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Kör så det ryker! - En studie om prestationsångest i samband med ensembleundervisning

Title: Go for it! - A study of anxiety in relation to students performing in ensemble class. This study discusses anxiety in relation to students in ensemble performance. The expectations on musicians are extremely high and demanding. They are expected to perform to the maximum of their ability despite both physical and mental pressure. I present in this study the result of the interviews I have

Röstvård - en del av körsången? - Körpedagogernas arbete med barn och ungdomars individuella sångröster i kör

Title: Care of the voice ? one part of the choir singing? The choir conductors work with children's and youths' individual voices within the choir. The purpose of this study was to examine how four different choir conductors work with children's and youths' individual voices during choir rehearsal. Further aims of this essay are to shed light upon relevant research within the topic

Musikestetiska produktioner i den pedagogiska verksamheten - en fallstudie av Allvar Gullstrandgymnasiet

Title: Music-esthetical productions in the educational work - a case study of the Allvar Gullstrand highschool. Problem: A problem associated with working with project- and thematic studies which result in esthetical productions is that it often demands extra effort and time beyond the schedule to carry the production through. There are no instructions saying that schools are to work with this ki

Konflikt i Tibet? - applicering av Johan Galtungs konfliktmodell på konflikten i Tibet.

Konflikt och vad som definieras som en våldsam konflikt är en central fråga i freds och konfliktforskning, men det är också en fråga som inte behandlas. Generellt definieras en våldsam konflikt som en konflikt enligt definitionen av Uppsala University Conflict Database med 1000 dödsoffer per år. Den här uppsatsen försöker titta på andar aspekter än den begränsade definitionen, genom att applicera

A short-term contrarian strategy in the Swedish Stock Exchange

One of the most important topics in financial literature is the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH). Recent financial research has questioned this hypothesis, and many authors have reached the conclusion that a contrarian strategy creates abnormal positive returns. In other words a strategy profiting buying losers and selling winners. To explain this market behaviour researchers have come up with a

Lyckas svenska hedgefonder kombinera strategisk och taktisk tillgångsallokering?

I vår uppsats ”Lyckas svenska hedgefonder kombinera strategisk och taktisk tillgångsallokering” undersöker vi om svenska hedgefondförvaltare använder sig av en kombination av alfa- och betastrategier för att på så sätt generera en högre avkastning än den som fås genom att endast tillämpa strategisk tillgångsallokering. Detta gör vi genom att titta på de lineära sambanden mellan hedgefondernas avka

Formal External Financing in Transition Economies - An Empirical Study with Focus on Public Ownership

Economic theory states that public firms are less creditworthy due to lower efficiency, and hence are expected to use less formal financing than private firms. In communist countries however, all formal capital was distributed the favored public firms and despite various market-oriented reforms in the transition economies of today, these old structures are expected to linger. Therefore formal cred

Kontraheringsplikt inom förmögenhetsrätten – Avtalsfrihetens gränser

Swedish contract law is based on the main principle of freedom of contract, which means that a contract is built on a voluntary agreement of both parties. There are exceptions from the principle of freedom of contract. In some instances a party is obliged to contract (kontraheringsplikt), which also is the subject for this paper. Kontraheringsplikt can be described as an obligation for one of the

Arbetsgivares primära förhandlingsskyldighet enligt 11 § medbestämmandelagen

The employer is obligated to call for negotiation on his own initiative, before he makes decisions in questions, which constitute important changes of the employer’s business or of the worker’s working conditions and terms of employment. The obligation to negotiate is reserved to the organisations, which the employer has collective agreements with. But what does the concept of important changes me

Matrismodellen vs Two-part regressionsmodeller - effekter på Region Skånes resursfördelning

An important task for Region Skåne is to allocate resources to the health care districts. From 1999 to 2002 Region Skåne used needs-based resource allocation as a model for allocating resources. In a needs-based resource allocation individuals with the same socioeconomic and demographic characteristics are assumed to have the same level of need and are therefore allocated the same amount of resour

