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Utbildningsvetenskaplig forskning vid Lunds universitet

Lärarhögskolan i Malmö var en del av Lunds universitet fram till 1998, då den inordnades i nystartade Malmö högskola. I samarbete med Högskolan Kristianstad blev Lunds universitet 2011 återigen ansvarigt för en lärarutbildning, en ämneslärarutbildning som startade med examenstillstånd i ämnena engelska, historia, samhällskunskap och svenska. Föreliggande antologi syftar till att spegla utbildnings

Bench-Scale Production of Heterologous Proteins from Extremophiles- Escherichia coli and Pichia pastoris based expression systems

Over the past few years considerable research attention has been assigned to extremophiles as sources of extremozymes due to their applicability in industrial processes, and the development of eco-friendly technologies. The establishment of efficient production strategies for heterologous proteins is an empirical process requiring broad background knowledge on available expression systems together

Psychology of the refugee, the immigrant and their children : Development of a conceptual framework and application to psychotherapeutic and related support work

Popular Abstract in Swedish På senare år har insikten ökat om hur nödvändigt det är att förstå flyktingars, invandrares och deras barns inre värld (speciellt gäller detta krisdrabbade flyktingar). Dessa grupper har kommit i växande skaror till Skandinavien och många för övrigt säkra och duktiga yrkesmänniskor inom alla områden av den psykiska hälsovården, socialtjänsten och andra fack har känt sigIn recent years, awareness has grown of the necessity of understanding the inner world of refugees (in particular traumatized refugees), immigrants, and their children. These groups have come in increasing numbers to Scandinavia, and otherwise confident and capable professionals in all arenas of mental health, social work and other fields have often felt inadequate when working with them. After m

Application of supersoft decision theory in fire risk assessment

The application of Supersoft Decision theory (SSD) to fire safety problems, and of decision analysis in general to decisions involving a high degree of epistemic uncertainty, are discussed. SSD and two traditional decision analytic methods employed earlier within the context of fire engineering are compared, particularly regarding how uncertainties are dealt with and the robustness of decisions –

On the Regulation of Ornithine Decarboxylase

Popular Abstract in Swedish Polyaminer finns i alla levande celler, såväl i bakterier som i växter, djur och människor, och utgör en mycket viktig beståndsdel i dessa. Utan dessa polyaminer kan inte cellerna växa och dela sig. Polyaminerna putrescin, spermidin och spermin bildas i cellen från aminosyran ornitin. Till sin hjälp för denna bildning har cellerna ett enzym vid namn ornitindekarboxylas The polyamines putrescine, spermidine and spermine have been shown to be involved in cell growth and differentiation, and are considered to be crucial components of the living cell. The synthesis of polyamines in the cell is strictly regulated. The first and rate-limiting step in the biosynthesis of polyamines is catalysed by the enzyme ornithine decarboxylase (ODC). Mammalian ODC has a very fast

D3.1 User expectations and cross-modal interaction

This document is deliverable D3.1 “User expectations and cross-modal in-teraction” and presents user studies to understand expectations and reac-tions to content presentation methods for mobile AR applications and rec-ommendations to realize an interface and interaction design in accordance with user needs or disabilities.

Plasticized Poly (lactic acid) Films - Preparation and Properties

The development of biodegradable polymers from renewable resources is of importance in order to prevent the depletion of fossil fuels and the increasing emissions of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere caused by the commodity plastics of today. However, to be able to replace these non-environmentally friendly materials, production costs of biodegradable polymers have to be decreased and their physica

Time-Recursive IAA Spectral Estimation

This letter presents computationally efficient time-updating algorithms of the recent Iterative Adaptive Approach (IAA) spectral estimation technique. By exploiting the inherently low displacement rank, together with the development of suitable Gohberg-Semencul (GS) representations, and the use of data dependent trigonometric polynomials, the proposed time-recursive IAA algorithm offers a reductio