A finite element code for non-linear static, self-similar and steady-state analysis : Solid Mechanics Report, Lund Institute of Technology
Report from Solid Mechanics, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University, Lund Sweden
Report from Solid Mechanics, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University, Lund Sweden
The development of gut microbiota during ontogeny is emerging as an important process influencing physiology, immunity and fitness in vertebrates. However, knowledge of how bacteria colonize the juvenile gut, how this is influenced by changes in the diversity of gut bacteria and to what extent this influences host fitness, particularly in nonmodel organisms, is lacking. Here we used 16S rRNA gene
The official iMechanica Blog for the Elsevier Journal Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Ett klimat i förändring är något som påverkar oss alla. För staden och dess invånare innebär det bland annat mer nederbörd och en ökad risk för översvämningar. Det är därför viktigt att arbeta med klimatanpassningsåtgärder.Tanken med den här broschyren är att visa vilka lösningar som naturen kan bidra med. Den fokuserar på ett redan bebyggt område; Sofielund i Malmö. Innehållet bygger på intervjue
The paper analyses dwell time delays for commuter trains in Stockholm and Tokyo. In both cities, small dwell time delays of at most five minutes make up around 90% of the total delays. Therefore, it is valuable to understand and deal with these disturbances. To this end, we use high resolution data on dwell times and passenger counts from both countries over the last several years. We find that thThe paper analyses dwell time delays for commuter trains in Stockholm andTokyo. In both cities, small dwell time delays of at most five minutes makeup around 90% of the total delays. Therefore, it is valuable to understandand deal with these disturbances. To this end, we use high resolution data ondwell times and passenger counts from both countries over the last severalyears. We find that these d
The gross motor function and disabilities in children with cerebral palsy in southern Sweden were investigated and related to clinical features. The study covered the birth year period 1990-1993 and comprised 167 children, 145 of them born in Sweden and 22 born abroad. The clinical features and gross motor function were analysed at a mean age of 6.8 y. Clinical features were obtained from a contin
A 9-year-old boy sustained a Salter-Harris Type IV fracture in the proximal tibia. the injury resulted in a progressive valgus deformity, detected already after 3 months by roentgen stereophotogrammetry. After temporary stapling medially, the growth rate increased laterally and the deformity was corrected. Unilateral stapling is an alternative procedure for correcting angular deformity following a