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Climate Smart Fortaleza

Genom att designa hållbara städer med optimerad höjd-bredd av byggnader och gator, samt rikligt med urban vegetation kan temperaturen i tropiska städer minskas avsevärt vilket skulle leda till minskad energiförbrukning och minskad risk för översvämningar.With the urban population growing exponentially the challenges associated with urban development are numerous. The urban heat island effect, rising energy demands and floods are only a few of the problems that large cities face today. With climate change it is becoming urgent to build climate smart cities. The objective of this research project is to identify how the design of a city, based on the

Paternal postpartum depression and its relationship to Masculinity: a comparison between Italy and Sweden.

Postpartum depression (PPD) has traditionally been investigated in mothers and only recently the focus has been shifted to men (Goodman, 2004). The current study aims to investigate causes underlying PPD symptoms in fathers, focusing on the role of Masculinity as described by Hofstede (1980) and comparing two countries that differ significantly in this dimension: Italy and Sweden. Data were collec

Implementationsintentioner som strategi för emotionsreglering av spindelrädsla

Även om intentionen att agera fungerar som prediktor till beteende så har den samlade forskningen visat på en svaghet i intentioners kraft att påverka beteenden. Implementationsintentioner har visat sig effektiva för att skapa beteenden i kongruens med intentioner under en rad omständigheter, bland annat för reglering av emotioner. Implementationsintentioner är påståenden i ”Om ... då”- form som bEven though intentions works as predictors for behavior, research has shown a weak relation between the two. Implementation intentions has been shown to be effective in bridging the gap between intention and behavior, under various circumstances, for example when it comes to emotion regulation. Implementation intentions are ”If... then”-plans that connect a situation to a desired behavior. This st

Våld i nära relation - Är det viktigt att urskilja typ av våld?

Utgångspunkten för undersökningen var en intervjuguide som används på en behandlingsenhet för såväl kvinnor och män som varit utsatta för eller utövat våld i nära relation, som för barn som bevittnat eller varit direkt utsatta för våldet. Analysen visade att våld i nära relation utövas av såväl män som kvinnor men när det gäller utsatthet för mer frekvent våld, i den grupp där terrorvåld förekommeThe starting point for the study was an interview guide used in a treatment unit for both women and men who have been exposed to or exercised intimate partner violence, as well as children who have witnessed or been directly exposed to the violence. The analysis of the source material showed that intimate partner violence is exercised by both men and women but in terms of exposure to more frequent

Online Interactions

Communication today is not something merely taking place face to face, technology such as the internet and social media channels have opened up for endless interactions taking place in the online world. User generated content in the form of online travel reviews come with many challenges and opportunities for organizations. User generated content has been shown to impact a travelers decision in al

GIC immune transformers - An evaluation of their GIC elimination and fault behaviour

Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs) arise from fluctuations in Earths magnetic field and can reach alarmingly high levels and cause malfunctions or blackouts in the power grids in which they occur. AF Klercker Alaküla and Lindahl invented a patented GIC immune transformer which eliminates the effects of GICs, though it is not known how this implementation will affect the transformers behavior

Miljöpåverkan från hushåll Miljöutredning av Brf Malmöhus 49

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Inledning Alla typer av verksamheter inverkar på miljön på något sätt, och med miljöaspekter menas aktiviteter som har eller kan ha inverkan på den omgivande miljön. Med miljö avses samspelet mellan allt från människor, mark, luft, vatten, flora, fauna och naturresurser. Om en miljöaspekt är så pass allvarlig att den orsakar eller kan orsaka stor miljöpåverkan, Abstract The aim of this thesis is to discuss the tools needed to work with environmental issues in a condominium. This includes what the tenants can do to reduce their environmental impacts, and what can be expected in their voluntary work from an environmental perspective. Through a case study in the form of an environmental review of the condominium association Malmöhus 49, a model has been dev

MRI only radiotherapy using synthetic CT images: Dosimetric accuracy and patient positioning strategies in an MRI only workflow

Sedan sent 1800-tal har strålterapi använts för behandling av cancer. 50% av alla cancerpatienter blir någon gång behandlade med strålterapi, som är en avancerad teknik med många olika steg för att uppnå den slutgiltiga behandlingsplanen. Patienten börjar sin strålbehandlingsresa med att bli diagnosticerad och får sin behandling ordinerad. Efter detta startar förberedelserna inför strålbehandlingeBackground and purpose: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) only radiotherapy has, due to superior soft tissue contrast of MRI and the possible reduction of systematic uncertainties, grown into a promising technique. The purpose of this work is to investigate parts of an MRI only workflow with synthetic computed tomography (sCT) images generated from MRI. This was done through investigation of treatm

In the Eye of the Storm: The connection between extreme weather events and human trafficking in the case of typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.

