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Your search for "*" yielded 531656 hits

On packet transmission scheduling for min-max delay and energy consumption in wireless mesh sensor networks

Optimization of channel utilization in wireless networks is typically based on transmission parallelization under signal-to-interference and noise constraint assuming minimum frame-length scheduling. In application scenarios like sensor networks this approach may not be suitable since it does not explicitly consider end-to-end packet delay nor energy consumption. In the paper we propose a mixed-in

Glycosaminoglycan Profiling in Patients' Plasma and Urine Predicts the Occurrence of Metastatic Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma

Metabolic reprogramming is a hallmark of clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) progression. Here, we used genome-scale metabolic modeling to elucidate metabolic reprogramming in 481 ccRCC samples and discovered strongly coordinated regulation of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) biosynthesis at the transcript and protein levels. Extracellular GAGs are implicated in metastasis, so we speculated that such r

Optimized Standard Operating Procedures for the Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid Aβ42 and the Ratios of Aβ Isoforms Using Low Protein Binding Tubes

Background: Reduced cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentration of amyloid-β1-42 (Aβ1-42) reflects the presence of amyloidopathy in brains of subjects with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Objective: To qualify the use of Aβ1-42/Aβ1-40 for improvement of standard operating procedures (SOP) for measurement of CSF Aβ with a focus on CSF collection, storage, and analysis. Methods: Euroimmun ELISAs for CSF Aβ is

αl-antitrypsin and its C-terminal fragment attenuate effects of degranulated neutrophil-conditioned medium on lung cancer HCC cells, in vitro

Background: Tumor microenvironment, which is largely affected by inflammatory cells, is a crucial participant in the neoplastic process through promotion of cell proliferation, survival and migration. We measured the effects of polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) conditioned medium alone, and supplemented with serine proteinase inhibitor α-1 antitrypsin (AAT) or its C-terminal fragment (C-36 peptid

Space charge limited current mechanism in Bi2S3 nanowires

We report on the charge transport properties of individual Bi2S3 nanowires grown within the pores of anodized aluminum oxide templates. The mean pore diameter was 80 nm. Space charge limited current is the dominating conduction mechanism at temperatures below 160 K. Characteristic parameters of nanowires, such as trap concentration and trap characteristic energy, were estimated from current-voltag

Exploiting Trust in Deterministic Builds

Deterministic builds, where the compile and build processes are reproducible, can be used to achieve increased trust in distributed binaries. As the trust can be distributed across a set of builders, where all provide their own signature of a byte-to-byte identical binary, all have to cooperate in order to introduce unwanted code in the binary. On the other hand, if an attacker manages to incorpor

Paleomagnetism and chronology of B-1 marginal sills of the Bushveld Complex from the eastern Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa

The Rustenburg Layered Suite (RLS) of the Bushveld Complex in South Africa is the largest mafic–ultramafic-layered complex on Earth. The RLS is associated with marginal sills that penetrate into the ~2.2 billion-year-old sedimentary strata of the Pretoria Group. These sills are in contact and share some geochemical similarities with different zones of RLS and are classified in terms of chemical co

Development of High-Protein Oat for the Feed and Food Industry

Oats are an excellent source of high-quality proteins, with a favourable amino acid composition. Oat proteins therefore have greatpotential to complement existing animal and plant protein sources, especially if the protein content could be increased. In this thesis,high-protein oat lines were identified and characterised. More than a thousand individual lines in a mutagenised oat population(Target

Whole-remnant and maximum-voxel SPECT/CT dosimetry in 131I-NaI treatments of differentiated thyroid cancer

Purpose: To investigate the possible differences between SPECT/CT based whole-remnant and maximum-voxel dosimetry in patients receiving radio-iodine ablation treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC). Methods: Eighteen DTC patients were administered 1.11 GBq of 131I-NaI after near-total thyroidectomy and rhTSH stimulation. Two patients had two remnants, so in total dosimetry was performed f

Blocking technique for emulating very large polyelectrolytes

A new Monte Carlo method for computing thermodynamical properties of very large polyelectrolytes is presented. It is based on a renormalization group relating the original polymer to a smaller system, where, in addition to the naively rescaled forces, a corrective nearest-neighbor interaction originating from the short distance Coulomb cutoff is introduced. The method is derived for low T but is i

The Microbiota of the Gut in Preschool Children With Normal and Excessive Body Weight

The aim of this study was to investigate the gut microbiota in preschool children with and without overweight and obesity. Twenty overweight or obese children and twenty children with body mass index within the normal range (age: 4-5 years) were recruited from the south of Sweden. The gut microbiota was accessed by quantitative polymerase chain reactions and terminal restriction fragment length po

Atmospheric chemistry of two biodiesel model compounds : Methyl propionate and ethyl acetate

The atmospheric chemistry of two C 4H 8O 2 isomers (methyl propionate and ethyl acetate) was investigated. With relative rate techniques in 980 mbar of air at 293 K the following rate constants were determined: k(C 2H 5C(O)OCH 3 + Cl) = (1.57 ± 0.23) × 10 -11, k(C 2H 5C(O) OCH 3 + OH) = (9.25 ± 1.27) × 10 -13, k(CH 3C(O)OC 2H 5 + Cl) = (1.76 ± 0.22) × 10 -11, and k(CH 3C(O)OC 2H 5 + OH) = (1.54 ±

Investigating the role of neural stem/progenitor regulators in the context of brain tumor development

Adult neural stem/progenitor cells (NSPs) are multipotent and self-renew over an extensive period of time. Transformation events in such cells, such as genetic or epigenetic alterations can result in brain tumors. One goal of research on brain tumors is to identify which regulators are impaired during tumor initiation, development and maintenance in order to understand the origin of brain tumors a

Mariyamma and the logic of realist explanation in sociology

Realism as a theory of science, in the view of the author of this paper, provides elegant solutions to several puzzles and dilemmas, not only in philosophy, but also to some of the most fundamental theorerical and methodological problems in social science. This paper introduces scien­tific realism, and presents one way of applying it to social science.

The Dynamics of Income-Related Health Inequalities in Australia versus Great Britain

This study compares the evolution of income-related health inequality (IRHI) in Australia (2001–2006) and in Great Britain (1999–2004) by exploring patterns of morbidity- and mortality-related health changes across income groups. Using Australian longitudinal data, the change in health inequality is decomposed into those changes related to health changes (income-related health mobility) and income

Fire Behaviour of Less-Combustible Dielectric Liquids in a Nuclear Facility

Transformers, modulators and other high voltage electrical equipment are traditionally filled with mineral oil, which serves as a coolant and dielectric insulator. A rising trend is observed globally towards the adoption of less-combustible, bio-degradable transformer liquids at ever increasing voltages and power ratings. This paper presents a study of the fire behavior of five different dielectri