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This paper aims to study and analyze the tools of linguistic analysis contained in the modern monetary methods, which used by Kamal Abu Deeb in his book “in Defense of Qur'an” to respond to the claim of Thomas Holland and his teacher Patricia Krona presented in a television program on Channel 4 in England. They claimed the prophet Mohammed is a false personality and that the Qur'an is forged, inve

Imported leishmaniasis in Sweden 1993-2016

In Sweden, leishmaniasis is an imported disease and its epidemiology and incidence were not known until now. We conducted a retrospective, nationwide, epidemiological study from 1993 to 2016. Probable cases were patients with leishmaniasis diagnoses reported to the Swedish Patient registry, collecting data on admitted patients in Swedish healthcare since 1993 and out-patient visits since 2001. Con

Validation guidelines for PCR workflows in bioterrorism preparedness, food safety and forensics

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is the backbone of contemporary DNA/RNA analysis, ideally enabling detection of one or just a few target molecules. However, when analysing food or forensic samples the analytical procedure is often challenged by low amounts of poor quality template molecules and complex matrices. Applying optimised and validated methods in all steps of the analysis workflow, i.

Inactivation of the clpP1 gene for the proteolytic subunit of the ATP-dependent Clp protease in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus limits growth and light acclimation

ClpP functions as the proteolytic subunit of the ATP-dependent Clp protease in eubacteria, mammals and plant chloroplasts. We have cloned a clpP gene, designated clpP1, from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942. The monocistronic 591 bp gene codes for a protein 80% similar to one of four putative ClpP proteins in another cyanobacterium, Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. The constitutive ClpP1 c

The mystery of missing feed force — The effect of friction models, flank wear and ploughing on feed force in metal cutting simulations

Underestimated feed force is a known systematic error in cutting simulations. It is considered a consequence of inaccurate friction models, but there are indicators that friction is not the only reason for the error. In some cases, the value of Coulomb friction must be over 1.0 to compensate for the feed force and such values cause over-estimated chip thickness for example. In turning, the ploughi

The Ambiguous Effects of Democracy on Bureaucratic Quality

Recent studies find that higher degrees of democracy are related to higher levels of bureaucratic quality. However, they only offer limited explanations for this pattern based on a unidimensional understanding of democracy. We argue that future uncertainties as perceived by the incumbent, the opposition, and voters are important for why bureaucratic reform takes place. Therefore, we expect no unif

The radiation dose to children from X-ray examinations of the pelvis and the urinary tract

X-ray examinations of the pelvis and the urinary tract are frequent examinations of children, in which a large part of the trunk is irradiated. The irradiated volume contains many of the most radiation sensitive organs and tissues. The absorbed dose to children during the examination was estimated from measurements with a dose-area product meter and thermoluminescent dosemeters (TLDs). Entrance su

Productivity and evapotranspiration of two contrasting semiarid ecosystems following the 2011 global carbon land sink anomaly

Global carbon balances are increasingly affected by large fluctuations in productivity occurring throughout semiarid regions. Recent analyses found a large C uptake anomaly in 2011 in arid and semiarid regions of the southern hemisphere. Consequently, we compared C and water fluxes of two distinct woody ecosystems (a Mulga (Acacia) woodland and a Corymbia savanna) between August 2012 and August 20

Association of imidazolium surfactants with poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)

Most investigations about polymer and surfactant interactions are related to standard surfactants, while the scope of literature using imidazolium surfactants is limited. In this work, conductometric and calorimetric techniques have been combined to determine the interaction of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) with two surfactants: 1-tetradecyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride and 1-hexadecyl-3-methylimida

Why the channel matrix in a LOS scenario has zero mean entries

During a recent measurement campaign, we encountered some problems in extracting the rice factor from measurements. There were different answers to the question of what constitutes the correct line-of-sight component. This document highlights those issues and is meant to be a basis of discussion. Any feedback on the raised issues is welcome.

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Dansk udtale kan give selv den mest ihærdige svensker grå hår i hovedet. Tre relativt simple konstruktioner som ordet er dit, der er røg i køkkenet, og de skal nå toget til Odense er givetvis lette at forstå i en sms eller mail, fordi de fleste af ordene er genkendelige, måske bortset fra nå (hinna). Men optræder de tre konstruktioner i en samtale, er de hverken lette at forstå eller lette at udta

Evolutionary Games and Matching Rules

This study considers evolutionary games with non-uniformly random matching when interaction occurs in groups of n ≥ 2 individuals using pure strategies from a finite strategy set. In such models, groups with different compositions of individuals generally co-exist and the reproductive success (fitness) of a specific strategy varies with the frequencies of different group types. These frequencies c

EMA-based head movements and phrasing : a preliminary study

In this paper we describe present work on multimodal prosody by means of simultaneous recordings of articulation and head movements. Earlier work has explored patterning, usage and machine-learning based detection of focal pitch accents, head beats and eyebrow beats through audiovisual recordings. Kinematic data obtained through articulography allows for more comparable and accurate measurements, In this paper we describe present work on multimodal prosody by means of simultaneous recordings of articulation and head movements. Earlier work has explored patterning, usage and machine-learning based detection of focal pitch accents, head beats and eyebrow beats through audiovisual recordings. Kinematic data obtained through articulography allows for more comparable and accurate measurements,

Regional atmospheric cooling and wetting effect of permafrost thaw-induced boreal forest loss

In the sporadic permafrost zone of North America, thaw‐induced boreal forest loss is leading to permafrost‐free wetland expansion. These land cover changes alter landscape‐scale surface properties with potentially large, however, still unknown impacts on regional climates. In this study, we combine nested eddy covariance flux tower measurements with satellite remote sensing to characterize the imp

Building functional groups of marine benthic macroinvertebrates on the basis of general community assembly mechanisms

The accurate reproduction of the spatial and temporal dynamics of marine benthic biodiversity requires the development of mechanistic models, based on the processes that shape macroinvertebrate communities. The modelled entities should, accordingly, be able to adequately represent the many functional roles that are performed by benthic organisms. With this goal in mind, we applied the emergent gro

The clpP multigene family for the ATP-dependent Clp protease in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus

In the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7942 a multigene family of three different isozymes encodes the proteolytic subunit ClpP of the ATP-dependent Clp protease. In contrast to the monocistronic clpPI gene, clpPII and clpPIII are part of two bicistronic operons with clpX and clpR, respectively. Unlike most bacterial Clp proteins, the Synechococcus ClpP2, ClpP3, ClpR and ClpX proteins