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Geografisk tillgänglighet för cykling i städer - Underlag för modellutveckling

Stads- och trafikplanering är komplext och som konstaterades inledningsvis i denna rapport har cyklingen generellt sett minskat i Sverige och svenska städer trots målsättningar och ambitioner om motsatsen. En möjlig orsak till detta är att det dels är svårt att skapa sig en samlad överblick över vilka faktorer som påverkar valet att cykla, dels är svårt att skapa sig en samlad överblick över hur d

Poverty and Inequality in India : An Exploratory Analysis

India is a country characterized by multi-layered diversity and cultural heterogeneity where different types of inequalities and poverty have always been a fact of life. Since independence in 1947, she followed a development policy based on interventionist central planning and import substitution with the objective of reducing inequality and poverty. Policymakers adopted a middle path in which inc

Interaction sign patterns in biological networks: from qualitative to quantitative criteria

In stable biological and ecological networks, the steady-state influence matrix gathers the signs of steady-state responses to step-like perturbations affecting the variables. Such signs are difficult to predict a priori, because they result from a combination of direct effects (deducible from the Jacobian of the network dynamics) and indirect effects. For stable monotone or cooperative networks,

Optical Coherence Tomography Characterization of Coronary Lithoplasty for Treatment of Calcified Lesions : First Description

Objectives This study sought to determine the mechanistic effects of a novel balloon-based lithoplasty system on heavily calcified coronary lesions and subsequent stent placement using optical coherence tomography (OCT). Background The Shockwave Coronary Rx Lithoplasty System (Shockwave Medical, Fremont, California) delivers localized, lithotripsy-enhanced disruption of calcium within the target l

Survival of rat pancreatic islets is partly controlled by a TCF7L2-p53-p53INP1 dependent pathway

Background and aims: TCF7L2 is both an activator and an inhibitor of transcription and the most highly associated type 2 diabetes gene known to date. It influences beta cell survival and function, i.e. incretin hormonal effects, insulin processing and secretion. However, its target genes in pancreatic islets are not fully described and the molecular mechanism whereby it propagates its effects on i

Sleep quality improves with endoscopic sinus surgery in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis and nasal polyposis

BACKGROUND: Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyposis (CRSwNP) is a chronic disease that has a major impact on generic and disease-specific quality of life. Little is known about the influence of CRSwNP on sleep and what effect surgery for CRSwNP has on sleep quality. The aim of the study was to investigate sleep quality in patients with CRSwNP before and after endoscopic surgery.METHODOLOGY: Fo

Risk of low bone mineral density in testicular germ cell cancer survivors : Association with hypogonadism and treatment modality

The cure rate of testicular cancer exceeds 95%, but testicular cancer survivors (TCS) are at increased risk of hypogonadism (HG). It has been suggested that TCS have reduced bone mineral density (BMD), but it is unclear whether this is related to HG or a direct effect of cancer therapy. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether TCS have decreased BMD, and if BMD is related to HG and/or the can

Absence of microRNA-21 does not reduce muscular dystrophy in mouse models of LAMA2-CMD

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short non-coding RNAs that modulate gene expression post-transcriptionally. Current evidence suggests that miR-21 plays a significant role in the progression of fibrosis in muscle diseases. Laminin-deficient congenital muscular dystrophy (LAMA2-CMD) is a severe form of congenital muscular dystrophy caused by mutations in the gene encoding laminin α2 chain. Mouse models dy3K/

Upper secondary school students’ compliance with two Internet-based self-help programmes : a randomised controlled trial

Psychiatric symptoms and stress are on the increase among Swedish adolescents. We aimed to study the potential effect and feasibility of two Internet-based self-help programmes, one mindfulness based (iMBI) and the other music based in a randomised controlled trial that targeted adolescents. A total of 283 upper secondary school students in two Swedish schools were randomised to either a waiting l

The Cox model is better than the Fine and Gray model when estimating relative revision risks from arthroplasty register data

Background and purpose — Analysis of the revision-free survival of knee and hip prostheses has traditionally been performed using Kaplan–Meier analysis and Cox regression. The competing risk problem that is related to patients who die during follow-up has recently been increasingly discussed, not least with regard to the problem of choosing a suitable statistical method for the analysis. We compar

Orphanhood and mistreatment drive children to leave home – A study from early AIDS-affected Kagera region, Tanzania

The aim of this mixed-method study was to explore the trajectories of leaving home, and views and experiences among children and youth in the Kagera region in Tanzania, who have lived on the streets or been domestic workers. The main results showed that orphanhood and mistreatment were the main reasons for leaving home: few children lived with their parents before they left, and leaving home was a

Chimpanzees predict the hedonic outcome of novel taste combinations : The evolutionary origins of affective forecasting

Affective forecasting - predicting the emotional outcome of never-before experienced situations - is pervasive in our lives. When facing novel situations, we can quickly integrate bits and pieces of prior experiences to envisage possible scenarios and their outcomes, and what these might feel like. Such affective glimpses of the future often steer the decisions we make. By enabling principled deci

Ice multiplication by breakup in ice-ice collisions. Part II : Numerical simulations

In Part I of this two-part paper, a formulation was developed to treat fragmentation in ice-ice collisions. In the present Part II, the formulation is implemented in two microphysically advanced cloud models simulating a convective line observed over the U.S. high plains. One model is 2D with a spectral bin microphysics scheme. The other has a hybrid bin-two-moment bulk microphysics scheme in 3D.

Respiratory infections are temporally associated with initiation of type 1 diabetes autoimmunity : the TEDDY study

Aims/hypothesis: Respiratory infections and onset of islet autoimmunity are reported to correlate positively in two small prospective studies. The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) study is the largest prospective international cohort study on the environmental determinants of type 1 diabetes that regularly monitors both clinical infections and islet autoantibodies. The a