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Capture Knowledge with Object-Process Modeling - a systems engineering approach
To increase the efficiency of the product development process at Volvo Car Group, knowledge accumulation is central in the early strategy and concept phase. Within the department for Research and Development, the unit responsible for powertrain engineering desires a process to document system interfaces, in order to reuse what they do already know in new applications. This thesis presents a proce
”Man är fortfarande glad, ibland, men annorlunda” - Svenska soldaters upplevelser av tjänstgöring i Afghanistan
Studiens syfte var att undersöka fem svenska soldaters upplevelser av offensiv krigsföring under sin tjänstgöring i Afghanistan. I fokus låg deras hantering av mental belastning och deras behov av stöd före, under och efter insats. Halvstrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fem soldater som under 6 månaders tid hade tjänstgjort i Afghanistan mellan åren 2009-2012. Intervjuerna analyserades med TThe purpose of this study was to examine five Swedish soldiers' experiences of offensive war technique while serving for 6 months in Afghanistan. In particular, focus was on their experiences of dealing with mental stress and their need for support before, during and after their mission. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five individuals who had served in Afghanistan between the y
The application of resistivity and IP-measurements as investigation tools at contaminated sites : a case study from Kv. Renen 13, Varberg, SW Sweden
Kv. Renen 13 i centrala Varberg är sedan tidigare känt som kraftigt förorenat. På fastigheten har det från slutet av 1800-talet fram till 2003 funnits verksamheter i form av textilindustri som avlösts av finmekanisk verkstadsindustri. Det är framförallt den sistnämnda verksamheten som har orsakat rådande situation med höga halter klorerade lösningsmedel, trikloreten (TCE) och 1,1,1-trikoletan (TCAAn old industry estate, Kv. Renen 13, is located in central Varberg, southwest Sweden, and is known from previous investigations as highly polluted. Pollution started in the late 19th century with textile manufacturing, and in the 1960´s changed into a precision mechanics industry using chlorinated solvents, primary trichloroethene (TCE) and 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA), as well as cyanide and meta
Influence of different brewing techniques on iso-α-acid content and sensory properties of beer
Beer is produced by fermenting hopped wort with yeast. The raw materials are water, grain, hop and yeast. One source of taste and aroma in beer is hop, which is typically added during boiling. One reaction during boiling is that α-acid from hop is converted to iso-α-acid, which makes the beer bitterer. Iso-α-acid is responsible for bitterness in beer, but it might also be reacted to other bitter m
Medarbetare inom ideell sektor
Uppsatsen syftar till att klargöra de utmaningar som elittränare står inför i sin vardag, på individuell samt på organisatorisk nivå. Studien är genomförd med en kvalitativ metod, semi-strukturerade intervjuer med fyra tränare som representerar en gymnastikförening. Intervjuerna fokuserar på tränarens uppfattning om sin situation och sitt behov inom ramen för uppdraget. Resultat och analys visar p
Reclaiming Ecological Wisdom: On Culture, Education, and the Roots of the Ecological Crisis
The paper looks at the ecological crisis as a human crisis of perceptions and values. Its origins can be found in the Western anthropocentric-individualistic worldview whose expansion through the processes of colonization and globalization has allowed the industrial culture to become a global culture. The manifest inability of industrial societies to respond to the seriousness and complexity of en
Wonderful Clara? Om översättningen av en persona i Clara Lidströms Underbara Clara: Vintagepimp och hemmafix
I den här uppsatsen undersöks den svenska bloggaren Clara Lidströms persona så som den framstår i boken Underbara Clara: Vintagepimp och hemmafix och bokens amerikanska översättning Vintage Crafts: 75 do-it-yourself decorating projects using candles, colors and other flea market finds. Undersökningen består av en analys i två delar där den första delen handlar om att analysera Claras persona för a
How can the concept of flexicurity be implemented through legislation? - A study between Danish flexicurity and Swedish job security
The main purpose of this thesis is to clarify what the term flexicurity is and what it entails. Flexicurity is a labour market policy model that has the goal of creating more and better jobs. In itself, flexicurity is a political tool and is not a legal term. I will aim at clarifying how this political model has been transformed into legislation and how it can assist the labour market in different
Elevers upplevelse av ljudmiljön i grundskolan – en enkätstudie
Bakgrund: Den här studien undersöker elevers upplevelse av ljudmiljön i grundskolan. Forskning visar att dålig ljudmiljö försämrar bland annat taluppfattning och arbetsminne. Man har sett att barn påverkas i större utsträckning än vuxna men det finns få studier som undersöker hur de själva upplever ljudmiljön. En enkät utvecklades 2013 i England för att undersöka detta. Syftet med denna studie är
Computational Method for Bulging in Insulating Glass Units
Isolerglas består normalt av två eller tre separerade glasrutor. Mellan dessa skapas en kavitet som består av en fyllnadsgas för att öka den isolerande förmågan hos enheten. Kaviteten måste vara försluten för att gasen inte ska sippra ut och för att förhindra att fukt ska trängas in i kaviteten. Detta gör att ett isolerglas är känsligt för tryck- och volymändring som kan uppstå om den blir utsatt An insulating glass unit (IGU) normally consists of two or three glass panes which are separated by a spacer. The spacer creates a cavity between the glass panes which is filled with a gas to increase the insulating capacity of the IGU. To keep the gas in the cavity and to stop vapor from getting in, the cavity has to be hermetically sealed. This makes the IGU sensitive to pressure change and volu
The Reasoning on Brand Equity Dimensions: Why or Why Not Young Adults Change Their Company Evaluation After CSR and Irresponsible Business Practice Information Input.