Considering climate change, the continuous degradation of the environment, and the uneven distribution of resources, this research project aims to shed light on the social vulnerability of people experiencing extreme weather events and possible connections to social phenomena. Specifically, this project focuses on how vulnerability to extreme weather events affects vulnerability to human trafficki

Efficient Modeling of a Flexible Beam in Dymola using Coupled Substructures in a Floating Frame of Reference Formulation

In this Master Thesis a three dimensional Euler-Bernoulli beam model was implemented in the simulation software Dymola. The beam model is based on the Floating Frame of Reference formulation combined with the Craig-Bampton method. The theory is developed with the scope to capture the dynamic and static responses of a beam model in a compact and computer efficient implementation. The Thesis include

The Immigrants Intermarriage Premium: Italy 2004-2012

This master thesis studies the impact of intermarriage on the earnings of immigrants in Italy compared to the co-ethnically married counterparts. Towards this end, instrumental variables are applied on Cross-sectional data from the Income Survey (Il Bilancio delle Famiglie Italiane) which has been carried out within 2004 and 2012. Intermarriage premium is not observed for the full sample. However,

Hästen, den bästa terapeuten? En kvalitativ studie om hästens betydelse för socialt arbete

The aim of this study was to examine businesses which use horses in various kinds of social work, and the opinions and experiences of the professional practitioners of these operations. I used semistructured interview to answer my questions, and I ended up interviewing eight people from seven different operations. Everyone was working in some kind of business which used horses as either an aid for

Förberedelser och rutiner för barn som ska genomgå magnetisk resonanstomografi utan sedering eller generell anestesi

Antalet magnetisk resonanstomografier av barn ökar. I de flesta fall används sedering eller generell anestesi vid dessa undersökningarna då det krävs att barnen ligger stilla. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det finns förberedelser och rutiner för att undvika sedering eller generell anestesi av barn, 0 till 18 år, som ska genomgå en magnetisk resonanstomografi. Studien är en litteraturstud

Ensamkommande flyktingbarn - En kritisk diskursanalys om framställningen av ensamkommande flyktingbarn i svenska kvällstidningar

The aim of this study was to analyse the discourse about unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors from two major newspapers in Sweden. More specifically its aim was to critically analyse which types of discourses on unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors appear in the news articles published in the last 5 years by the two major evening newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen. The study was based on the criti

Mobila betalningar - En kvantitativ studie om acceptans

Den här kandidatuppsatsen behandlar acceptansen kring mobila betalningslösningar genom en grundlig genomgång av tidigare studier och litteratur samt en egen empirisk undersökning direkt riktad mot konsumenterna. Den empiriska studien är baserad på en modifikation av ramverket UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) där bland annat uppfattad risk har lagts till som en variabel. DThis thesis covers the acceptance surrounding mobile payments in i thorough review of previous studies and literature directly aimed towards the consumers. The empirical study is based on a modification of the framework UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) where, percieved risk among other variables has been added. The resulting empirical data shows that the respondents are l

Det är inget jag glömmer : En kvalitativ studie om betydelsen av mobbning under grundskoletid i vuxenlivet

The aim of this study was thru a qualitative study, with the theory about symbolic interactionism made by Mead, examine how the experiences of bullying in elementary school may occur as a consequence for future adulthood. I chose to use the internet-page Facebook to search for interviewees. Through Facebook, I asked my closest associates and friends to share this post so that the search would go o

Creating safety in a context of conflicting interests: The watch officer on board of a Dutch frigate

The watch officer on board of vessels of the Netherlands Royal Navy has to deal with a wide variety of interest during his/her duty. Despite the wide variety of interests the watch officer has to manage, the amount of incidents and accidents is few. Apparently, the watch officers of the Netherlands Royal Navy are well able to manage this wide variety of interests. The aim of this thesis research