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Heteronormative Constructions of Romanianness : A Genealogy of Gendered Metaphors in Romanian Radical-Right Populism 2000-2009

The present article investigates the recent history of the Romanian national construct as a matrix for gendered metaphors at the beginning of the twenty-first century, as it is heralded by the main radical-right populist party the Greater Romania Party (Partidul România Mare, PRM). Focusing on the Greater Romania Magazine (Revista România Mare, RRM) - the party's main media outlet - the analysis i

The politics and policies of welfare chauvinism under the economic crisis

The ongoing economic crisis that emerged in the wake of the global recession in 2008, and was followed by the more recent crisis of the Eurozone, has introduced new themes and remoulded old ways of approaching the welfare state, immigration, national belonging and racism in Northern Europe. This article identifies two main ways of understanding welfare chauvinism: 1) as a broad concept that covers

Film och historia i klassrummet

Recension av Maria Deldéns doktorsavhandling i historia med utbildningsvetenskaplig inriktning Perspektiv på historiefilmslitteracitet. En didaktisk studie av gymnasieelevers historiska och emotionella meningsskapande i mötet med spelfilm

Service users experience of receiving peer support in Swedish mental health care : a “tipping point” in the care-giving culture?

Peer support workers are increasingly considered an essential ingredient in recovery-oriented mental health services. While research continues to point to promising results concerning the ability of these workers to positively impact service users’ experience of hope, quality of life and even health, peer support workers have only recently been introduced in Sweden and the aim of this study was to

Geophysical Induced Polarisation (IP) laboratory measurements on E. coli-sand mixtures

The aim of the MIRACHL project is the characterisation and monitoring of in-situ remediation of chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination using an interdisciplinary approach and geophysical methods, such as DCIP (direct current induced polarisation) to investigate the remediation process. To interpret these geophysical field IP data, lab investigations with different kinds of bacteria are necessary to

Test administrator effects on cognitive performance in a longitudinal study of ageing

In longitudinal studies, changes in participants’ cognitive performances can partly be attributed to variations in the testing situation (testing specific factors), such as, different test administrators or different testing environments. Focusing on test administrator influence, testing specific factors were examined in a Swedish longitudinal study of ageing. Test scores from 6,686 examinations r

Peripheral and Central Sensitization of Pain in Individuals With Hand Osteoarthritis and Associations With Self-Reported Pain Severity

Objective: Pain sensitization, an important osteoarthritis (OA) pain mechanism, has not been substantially investigated in patients with hand OA. It is unknown how peripheral and central sensitization are related to self-reported hand pain. Methods: Individuals with verified hand OA in the Nor-Hand study underwent quantitative sensory testing of pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) locally (painful and

RF reliability of gate last InGaAs nMOSFETs with high-k dielectric

A complete reliability study of the high-frequency characteristics for nMOSFETs on InGaAs channel with Al2O3/HfO2 gate dielectric is presented. DC gate voltage stress causes an increase in the transconductance frequency dispersion. Stress induced border traps degrade the maximum DC-transconductance, but do not react at high frequencies. The main degradation characteristics of the high-frequency me

In vitro and in silico assessment of the developability of a designed monoclonal antibody library

Despite major advances in antibody discovery technologies, the successful development of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) into effective therapeutic and diagnostic agents can often be impeded by developability liabilities, such as poor expression, low solubility, high viscosity and aggregation. Therefore, strategies to predict at the early phases of antibody development the risk of late-stage failure