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A paradigm shift design of functional monomers for developing molecularly imprinted polymers

Functional monomers play a key role in preparing molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) by forming complex with templates to create recognition sites in the polymers. In this paper, a new strategy was proposed to design functional monomers for efficient MIPs synthesis. This strategy dated from the investigations on previously developed MIPs. In propranolol imprinting process, methacrylic acid has a

Att skapa en bättre arbetsmiljö i hemtjänsten: Hur arbeta med participativt förändringsarbete i praktiken?

I dag arbetar cirka 22 procent av de arbetande kvinnorna i Sverige i vård och omsorgssektorn. Vård och omsorg är en kvinnodominerad sektor som karaktäriseras av höga sjuktal, hög personalomsättning och rekryteringsproblem. Sveriges befolkning blir allt äldre samtidigt som vården av svårt sjuka patienter i allt högre grad flyttas ut från sjukhusen till hemmet. Detta utgör stora utmaningar för hemtj

Bilateral electrodermal activity in the active-alert hypnotic induction

Shifts in hemispheric dominance were previously proposed to play a role in hypnosis. Participants (N = 32) were exposed to an active–alert hypnosis induction and a music-control condition while electrodermal activity was registered bilaterally, providing information on alterations in hemispheric dominance. The results suggest that highly hypnotizable participants show a shift to right-sided and lo

Satellite passive microwaves reveal recent climate-induced carbon losses in African drylands

The African continent is facing one of the driest periods in the past three decades as well as continued deforestation. These disturbances threaten vegetation carbon (C) stocks and highlight the need for improved capabilities of monitoring large-scale aboveground carbon stock dynamics. Here we use a satellite dataset based on vegetation optical depth derived from low-frequency passive microwaves (

Woody plant cover estimation in drylands from Earth Observation based seasonal metrics

From in situ measured woody cover we develop a phenology driven model to estimate the canopy cover of woody species in the Sahelian drylands at 1km scale. The model estimates the total canopy cover of all woody phanerophytes and the concept is based on the significant difference in phenophases of dryland trees, shrubs and bushes as compared to that of the herbaceous plants. Whereas annual herbaceo

A Routing Protocol for LoRA Mesh Networks

A limitation of current LoRa networks is their single-hop nature. This causes difficulties in areas with poor Internet access, such as remote rural areas, or challenging radio environments, for example in metropolitan areas, as the LoRa gateway must be placed at a location with backhaul access to the network server, but must nonetheless be reachable by all end devices. To facilitate these applicatA limitation of current LoRa networks is their single-hop nature. This causes difficulties in areas with poor Internet access, such as remote rural areas, or challenging radio environments, for example in metropolitan areas, as the LoRa gateway must be placed at a location with backhaul access to the network server, but must nonetheless be reachable by all end devices. To facilitate these applicat

Protecting Wireless Mesh Networks Against Adverse Weather Conditions

Adverse weather conditions can cause deterioration of wireless channels, leading to reduced link capacities. Unlike in other types of networks, in radio-based wireless mesh networks, the link capacities depend not only on the prevailing conditions, but also on interfering transmissions, as well as the transmission power and modulation and coding schemes used. This leads to increased difficulty in Adverse weather conditions can cause deterioration of wireless channels, leading to reduced link capacities. Unlike in other types of networks, in radio-based wireless mesh networks, the link capacities depend not only on the prevailing conditions, but also on interfering transmissions, as well as the transmission power and modulation and coding schemes used. This leads to increased difficulty in

Climate contributions to vegetation variations in Central Asian drylands : Pre- and post-USSR collapse

Central Asia comprises a large fraction of the world's drylands, known to be vulnerable to climate change. We analyzed the inter-annual trends and the impact of climate variability in the vegetation greenness for Central Asia from 1982 to 2011 using GIMMS3g normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data. In our study, most areas showed an increasing trend during 1982-1991, but experienced a si

Pool boiling heat transfer of FC-72 on pin-fin silicon surfaces with nanoparticle deposition

In the present study, two types of micro-pin–fin configurations were fabricated on silicon surfaces by a dry etching method, i.e., staggered pin fins (#1) and aligned pin fins with empty areas (#2). The micro-pin–fin surfaces were then further modified by depositing FeMn oxide nanoparticles (∼35 nm) electrostatically for 8 h and 16 h, respectively, namely #1-8h, #1-16h, #2-8h and #2-16h. Subcooled

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This paper aims to study and analyze the tools of linguistic analysis contained in the modern monetary methods, which used by Kamal Abu Deeb in his book “in Defense of Qur'an” to respond to the claim of Thomas Holland and his teacher Patricia Krona presented in a television program on Channel 4 in England. They claimed the prophet Mohammed is a false personality and that the Qur'an is forged, inve

Imported leishmaniasis in Sweden 1993-2016

In Sweden, leishmaniasis is an imported disease and its epidemiology and incidence were not known until now. We conducted a retrospective, nationwide, epidemiological study from 1993 to 2016. Probable cases were patients with leishmaniasis diagnoses reported to the Swedish Patient registry, collecting data on admitted patients in Swedish healthcare since 1993 and out-patient visits since 2001. Con

Validation guidelines for PCR workflows in bioterrorism preparedness, food safety and forensics

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is the backbone of contemporary DNA/RNA analysis, ideally enabling detection of one or just a few target molecules. However, when analysing food or forensic samples the analytical procedure is often challenged by low amounts of poor quality template molecules and complex matrices. Applying optimised and validated methods in all steps of the analysis workflow, i.

Inactivation of the clpP1 gene for the proteolytic subunit of the ATP-dependent Clp protease in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus limits growth and light acclimation

ClpP functions as the proteolytic subunit of the ATP-dependent Clp protease in eubacteria, mammals and plant chloroplasts. We have cloned a clpP gene, designated clpP1, from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942. The monocistronic 591 bp gene codes for a protein 80% similar to one of four putative ClpP proteins in another cyanobacterium, Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. The constitutive ClpP1 c