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Priorities in emergency obstetric care in Bolivia--maternal mortality and near-miss morbidity in metropolitan La Paz

Objective To document the frequency and causes of maternal mortality and severe (near-miss) morbidity in metropolitan La Paz, Bolivia. Design Facility-based cross-sectional study. Setting Four maternity hospitals in La Paz and El Alto, Bolivia, where free maternal health care is provided through a government-subsidised programme. Population All maternal deaths and women with near-miss morbidity. M

Human native lipoprotein-induced de novo DNA methylation is associated with repression of inflammatory genes in THP-1 macrophages

Background: We previously showed that a VLDL-and LDL-rich mix of human native lipoproteins induces a set of repressive epigenetic marks, i. e. de novo DNA methylation, histone 4 hypoacetylation and histone 4 lysine 20 (H4K20) hypermethylation in THP-1 macrophages. Here, we: 1) ask what gene expression changes accompany these epigenetic responses; 2) test the involvement of candidate factors mediat

Iduronic Acid in chondroitin/dermatan sulfate affects directional migration of aortic smooth muscle cells.

Aortic smooth muscle cells produce chondroitin/dermatan sulfate (CS/DS) proteoglycans that regulate extracellular matrix organization and cell behavior in normal and pathological conditions. A unique feature of CS/DS proteoglycans is the presence of iduronic acid (IdoA), catalyzed by two DS epimerases. Functional ablation of DS-epi1, the main epimerase in these cells, resulted in a major reduction

Methodology for Assessing Learning from Incidents - a Process Industry Perspective

Popular Abstract in Swedish Stora resurser används i processindustrin, och i många andra industribranscher, på att rapportera incidenter för att utnyttja erfarenheterna från dessa för att förebygga framtida incidenter – alltifrån mindre störningar till olyckor med stora konsekvenser. Det finns emellertid en hel del som tyder på att man ofta utnyttjar bara en del av hela den potential för lärande sLearning from incidents (from minor disturbances to major accidents) is considered one of the most important ways in the process industry to learn from experiences for improving safety performance. Most companies have a formal incident learning system and considerable resources are used for reporting incidents and for utilising these experiences to prevent future incidents. However, there are many

$(\epsilon,\delta)$-Freudenthal Kantor triple systems, $\delta$-structurable algebras and Lie superalgebras

In this paper we discuss $(\epsilon,\delta)$-Freudenthal Kantor triple systems with certain structure on the subspace $L_{-2}$ of the corresponding standard embedding five graded Lie (super)algebra $L(\epsilon,\delta):=L_{-2}\oplus L_{-1}\oplus L_0\oplus L_1\oplus L_2; [L_i,L_j]\subseteq L_{i+j}$. We recall Lie and Jordan structures associated with $(\epsilon,\delta)$-Freudenthal Kantor triple sys

Monoacylglycerols Activate TRPV1 - A Link between Phospholipase C and TRPV1.

Phospholipase C-mediated hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate generates diacylglycerol, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate and protons, all of which can regulate TRPV1 activity via different mechanisms. Here we explored the possibility that the diacylglycerol metabolites 2-arachidonoylglycerol and 1-arachidonoylglycerol, and not metabolites of these monoacylglycerols, activate TRPV1 and c

Three- and four-jet production at low x at HERA

Three- and four-jet production is measured in deep-inelastic ep scattering at low x and Q(2) with the H1 detector using an integrated luminosity of 44.2 pb(-1). Several phase space regions are selected for the three-jet analysis in order to study the underlying parton dynamics from global topologies to the more restrictive regions of forward jets close to the proton direction. The measurements of

Cell periphery-related proteins as major genomic targets behind the adaptive evolution of an industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain to combined heat and hydrolysate stress

Background: Laboratory evolution is an important tool for developing robust yeast strains for bioethanol production since the biological basis behind combined tolerance requires complex alterations whose proper regulation is difficult to achieve by rational metabolic engineering. Previously, we reported on the evolved industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain ISO12 that had acquired improved tole

Inductive Analysis of a Multiconductor System Prototype

Broadband circuit models for electric machines are effective means to understand, predict, and control the phenomenon of conducted Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) from immunity/susceptibility perspective. These models should cover the capacitive and inductive coupling behavior of the component along the frequency band of interest. The circuit models when used under generic SPICE simulation soft

Dimensionality reduction of fMRI time series data using locally linear embedding.

