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Your search for "*" yielded 532079 hits

Multiple-harmonic generation in rare gases at high laser intensity

We present experimental measurements of vacuum ultraviolet light emission processes in a 15-Torr rare-gas medium exposed to a strong 1064-nm laser field. Apart from a small number of lines which correspond to discrete transitions, and a broad continuum emission, we essentially observe the odd harmonics of the laser field, up to very high order. At a 3×1013 W cm-2 laser intensity, the highest-order

A doctor's dilemma

Deniz Kirik was drawn to medicine by his desire to better understand the human brain, but he found that doctors in his native Turkey have little opportunity for research. Nonetheless, he has turned what first felt like a failed career choice into an advantage. Now a neuroscience professor at Lund University in Sweden and co-founder of a spinoff company, Kirik uses his medical background to develop

Ambient temperature effects on stress-induced hyperthermia in Svalbard ptarmigan

Stress-induced hyperthermia (SIH) is commonly observed during handling in homeotherms. However, in birds, handling in cold environments typically elicits hypothermia. It is unclear whether this indicates that SIH is differently regulated in this taxon or if it is due to size, because body temperatures changes during handling in low temperature have only been measured in small birds ≤0.03 kg (that Stress-induced hyperthermia (SIH) is commonly observed during handling in homeotherms. However, in birds, handling in cold environments typically elicits hypothermia. It is unclear whether this indicates that SIH is differently regulated in this taxon or if it is due to size, because body temperatures changes during handling in low temperature have only been measured in small birds ≤0.03 kg (that

Reliability-based assessment of benefits in roadway safety management

Road agencies set quantitative targets and adopt related road safety strategics in accordance with each agency's priorities and available resources. Benefit-cost analyses are carried out to support the decision-making process, and alternative measures are ranked according to their expected benefits and benefit-cost ratios, calculated with a safety performance function (SPF) and crash modification

Ubiquitous neocortical decoding of tactile input patterns

Whereas functional localization historically has been a key concept in neuroscience, direct neuronal recordings show that input of a particular modality can be recorded well outside its primary receiving areas in the neocortex. Here, we wanted to explore if such spatially unbounded inputs potentially contain any information about the quality of the input received. We utilized a recently introduced

Physiology, Metabolism, and Fossilization of Hot-Spring Filamentous Microbial Mats

The evolutionarily ancient Aquificales bacterium Sulfurihydrogenibium spp. dominates filamentous microbial mat communities in shallow, fast-flowing, and dysoxic hot-spring drainage systems around the world. In the present study, field observations of these fettuccini-like microbial mats at Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park are integrated with geology, geochemistry, hydrology, micros

Burden of responsibility experienced by family caregivers of elderly dementia sufferers : Analyses of strain, feelings and coping strategies

Eight family caregivers of elderly dementia sufferers participated in in-depth interviews regarding their experiences of giving care. They were selected according to strain, isolation, disappointment and emotional involvement, measured on a 'caregiver burden' scale. Structural analyses of the interviews identified six categories reflecting the feelings and experiences of the caregivers. The first

Behavioral disturbances and pharmacological treatment of patients with dementia in family caregiving : A 2-year follow-up

Behavioral disturbances are common in dementia. Polypharmacy due to progression of disease and fluctuation of symptoms among patients might increase risk of overtreatment and/or undertreatment. Drug prescription habits were studied in relationship to symptoms of dementia after relocation of patients to group-living care units (GC). Seventy-six demented patients (mean age 81 years) were assessed be

Relationships Between Frequency of Moderate Physical Activity and Longevity : An 11-Year Follow-up Study

Objectives: Moderate physical activity gains survival. There are, however, several variables that may affect this relationship. In this study, the relationship between moderate physical activity and longevity was investigated, taking into account age, gender, smoking habits, cohabitation status, body mass index, leg strength and balance, education level and cognitive function. Method: A sample of

Modern technology against falls-The MoTFall project

Background: The strongest risk factor for falls is a history of falls. Therefore, interventions targeting persons at risk of falling before they are aware of the risk themselves is highly demanded. The prevention of falls is a complex task and has no easy solutions; an interdisciplinary approach is necessary. Modern technology provides us with novel opportunities to detect and monitor falls and ne