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Review of Sonja Franeta. Rozovye Flamingo: 10 Sibirskikh interv’iu.
A critiqual inquiry of Sonja Franeta's book.
Banalitet som frälsning
Essä om maskulinitet och amerikansk film under 1980- och 1990-talen med Keanu Reeves stjärnimage som exempel.
Smad4 is critical for self-renewal of hematopoietic stem cells.
Partial splenic embolization: long-term outcome.
The predictive value of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the VEGF system to the efficacy of first-line treatment with bevacizumab plus chemotherapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer Results from the Nordic ACT trial
Bevacizumab and chemotherapy is a common choice for first-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). So far, no predictive markers have been identified. The aim was to investigate the possible predictive value of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) system in this setting. Pre-treatment blood samples and response evaluations were avail
Effects of long-term exposure to trichloroethylene on the behavior of mongolian gerbils (Meriones Unguiculatus)
Two groups of Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) were continuously exposed to 150 ppm trichloroethylene (TCE) for 77 and 106 d, respectively. The behavior of the animals was tested in a symmetrical maze baited with sunflower seeds during a period of 23 d, beginning at the end of exposure. One additional group was exposed for 150 d and then allowed 40 d free from exposure before the start of
Mer pengar - bättre utbildning? : ett försök att jämföra och förklara förändringar i produktivitet inom en högskoleutbildning : exemplet ekonomlinjen
Abstract is not available
Research Abstracts 2002
This report contains a short overview over the ongoing research and teaching activities of the PhD-students of the Department of Automatic Control, Lund University, in 2002.
On perfusion estimation using ultrasound
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling behandlar analys och förbättringar av en metod att mäta blödgenomströmning i vävnad med kontinuerlig ultraljudsdoppler. Tidigare har stora variationer i detekterat perfusionsvärde observerats som en effekt av speckle, eller våginterferens. Här presenteras en teoretisk modell som förklarar specklefenomenet i en sådan mätsituation. Modellen förutsäger deThis thesis has the main focus on ways to improve the blood perfusion estimate, as obtained from a continuous wave Doppler system. Earlier studies have shown large temporal variations in the detected perfusion estimate, due to speckle. Here, a theoretical model to predict frequency dependent characteristics of speckle in continuous wave ultrasound is presented. The model predicts the frequency shi
Högpresterande betong : ballast
Review of "Nathan’s Promise in 2 Samuel 7 and Related Texts"
Examples as Crucial Arguments on 'others'
In this article we take the classic meaning of exemplum as a point of departure to show how examples are marked and used in oral discourse on 'others'. The empirical material is a transcribed focus group interview with Swedish students talking about a trip to Warsaw. Examples may be marked in explicit ways but also in implicit ways. Some examples seem recognizable by their allusive nature, others
Risk factors for fever in labor
OBJECTIVE: To identify risk factors for fever in labor. METHODS: A retrospective case-control study was conducted. Maternal sublingual temperature was measured every 2-4 hours during labor in 3109 of 3860 consecutive term parturients presenting from September 1992 through December 1993. Women who had fever (at least one recorded temperature of 38C or more, n = 72) during labor were compared with t
Sex: a major predictor of remission in early rheumatoid arthritis?
Background: The treatment goal of early rheumatoid arthritis is remission. This study reports remission rates in clinical practice using a cohort of patients with early rheumatoid arthritis. Methods: 698 patients with early rheumatoid arthritis were included. Mean age at inclusion was 58 years and mean disease duration was 6.4 months; 64% of the patients were women, 56% were positive for antibodie
Developmental biology of the Psammomys obesus pancreas: Cloning and expression of the Neurogenin-3 gene
The desert gerbil Psammomys obesus, an established model of type 2 diabetes (M), has previously been shown to lack pancreatic and duodenal homeobox gene 1 (Pdx-1) expression. Pdx-1 deficiency leads to pancreas agenesis in both mice and humans. We have therefore further examined the pancreas of P. obesus during embryonic development. Using Pdx-1 antisera raised against evolutionary conserved epitop
Sperm count and chromatin structure in men exposed to inorganic lead: lowest adverse effect levels
OBJECTIVES: To obtain knowledge on male reproductive toxicity of inorganic lead at current European exposure levels and to establish lowest adverse effect levels, if any. METHODS: A cross sectional survey of the semen of 503 men employed by 10 companies was conducted in the United Kingdom, Italy, and Belgium. The mean blood lead concentration was 31.0 microg/dl (range 4.6-64.5) in 362 workers expo
Supply Quality Control at Large Scale Integration of Renewable Sources of Electricity in the Swedish National Grid
Fire Safety Risk Analysis of a Hotel
The first order second moment (FOSM) method is used for deriving a risk measure for safety of people in hotels. The measure is the reliability index ß. The safety is expressed as the evacuation time margin which is the difference between the available time before untenable conditions occur and the evacuation time. These times are subjected to uncertainty. The reliability index is used to determine
Scream: En intertextuell slasherfilm
Essä om betydelsen av intertext, paratext och metatext i skräckfilmen Scream (1996).