OBJECTIVE: Data-driven methods for fMRI analysis are useful, for example, when an a priori model of signal variations is unavailable. However, activation sources are typically assumed to be linearly mixed, although non-linear properties of fMRI data, including resting-state data, have been observed. In this work, the non-linear locally linear embedding (LLE) algorithm is introduced for dimensional

Genomic Diversity and Admixture Differs for Stone-Age Scandinavian Foragers and Farmers

Prehistoric population structure associated with the transition to an agricultural lifestyle in Europe remains a contentious idea. Population-genomic data from 11 Scandinavian Stone Age human remains suggest that hunter-gatherers had lower genetic diversity than that of farmers. Despite their close geographical proximity, the genetic differentiation between the two Stone Age groups was greater tha

Dietary flavonoid and lignan intake and breast cancer risk according to menopause and hormone receptor status in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) Study

Evidence on the association between dietary flavonoids and lignans and breast cancer (BC) risk is inconclusive, with the possible exception of isoflavones in Asian countries. Therefore, we investigated prospectively dietary total and subclasses of flavonoid and lignan intake and BC risk according to menopause and hormonal receptor status in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nu

Rabi type oscillations in damped two-dimensional single electron quantum dots

We present a quantized model of a harmonically confined dot atom with inherent damping in the presence of a transverse magnetic field. The model leads to a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian in coordinate space. We have analytically studied the effects of damping on Rabi type oscillations of the system. The model explains the decoherence of Rabi oscillations in a Josephson Junction.

Competition enhances spatial genetic differentiation

Questions: How does the number of species in a community affect the level of genetic diversity of its constituent species? What is the relation between competitive interactions and the spatial distribution of genetic variation? When spatially structured, how is the genetic differentiation among subpopulations affected by competition and size of the community? Model features and key assumptions: A

Storfjärilar som ökar sin utbredning: nytillskotten i storfjärilsfaunan i sydligaste Sverige under perioden 1973-2009

This study highlights the expansion of butterflies and macromoths occurring in southern Sweden. Recent changes in climate and habitat has been stressed as the main factors influencing changes in species distributions. Climate change implies an increase in temperature and some species are assumed to extend their northern ranges. In this study we compiled information about the first observations of

Determination of pH or lactate in fetal scalp blood in management of intrapartum fetal distress: randomised controlled multicentre trial

Objective To examine the effectiveness of pH analysis of fetal scalp blood compared with lactate analysis in identifying hypoxia in labour to prevent acidaemia at birth. Design Randomised controlled multicentre trial. Setting Labour wards. Participants Women with a singleton pregnancy, cephalic presentation, gestational age >= 34 weeks, and clinical indication for fetal scalp blood sampling. Inter

Designing Public Organizations and Institutions: Essays on Coordination and Incentives

This thesis consists of an introduction and four self-contained chapters that address issues of how organizations and institutions should be designed in order to provide adequate incentives and enable coordination. The first essay uses a multi-task principal-agent model to examine two reasons why coordination problems are common when public sector organizations share responsibilities: the incenti

Functional and pharmacological characteristics of permeability transition in isolated human heart mitochondria.

The objective of the present study was to validate the presence and explore the characteristics of mitochondrial permeability transition (mPT) in isolated mitochondria from human heart tissue in order to investigate if previous findings in animal models of cardiac disorders are translatable to human disease. Mitochondria were rapidly isolated from fresh atrial tissue samples obtained from 14 patie