Privatpersoners säkerhetsmedvetande - Kring användandet av kreditkort på Internet

I det moderna samhället utför många privatpersoner ekonomiska handlingar på Internet. Vi handlar i större utsträckning via Internet vilket kräver att vi skyddar oss mot olika datasäkerhetshot för att vår personliga information inte hamnar i fel händer. I studien gjordes en kartläggning på privatpersoners medvetenhet av datasäkerhetshot genom enkätundersökningar. Vidare undersökte vi vad två e-hand

Autoregressive behaviour in the stock market

This essay reveals relations between the autoregressive behavior in stocks and relative changes in volume, relative changes in dispersion and the release of earnings announcements. The purpose is to analyze what effect stock return, relative changes in volume, relative changes in dispersion and the release of earnings announcements have on the autoregressive behavior. Our study in general shows th

Jämförelse av statistiska metoder för rangordning inom sjukvården

There has been an increasing interest for ranking of Swedish health care and a lot of emphasis has been placed on the creation of indicators in order to rank hospital units. However, essays on to what extent the choice of statistical method affects the final result of the ranking of health care units have not been given the same attention. For this particular reason, the main objective of this ess

Fordonsbestånd och nyregistreringar - en statistisk analys av regionala skillnader och strukturella faktorer

The official statistics on communication and transports in Sweden is administered by Statens Institut för kommunikationsanalys (SIKA). SIKA’s commission includes production of statistics on the Swedish vehicle fleet. These statistics provide important information to financial institutes, ministries, industry and mass media among others. Furthermore, the vehicle statistics include measures of compa

Virtuell community i mobilen - Kriterier som ligger till grund för en framgångsrik virtuell community i mobilen

Sociala nätverk tar stor plats på Internet genom virtuella communities. Användare har en större möjlighet att nå dem via mobila lösningar och därmed göra dem till mobila communities. Kriterierna som ligger till grund för framgång för virtuella communities vill vi applicera på mobila communities. För att undersöka dessa kriterier, och bakomliggande faktorer, har vi valt att titta på “tidigt bruk” a

Adoptionen av Affärsdriven SOA

Uppsatsen ämnar ge en indikation på huruvida affärsdriven SOA har adopterats i organisationer vilka har utfört eller planerat att utföra ett SOA-initiativ. Genom att karakterisera begreppet SOA via den litterära grund uppsatsen vilar på, har vi kunnat identifiera teman utifrån vilka vi utformat en intervjuguide i syfte att utföra en intervjuundersökning, i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Det

The Impact of a Quota System on Women’s Empowerment - A field study in West Bengal, India

Women’s empowerment is thought to be one of the main issues when talking about gender equality, economic growth and poverty in the academic world today. In India many states are using a reservation bill to ensure women’s participation in the political decision-making at local level. Is this the right way to go and are women getting empowered due to this? This paper discusses the impact of the 73rd


Internpriserna sätts utifrån organisatoriska mål, däribland vinstmaximerande mål, vilket innebär för den multinationella företagsgruppen att den globala vinsten ska bli så stort som möjligt. Följaktligen leder detta incitament till att intäkterna fördelas inom koncer-nen, dels för ett vinstutjämnande syfte och dels i beskattningssyfte, som kan åstadkom-mas genom prissättning på transaktioner mella

The underpricing and long run performance of initial public offerings - Evidence from Turkey

This study investigates the underpricing and long run performance of initial public offerings in an emerging market economy, Turkey, by using event study methodology. Consistent with the evidence from international experiences, Turkish IPOs are underpriced by 7.3 percent on average during 1999-2007. Underpricing is higher in financials compared to non financials as measured by the first trading da

Spillover effects of FDI in the manufacturing sector in Chile

Foreign direct investments are often argued to transfer technology to host countries. These so called spillover effects are many times assumed to have a positive and important impact on these economies. However, mainly due to problems with measuring these effects, researchers have found little or no evidence of such positive influence. Taking a closer look at Chile, a country that has seen a large