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Can pelvic floor muscle training improve quality of life in men with mild to moderate post-stroke and lower urinary tract symptoms?

BACKGROUND: Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) have a significant impact on quality of life (QoL) in post-stroke patients. AIM: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) on QoL parameters in men with post-stroke LUTS. DESIGN: Randomized, controlled and single-blinded trial. SETTING: Outpatients, University Hospital. POPULATION: Thirty-one men, median

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Solid tumors in childhood are extremely rare entities, which are usually treated in specialized centers. Diagnosis and therapy are carried out according to a joint European protocol, whereby the pathological evaluation and therapy are carried out according to international guidelines. For the correct diagnosis and/or therapy of most tumors, analysis of specific genetic changes is mandatory; theref

Transport efficiency of packaging in food supply chains : - Does it matter in a life cycle perspective?

Purpose: Packaging adds weight and volume to food products, thereby increasing the environmental impact of transport processes. This research examines the relative importance of transport efficient packaging in food supply chains that rely on road transport compared to other environmental requirements, such as packaging material minimization and food waste reduction.Design/methodology/approach: Sc

Applications of Machine Learning on Natural Language Processing and Biomedical Data

Machine learning is ubiquitous in today’s society, with promising applicationsin the field of natural language processing (NLP), so that computers can handlehuman language better, and within the medical community, with the promiseof better treatments. Machine learning can be seen as a subfield of artificialintelligence (AI), where AI is used to describe a machine that mimics cognitivefunctions tha

Noninvasive techniques for prevention of intradialytic hypotension

Episodes of hypotension during hemodialysis treatment constitutes an important clinical problem which has received considerable attention in recent years. Despite the fact that numerous approaches to reducing the frequency of intradialytic hypotension (IDH) have been proposed and evaluated, the problem has not yet found a definitive solution--an observation which, in particular, applies to episode

Long-term outcome after right ventricle to pulmonary artery conduit surgery and reintervention

Background. Reconstruction of the right ventricular outflow tract with a conduit is an established surgical procedure in congenital heart disease and reinterventions are common. Objective. An increasing number of patients have a conduit, but there are few population-based studies of long-term outcomes after conduit surgery, reoperations, and transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement. Methods. In A

An ex vivo model to induce early fibrosis-like changes in human precision-cut lung slices

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a devastating chronic interstitial lung disease (ILD) characterized by lung tissue scarring and high morbidity. Lung epithelial injury, myofibroblast activation, and deranged repair are believed to be key processes involved in disease onset and progression, but the exact molecular mechanisms behind IPF remain unclear. Several drugs have been shown to slow dis

CD11b+ and sca-1+ cells exert the main beneficial effects of systemically administered bone marrow-derivedmononuclear cells in a murinemodel of mixed Th2/Th17 allergic airway inflammation

Systemic administration of bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells (BMDMCs) or bone marrowderivedmesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) reduces inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) in amurinemodel of Th2-mediated eosinophilic allergic airway inflammation. However, since BMDMCs are a heterogeneous population that includesMSCs, it is unclearwhether theMSCs alone are responsible for the BMDMC ef

Three-dimensional scaffolds of acellular human and porcine lungs for high throughput studies of lung disease and regeneration

Acellular scaffolds from complex whole organs such as lung are being increasingly studied for ex vivo organ generation and for in vitro studies of cell-extracellular matrix interactions. We have established effective methods for efficient de and recellularization of large animal and human lungs including techniques which allow multiple small segments (~1-3 cm3) to be excised that retain 3-dimensio

The effects of storage and sterilization on de-cellularized and re-cellularized whole lung

Despite growing interest on the potential use of de-cellularized whole lungs as 3-dimensional scaffolds for ex vivo lung tissue generation, optimal processing including sterilization and storage conditions, are not well defined. Further, it is unclear whether lungs need to be obtained immediately or may be usable even if harvested several days post-mortem, a situation mimicking potential procureme