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Höjd pensionsålder kräver anpassad arbetsmiljö

Vi lever längre och befolkningen blir därför allt äldre. Som vårt nuvarande pensionssystem är uppbyggt måste vi jobba två tredjedelar av vårt vuxna liv för att systemet ska fungera. Därför ligger det förslag om att justera pensionsåldern till 69 år. Men för att fler ska kunna och vilja arbeta till en högre ålder krävs en rad organisatoriska förändringar på dagens arbetsplatser. Att gå i pension är

Makroinnovationer, långsiktig ekonomisk utveckling och framtida utsläpp av växthusgaser

Samhället förändras kontinuerligt. Hur samhällsutvecklingen ser påverkar energiefterfrågan och utsläppen av växthusgaser. Sedan den industriella revolutionens genombrott har Sverige gått igenom tre större samhällsomställningar som har haft en stor inverkan på energisystemet och därmed utsläppen. Syftet med denna underlagsrapport är att diskutera drivkrafterna bakom dessa omställningar och vilka lä

Patient choice, Internet based information sources, and perceptions of health care : Evidence from Sweden using survey data from 2010 and 2013

Background: Several countries have increased patients' abilities to choose their health care providers, frequently under the assumption that patients are themselves the best agents to make such decisions. In parallel, national and regional health authorities have enhanced access to Internet based information sources (IBIS) to assist patients in making an informed choice. Relatively little, however

Dynamics in network games with local coordination and global congestion effects

Several strategic interactions over social networks display both negative and positive externalities at the same time. E.g., participation to a social media website with limited resources is more appealing the more of your friends participate, while a large total number of participants may slow down the website (because of congestion effects) thus making it less appealing. Similarly, while there a

Robust network routing under cascading failures

We propose a dynamical model for cascading failures in single-commodity network flows. In the proposed model, the network state consists of flows and activation status of the links. Network dynamics is determined by a, possibly state-dependent and adversarial, disturbance process that reduces flow capacity on the links, and routing policies at the nodes that have access to the network state, but a

The role of summer precipitation and summer temperature in establishment and growth of dwarf shrub Betula nana in northeast Siberian tundra

It is widely believed that deciduous tundra-shrub dominance is increasing in the pan-Arctic region, mainly due to rising temperature. We sampled dwarf birch (Betula nana L.) at a northeastern Siberian tundra site and used dendrochronological methods to explore the relationship between climatic variables and local shrub dominance. We found that establishment of shrub ramets was positively related t

The response of Arctic vegetation to the summer climate: relation between shrub cover, NDVI, surface albedo and temperature

Recently observed Arctic greening trends from normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data suggest that shrub growth is increasing in response to increasing summer temperature. An increase in shrub cover is expected to decrease summer albedo and thus positively feed back to climate warming. However, it is unknown how albedo and NDVI are affected by shrub cover and inter-annual variations in

Where identity meets information : teacher trainees' performance of identity positions and information activities

Introduction. This paper reports findings from an on-going analysis of how pre-school teacher trainees position their identities, as learners and future pre-school teachers, as information activities are performed in a Facebook Group and on a blog. Method. The analysis is based on results from an ethnographic study at a pre-school teacher-training programme at a Swedish university. Participant obs

Competition between heterotrophic and autotrophic nitrifiers for ammonia in chemostat cultures

Mixed cultures of a heterotrophic nitrifier/aerobic denitrifier, Thiosphaera pantotropha, and an autotrophic nitrifier, Nitrosomonas europaea, were grown in chemostats under dual ammonia-and acetate limitation. Because of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification by T. pantotropha, the activity of the cultures was evaluated from nitrogen balances as complete as possible. Under most conditions

Where and how do you buy medicines? : Report

In order to understand where and how the Swedish public access their medicines, especially prescribed medicines, an online survey was conducted as a pilot study during April and May 2016. Among a collection of 155 answers, the data shows that, although a majority of the respondents feel hesitated and negative towards shopping prescribed medicines online, a tendency is demonstrated that people woul

Changes in outdoor mobility when becoming alone in the household in old age

The aim of this article is to analyze reported changes in outdoor mobility, increased/unchanged/decreased, for a sample of older people (>62 years) in two regions in Sweden, who have transitioned from a two-person to a single-person household during the two years since the study was conducted. The target group (N=162) consists of all people who had transitioned to a single-person household in a ra

Targeted sequencing of BRCA1 and BRCA2 across a large unselected breast cancer cohort suggests that one-third of mutations are somatic

BACKGROUND: A mutation found in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene of a breast tumor could be either germline or somatically acquired. The prevalence of somatic BRCA1/2 mutations and the ratio between somatic and germline BRCA1/2 mutations in unselected breast cancer patients are currently unclear.PATIENTS AND METHODS: Paired normal and tumor DNA was analyzed for BRCA1/2 mutations by massively parallel seque

CO and D2O chemistry on continuous and discontinuous samaria thin films on Pt(111) : The surface science of heterogeneous catalysis: In honor of Robert J. Madix

Abstract The chemistry of CO and D2O, individually adsorbed or co-adsorbed, on epitaxial thin films of samaria on Pt(111) was studied by temperature-programmed desorption spectroscopy (TPD). Continuous thin films as well as discontinuous films composed of samaria islands on bare Pt(111) were prepared. Their comparative study indicates that Sm2O3 islands provide lattice oxygen at their perimeter fo