Fallstudien bygger på material som samlats in från roboten, intervjuer och observationer. Utöver fallstudien har det även genomförts en litteratur

Preparation of Cell Model Systems for Digital Spatial Profiling

Current cancer treatments can be non-specific, aggressive, and often lead to poor quality of life due to significant side effects. There is a dire need for personalised medicine and accurate tumour subtyping, particularly with cancers with high levels of heterogeneity. Spatial omics is transforming the way in which we understand and treat cancer, paving the way for more patient-specific treatments

Master's in Accounting and Finance

This thesis discusses organizational communication in Sweden following a scandal. The communication is based on the period after the scandal has gained attention. The communication 2 is divided into formal and informal communication based on whether the organization or a third party controlled the channel of communication. The communication is analyzed through cases and takes into consideration th

Covid-19 and democrcy

This thesis explores the impacts on democracy in the Covid-19 context through a single case study. Specifically, the thesis explores the case of Hungary through the lens of Robert Dahl’s five criteria for democracy. Through this investigation it hopes to contribute to the debate on secondary consequences of the pandemic, by adding to the growing area of research on democracy under the pandemic. A

Det är inte du, det är jag: En socialantropologisk studie om ghosting inom dejtingvärlden

This thesis provides in-depth analysis of the phenomena ghosting within the online dating world. Ghosting has become a common option to exit a relationship. The phenomena have rapidly grown along with the development of the internet and technology. New habits of socializing as well as changing ideals of relationships are parts of understanding the growth of the phenomena. With this thesis I seek t

The Role of Education in Health Behaviors. An IV Study Using the SHARE Data

The association between education and health is well documented: more educated individuals live longer and have healthier lives. The incidence of health disparities by education was further accentuated during the Covid-19 pandemic, where the rates of Covid-19 cases and fatalities were higher in communities with less-educated populations. Differences in education, and related differences in health

Oxidation of aliphatic compounds using Fe(IV)-Oxo complexes with a monoisoquinoline substituted pentadentate ligand.

Klimatkrisen vi står inför är ett av de största problemen för samhället. För att sakta ner och motverka de ändringar i klimat och miljö som industrialiseringen har medfört så är introduktionen av ”grön kemi” i industrin en av de mest brådskande utmaningarna. Principen bakom grön kemi är att reducera andvändingen och utsläpp av miljöfarliga kemikalier. Ett område där grön kemi kan appliceras är oFe(II) and Fe(IV)-oxo complexes of a ligand based on the pentadentate N4Py framework have been investigated for oxidation of aliphatic compounds. The ligand N-(isoquinolin-3-ylmethyl)-1,1-di(pyridin-2-yl)-N-(pyridin-2-ylmethyl)methanamine (N3Py-IQ) and the complex [Fe(II)(-NCMe)(-N3Py-IQ)]2+ have been successfully synthesised and characterized. The 1H NMR spectrum of the low spin d6 [Fe(II)(-NCMe)

Colliding Galaxies in a (Nut)Shell

Galaxy interactions and mergers are natural recurring events in the current cosmological paradigm, events that often coincide with starbursts and enhanced star formation activity. To understand why that is, one can use idealised (non-cosmological) merger simulations, which provide freedom to recreate specific tidally distorted galaxies, and analysis of the time evolution and underlying physics of

Vart går Lunds nästa spårvägslinje?

The main purpose of this survey is to investigate new tramway alternatives in Lund, how effective and useful every new route is. The survey will be done by the author and information collected is checked and controlled by Lund Kommun staff and people working with Lund first tramway to Brunnshög. Every route of the tramway has stops which are located in well thought-out places, where they should h

Högskolebibliotekarier, öppen forskningsdata och yrkesidentitet : en kvalitativ intervjustudie

The aim of this master’s thesis is to create knowledge about the occupational identity of academic librarians in relation to their work with open research data. Interviews with six librarians from six different Swedish academic libraries were performed and analysed with the use of occupational identity-theory and sociocultural theory. It was found that the informants of the study had a difficult t