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Logical control of a model railway is presented. The model railway is controlled by a PDP 8/s minicomputer. By energizing tracksections and switching turnouts the trains can be controlled.
Omsvängningen mellan rättssäkerhet och flexibilitet - om gränsdragningsproblematiken mellan medgärningsmannaskap och medhjälp
Människor begår ofta brott tillsammans med andra. Denna uppsats handlar om hur gränsdragning mellan framförallt medgärningsmannaskap och medhjälp och den problematik som de otydliga gränserna medför. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka rättstillämpningen under det senaste decenniet vad gäller gränsdragningsproblematiken mellan medverkansformen medhjälp och termen medgärningsmannaskap. YtterliPeople often commit crimes together. The thesis discusses the problems connected to the flexible laws within the complicity area of Swedish penal law. The focus being the demarcation between being charged as a “co-party perpetrator” or being charged with complicity. The purpose of the essay is to discuss relevant cases in relation to the above- mentioned demarcation problems. In addition to this,
Dublinförordningen eller konsten att vara medmänniska - En analys av hur Dublinförordningen förhåller sig till mänskliga rättigheter
Uppsatsen undersöker hur Dublinförordningen förhåller sig till Europakonventionen, med fokus på artikel 8 om rätten till respekt för privatliv, familjeliv, hem och korrespondens. Dublinförordningen är det instrument i EU:s gemensamma asylsystem som bestämmer vilken medlemsstat som ska ansvara för att pröva en inkommen asylansökan. På senare år har mycket kritik riktats mot Dublinförordningen p.g.aThe essay examines how the Dublin Regulation relates to the European Convention on human rights, focusing on Article 8 on the right to respect for privacy, family life, home and correspondence. The Dublin Regulation is the instrument of the EU's Common Asylum System, which determines which Member State will be responsible for examining an asylum application. In recent years, much criticism has
Leading through Organisational Culture in the Virtual Environment: A Qualitative Case Study on Virtual Leadership
Technological advancements cause it to be more common for managers and subordinates to work together from different geographical locations. It is associated with challenges, which virtual leadership is supposed to support in overcoming. As the leader is central in studies on virtual leadership, this qualitative study takes a different perspective and has as its purpose to understand how leadership
Neural Networks in Extremal Seeking Control
Synchronization in ADSL modems
A Real Time Control Language for the Pålsjö Environment
A Comparison of Some Approaches to Time-Delay Estimation
Förbättrad reglering av kvalitet på pappersmaskin
Accuracy Verification of Continuous Juice Blending Process Using Simulation
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Modelling and Control of an Electric Arc Furnace
An Adaptive Driver Model for Computer Simulations of Dynamical Vehicle Systems
Modelling and Simulation of an Industrial Control Loop with Friction
Modelling of an industrial control loop for concentration control using Omola, an object-oriented modelling language, is described. The major modelling effort has been made to make a complete nonlinear model of the pneumatic positioner-actuator of the control valve in the loop. A library of several friction models has also been developed. These models have been used to describe friction in the con
Feasibility Study of a Hold of Device
Digital reglering av ett resonant servo med friktion
Control of Systems with Backlash
Mätning och identifiering av postural reglering
Reglering av lödda värmeväxlare för ångapplikationer
We have, on Alfa Laval's behalf, tried out suitable control equipment to control the Brazed Heat Exchanger in steam applications. Reports have come in from several countries telling us about problems occuring when trying to control steam. Damages have arisen (often as a crack in the first or the last plate) due to fatigue caused by pressure variations in the steampipe. We have through a market