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Your search for "*" yielded 533488 hits

Cytoskeletal and contractile proteins in detrusor smooth muscle from bladders with outlet obstruction--a comparative study in rat and man

Detrusor biopsies were obtained from patients with urinary outlet obstruction due to prostatic enlargement and from age-matched control patients. The relative amounts of actin and myosin and their isoforms, as well as desmin and filamin were determined and compared with corresponding results from bladders from control rats and rats with 10 days of experimental outlet obstruction of the urinary bla

Screening for Transglutaminase-Catalyzed Modifications by Peptide Mass Finger Printing Using Multipoint Recalibration on Recognized Peaks for High Mass Accuracy

Detection of posttranslational modifications is expected to be one of the major future experimental challenges for proteomics. We describe herein a mass spectrometric procedure to screen for protein modifications by peptide mass fingerprinting that is based on post-data acquisition improvement of the mass accuracy by exporting the peptide mass values into analytical software for multipoint recalib

How much time is required to survey land birds in forest-dominated atlas squares?

Using bird atlas data from south-central Sweden and information on survey effort for the corresponding 5 x 5 km grid squares, we assessed how much time is required to get reliable presence/absence data for forest birds. We restricted the analyses to a suite of 28 species considered common enough and sufficiently generalised in their requirements to be present in all survey squares largely dominate

Outcomes of endoscopic surgery compared with open surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome among employed patients: randomised controlled trial.

Objectives To compare endoscopic and open carpal tunnel release surgery among employed patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Design and setting Randomised controlled trial at a single orthopaedic department. Participants 128 employed patients aged 25-60 years with clinically diagnosed and electrophysiologically confirmed idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome. Main outcome measures The primary outcome

Measurement of the proton structure function F-2 at low Q(2) in QED Compton scattering at HERA

The proton structure function F-2(x, Q(2)) is measured in inelastic QED Compton scattering using data collected with the H1 detector at HERA. QED Compton events are used to access the kinematic range of very low virtualities of the exchanged photon, Q(2), down to 0.5 GeV2, and Bjorken x up to similar to 0.06, a region which has not been covered previously by inclusive measurements at HERA. The res

The frontal eyes of crustaceans

Frontal eyes of crustaceans (previously Called nauplius eye and frontal organs) are usually simple eyes that send their axons to a medial brain Centre in the anterior margin of the protocerebrum. Investigations of a large number of recent species within all major groups of the Crustacea have disclosed four kinds of frontal eyes correlated with taxonomic groups and named after them as the malacostr

Multisite controlled study of OROS methylphenidate in the treatment of adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

BACKGROUND: Despite the persistence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) into adolescence, little is known about the efficacy and tolerability of stimulant medications in this age group. OBJECTIVE: To report the results of a multisite controlled study among adolescents with ADHD evaluating the efficacy and tolerability of osmotic-release oral system (OROS) methylphenidate. DESIGN: Ad

Some Resolvent Estimates in Harmonic Analysis

Popular Abstract in Swedish I avhandlingen studeras olika resolvent uppskattningar i harmonisk analys. I det första arbetet visas en Wiener taubersats med hjälp av resolventtransformen. I det andra arbetet studeras kvantitativa förfiningar av Wieners lemma i kommutativa kvasi-Banachalgebror och även i Banachalgebror. Det tredje arbetet behandlar den klassiska Cesàro-operatorn och dess verkan påThis thesis contains three papers about three different estimates of resolvents in harmonic analysis. These papers are: Paper 1. ``A Wiener tauberian theorem for weighted convolution algebras of zonal functions on the automorphism group of the unit disc'' Paper 2. ``Uniform spectral radius and compact Gelfand transform'' Paper 3. ``Decomposable extension of the Cesáro operator on the weighted B

High-solids enzymatic hydrolysis of steam-exploded willow without prior water washing

A laboratory reactor equipped with a screw press was used for the hydrolysis of steam-SO2-exploded willow Salix caprea by a composition of Trichodemma reesei and Aspergillusfoetidus enzyme preparations at high substrate concentration. Optimal conditions providing the maximal volume of hydrolysis syrup with maximal sugar concentrations were determined. Two different hydrolysis procedures were devel

Thorium exposure during tungsten inert gas welding with thoriated tungsten electrodes

The exposure to Th-232 from TIG welding with thoriated electrodes has been determined at five different workshops. Welding with both alternating and direct current was investigated. The exposure levels of Th-232 were generally below 10 mBq m(-3) in the breathing zone of the welders. Two samples from AC welding showed significant higher exposure levels, probably due to maladjustment of the TIG weld

Periodic minimal surface structures in bicontinuous lipid-water phases and nanoparticles

The accumulated evidence for the existence of periodic minimal surface (PMS) bilayer structure of the bicontinuous cubic phases in lipidwater systems is summarized. There are three fundamental PMS: the G, D, and P types. These three and no others have been observed in lipid-water systems. Due to the so-called Bonnet relation, the PMS structures are isometric conjugates to one another at coexistenc