Irresponsible Business Practices (IBPs) form the counterpart of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). While the latter represents a very popular field of research, IBPs are still under- researched especially when both factors are put into context. In the furniture retail industry, IBPs are a rather recent subject in production process and supplier relationships. As the purpose of CSR is not to co
Switching to the “Golden Age of Natural Gas” with a focus on shale gas exploitation : a possible bridge to mitigate climate change?
Currently, policy makers put high attention in supplying global energy demand by focusing on 2°C policy; global temperature anomaly based on the global mean temperature of pre-industrial era (13.7°C). How to keep the 2°C policy at global scope is the main question in climate framework. It is widely believed that primary energy resources (mainly coal, oil and natural gas) with focus on shale gas re
Analysis of the interaction of PWWP2A with the Nucleosome Remodelling and Deacetylase Complex
NuRDigt värre All genetisk information finns i DNA:t. Det är där informationen finns som bestämmer ifall någon får bruna eller blåa ögon, att vi har (oftast) tio tår, att vår lever producerar galla, all information som gör oss till oss helt enkelt. Informationen i DNA:t transkriberas till RNA som i sin tur kan translateras till protein. Alla våra celler bär på exakt samma DNA men ändå skiljer de sAll biological information is located in the genome. However, not all of the genome is available for transcription at all times. In the nucleus, genomic DNA is tightly packed around histones which are further packed into nucleosomes and chromatin. The packing of DNA inhibits transcription factors from transcribing the underlying DNA. To make the DNA more accessible, the packing can be modified in
The Spectre of Bandung : China, the Global South, and the End of Colonial Trade Patterns
This thesis analysed the development of international trade patterns during the period from 1980 to 2013. More specifically, the research focused on the structure of North-South relations during this period and how China has influenced its dynamic. The legacy of colonialism left behind a particlar configuration of international trade, which was highly disadvantageous for the countries of the globa
Sun position and PV panels : a model to determine the best orientation
The correct positioning of photovoltaic panels is essential to ensure the maximum production of electrical energy. Two parameters are involved in this: the tilt angle and the angle of orientation. In the literature, though, the orientation angle receives little attention. In this work, I present an application I developed using the Python programming language in a GIS environment that can help fin
Malmo consumer's attitude behavior gap
The purpose of this thesis is to examine, analyze and describe the effects and role that CSR and ethics have on consumer behavior in Malmo. This thesis uses a quantitative method in form of surveys.The thesis uses a stand point from CSR but the main focus lies on the relationship between attitude and behavior regarding ethical consumption. Consumer behavior theories are explained.The empirical fou
Is organic greenhouse production of tomato in Scania feasible? Experiences and reflections according to Swedish growers in Scania.
Is organic greenhouse production of tomato in Scania feasible? The main aim of the study is to assess the level of resource usage in the growth of tomatoes among growers in Scania County. The focus of the research is to assess the variation of different components in the greenhouse farming of tomatoes in the county. By understanding the use of energy, water, fertilizer, and pesticides, it is pos
Sino - Indian Mutual Perceptions : Intercultural Students’ Discourse on Ontological Security and Identity
A critical review of the history of the discursive formation of Sino-Indian relations suggests that the largely negative mutual perceptions by the Chinese and Indian public and media are opposed by an optimistic discourse of both nations’ political and economic elites. This is also accompanied by a juxtaposed, binary discourse of the bilateral relation by members of the Liberal and Realist camp in
Acid hydrolysation of starch and formulation of starch microspheres
Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka två stärkelse-typer, waxy korn och majs stärkelse. Dessa behandlades med syra och de behandlade stärkelserna undersöktes vad avser deras reologiska egenskaper och sedan studerades om de kunde användas vid formulering av olika typer av stärkelsemikrosfärer. I denna studie skall stärkelse användas för att kapsla in jästceThe aim of this diploma work is to investigate the acid hydrolyses of two types of starch, waxy barley and maize starch to be applied for further usage, in rheology studies and formulation of starch microspheres. Modified starch has always been essential in many areas, especially in tablets, where it could be used as a disintegrant. Starch has also been investigated for manufacturing microspheres.