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Measuring Personnel through Human Resources Accounting Reports: A Procedure for Management of Learning. The Hospital Sector in Northwest Stockholm

In the beginning of 1990s preparations were underway in Sweden to enact a law aimed at making accounting on personnel in the annual reports compulsory. An official investigation resulted in a special report on how to design and report on it. The expectations and the discussions that followed resulted in considerable voluntary implementation of “personnel economics reports” or “human resources acco

Dissociative NH3 adsorption on the Si(100)2 × 1 surface at 300 K

High resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy has been used to determine how NH3 adsorbs on the Si(100)2 × 1 surface at 300 K. We find that the NH3 molecules dissociate into NH2 and H on adsorption. Combination bands, overtones and double losses for the Si---NH2 group are observed. An anneal to 800 K is sufficient to dissociate the adsorbed NH2 groups while the majority of the Si---H bonds rem

Ännu icke godkänt. Lärares sätt att erfara betygssystemet och dess tillämpning i yrkesutövningen.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ett nytt betygssystem infördes i grundskolan i Sverige 1995. Det tidigare relativa eller normrelaterade systemet ersattes av ett kriterierelaterat, benämnt det mål- och kunskapsrelaterade betygssystemet. Övergången till kriterierelaterade bedömningsprinciper ställer nya och andra krav på lärare. I denna studie undersöks lärares sätt att erfara betygssystemet och dess tiThis thesis reports results from a study that focuses on how teachers experience the criterion-referenced grading system and how they say they use it in their professional work. The empirical study was carried out as semi-structured audiotaped interviews with thirty qualified teachers, in the subjects English, Maths and Swedish. The outcome of the qualitative analysis consists of four parts. In th

Cobalt-mediated solid phase synthesis of 3-O-alkynylbenzyl galactosides and their evaluation as galectin inhibitors

Methyl beta-D-galactoside was converted to the corresponding 3,4-O-stannylene acetal, which was selectively benzylated with 3-iodobenzyl bromide and coupled to a polymer-bound propargylic ether via a Sonogashira reaction. The polymer-bound carbohydrate substrate was cleaved from the resin with different carbon nucleophiles in a cobalt-mediated Nicholas reaction. The product 3-O-alkynylbenzyl galac

To Own the Phone : Spatial Diffusion, Ownership and Regulation of Telephone Service in Argentina, 1878-1990

Telephone service in Argentina has since its beginning been characterized as one of the most developed in South America. Regarding its development, two distinct periods can be identified. An initial period of private ownership extended from 1878 to 1946. In 1946, when the largest telephone company was bought by the state, a period of predominant state-ownership began that lasted until 1990 when th

Travellers returning to Sweden with falciparum malaria: Pre-travel advice, behaviour, chemoprophylaxis and diagnostic delay

We have investigated pre-travel advice, behaviour, chemoprophylaxis and diagnostic delay in travellers returning to Sweden with falciparum malaria. Questionnaires were distributed to patients having been notified with falciparum malaria from 1994 to 2001. Of 408 notified patients, 237 (58%) returned the questionnaires; 62% were males and 43% above the age of 45 y. Africa was the travel destination

Inhibition of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Enhances Anti-tumour Immune Responses in Rats Immunized with IFN-gamma-Secreting Glioma Cells.

Interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) has successfully been used in immunotherapy of different experimental tumours. Mechanistically, IFN-gamma has extensive effects on the immune system including release of nitric oxide (NO) by upregulation of the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). NO has putative immunosuppressive effects but could also play a role in killing of tumour cells. Therefore, the aim of t

Fuel Effects on Ion Current in an HCCI Engine

An interest in measuring ion current in Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engines arises when one wants to use a cheaper probe for feedback of the combustion timing than expensive piezo electric pressure transducers. However the location of the ion current probe, in this case a spark plug, is of importance for both signal strength and the crank angle position where the signal is obtai

A peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase highly expressed in photosynthetic tissue in Arabidopsis thaliana can protect the chaperone-like activity of a chloroplast-localized small heat shock protein.

The oxidation of methionine residues in proteins to methionine sulfoxides occurs frequently and protein repair by reduction of the methionine sulfoxides is mediated by an enzyme, peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase (PMSR, EC, universally present in the genomes of all so far sequenced organisms. Recently, five PMSR-like genes were identified in Arabidopsis thaliana, including one plasti

Major malformations in infants exposed to antiepileptic drugs in utero, with emphasis on carbamazepine and valproic acid: a nation-wide, population-based register study

Aim: Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are known teratogens. Some specificity between different AEDs has been noted in the literature. The aim was to compare the teratogenic effect of valproic acid (VPA) and carbamazepine (CBZ) in monotherapy. Methods: Infants exposed to AEDs (n=1398) in early pregnancy were identified from the Swedish Medical Birth Registry. The number of infants with congenital malform

Methods, Instrumentation and Mechanisms for Optical Characterization of Tissue and Treatment of Malignant Tumours

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling handlar om hur ljus kan användas för att detektera, diagnosticera och behandla olika medicinska sjukdomstillstånd. Det vi dagligen kallar ljus är bara en liten del av det elektromagenetiska spektret, nämligen den del vi kan uppfatta med våra ögon. Elektromagnetisk strålning med andra våglängder används i stor utsträckning för klinisk diagnostik. RöntgenIn this thesis, different optical methods utilising visible light for characterization of tissue have been developed and evaluated. The feasibility of many of these methods has been demonstrated in the laboratory or in animal experiments. However, the goal is naturally to develop methods useful in the clinic, and thus the emphasis in this thesis has been put on in vivo examinations. Raman spectro

Intracerebral regional distribution of blood flow in response to uterine contractions in growth-restricted human fetuses.

Objective: To explore middle cerebral artery (MCA) and anterior cerebral artery (ACA) blood flow responses to superimposed acute hypoxemia in growth -restricted fetuses with and without established brain-sparing flow during basal conditions. Material and methods: 47 term fetuses suspected of growth restriction were exposed to an oxytocin challenge test with simultaneous cardiotocography and Dopple