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OHSAS 18001 – Systematisering & Introduktion till Certifiering av Arbetsmiljöarbetet på TPP AB

roblem description Occupational health and safety is an area that is becoming highlighted partly because the legislation is getting stricter but also since a lot of companies realize the importance of taking care of human resources. For this reason interest is growing for an occupational health and safety management system that also is compatible with ISO 9000 and ISO 14001. OHSAS 18001 was jointl

Kvinnlig hand : hiragana genom tiderna

During the Heian period the Japanese writing system consisted of Japanese characters, hiragana and Chinese called kanji. Chinese characters were used in formal and academic situations by men. The socially accepted way for women to write was with hiragana, at that time called onnade – the woman’s hand. The purpose of this essay is to examine if traces of the gender differentiated writing system sti

Change Management in a Joint Venture

During the last years Ericsson Mobile Platforms (EMP) has seen increasing industry consolidation and that their position in the value chain was threatened. To avoid extinction from the market a merger was necessary to strengthen their position in the value chain, avoid margin stacking and reclaim the competitive edge needed for survival. A thorough analysis of the different players on the market s

Capital Employed Optimization for a global organization operating within vastly different operating and cultural environments.

ABB has identified a potential in decreasing their levels of capital employed and in particular net working capital, NWC. To release tied up capital from the balance sheet, a decision was taken to start an initiative with focus on NWC. The focus area is to reduce NWC as percentage of revenues and to reduce the levels of overdues. The objective of this report is to describe a methodology for decrea

Fashion Forecasting Example: Hope Sweden

Hope was founded in 2001 by Ann Ringstrand and Stefan Söderberg. Since then the company has grown rapidly. It has won many prestigious design awards and is considered one of the most promising Swedish fashion companies. To gain control of their expansion they needed a sales forecasting tool. The search for a suitable method started with Hope’s sales order history. Due to very short and irregular r

Entrepreneurial motivation as the essential factor for venture success

In this paper I review the current body of knowledge linking entrepreneurial motivation and performance. From this frame of reference I evaluate my experiences in commercialization of university research within the context of the entrepreneurship program. Commercialization of university research and external ideas has been a major priority of program. The students are strongly encouraged to develo

Studie av webb-EDI som alternativ till traditionell EDI

Detta examensarbete är en studie av webb-EDI som ett alternativ till traditionell EDI. EDI är en förkortning av Electronic Data Interchange, vilket i princip är en standardiserad filöverföring mellan affärssystem. Användning av EDI är oberoende av operativsystem, affärssystem och hårdvara. Ett korrekt användande av EDI ska inte medföra någon form av manuellt arbete vilket innebär att det kommer sp

Optimering och utveckling av en tillverkningsprocess - en fallstudie av Oriflame Cosmetics fabrik i Sverige

To identify and solve various problems inside the production of toiletries and fragrances at Oriflame, the authors of this report, Charlotte Berg and Kristoffer Kruse, have been using different qualitative research methods. The factory has been examined and the staff has been interviewed with the purpose to identify which parts of the factory that will not be able to produce the prognosticated fut

Global Marketing Research and Market Entering Strategies for an Innovative Klimadummy

The company, qpunkt GmbH, recently developed a concept for an “innovative” thermal manikin – the Klimadummy. Before a decision can be made whether to realize the production of their manikin, there is a need for a market research, describing the current situation of the thermal manikin market, including the competitors and customers. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to describe and analyze the

Changes in the Views on Jurisdiction over Piracy under International Law

Jurisdiction over piracy under international law is universal according to UNCLOS, but piracy itself has changed since the regulations that UNCLOS is based on was concluded. This thesis discusses the question whether the views on jurisdiction over piracy under international law has changed and the conclusion that is reached is that views have changed, at least in areas that are badly affected by p

Revisor - ett omöjligt uppdrag ?

Enligt äldre rättsyn var bolagets revisor aktieägarens ''man'', den som på stämmans uppdrag hade att tillse att den exekutiva ledningen skötte förvaltningen av tillskottsgivarnas medel på ett effektivt och lojalt vis. En huvudmannaorienterad grundsyn således, lätt att härleda och okomplicerad att tillämpa till gagn, får man förmoda, för såväl utövare som klientel. Idag betraktas re

Pricing Management at Alfa Laval Equipment Division

Research questions: What factors should be considered when setting a price of a new Plate Heat Exchanger, PHE? With these factors in mind, how should a logical pricing model be created and what kind of measurable data should be used to find logical relations? Deliverables: The main focus has been towards creating a logical pricing model for new PHEs. Furthermore, the projects purpose has been to i

Samhällets förmåga att hantera nödlägen - Problematisering av begreppet förmåga samt analys av förmågebeskrivning i kommunala handlingsprogram enligt lagen om skydd mot olyckor.

This report studies how community stakeholders describe their ability to handle accidents and crises. The aim of the report has been to study what has been written on the subject scientifically and in Swedish legislation. There are primarily two areas where ability is described; the field of protection against accidents and the emergency management field. A major part of the report is a content an

Mobilbetalningar med NFC - Användarnas syn på säkerhet

Cash and credit cards are no longer considered to be the obvious methods of payment. During the last ten years mobile payments has been predicted as the next method of payment. Many methods exist but none of them has managed to become the standard way of paying. NFC, a further development of the RFID-technology, has been seen as the strongest contestant in the field. Security is considered to be o