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Psaltarpsalmen i Svenska kyrkans gudstjänstliv

During the second half of the 20th century, more possibilities of singing Psalms in the common Sunday service arose in Church of Sweden. The aim of this study is to see in what different ways the Psalms are usually sung and where they appear in the different worship books. I am interested in how this has changed over time, from the 1940s until today. A special focus is also on church musicians and

För det är skönt att slå – Bedömning av våld vid BDSM-utövning

Då HovR över Skåne och Blekinge, mål nr. B 2802-10, avkunnade sin dom den 21 september 2011 hade ytterligare en frikännande misshandelsdom behandlats av det svenska rättssystemet. Den tilltalade hade piskat målsäganden med olika redskap så att skador uppkommit. Det som skiljde detta mål från ett vanligt misshandelsmål, var att målsäganden hade samtyckt till de olika handlingarna, som en del av ettAs the Court of Appeals for Skåne and Blekinge, case no. B 2802-10, gave its judgment on September 21, 2011, was yet another acquittal assault judgment processed by the Swedish judicial system. The accused had hit the victim with different instruments in a way that caused damage to the plaintiff. However, what distinguishes this case from an ordinary assaultcase was that the plaintiff had consente

Kan utbildningssubventioner främja ekonomisk tillväxt? - En simuleringsstudie om USA:s framtida tillväxtscenarion

In the last decades, the impact of human capital on growth has played a central role. College tuition in the U.S. is among the highest in the world and deters otherwise capable and enthusiastic students from seeking higher education. This thesis investigates the effect of education subsidies on the highest levels of education in the U.S by performing a simulation with different financial strategie

Inre driv och autonomi: En studie om motivation och arbetsprestation bland sjuksköterskor i Skåne

En studie genomfördes för att undersöka relationen mellan intern (intrinsic) motivation och upplevd arbetsprestation bland sjuksköterskor i Region Skåne. Sjuksköterskor valdes som fokus då deras tämligen unika yrkesroll kan te sig specifikt intressant ur motivationssynpunkt. En enkät med relevanta mätskalor förmedlades till olika vårdavdelningar och 68 respondenter uppgav svar. Resultatet visade p

Pricing with flexibility as vertical product differentiation and peak-load pricing

Introducing flexibility as a factor that determines prices is something that is possible by giving different types of contracts different levels of flexibility. This is in particular very apparent when one starts to analyze domestic flight tickets. The flight ticket is today a good that is vertically differentiated and this thesis will address the problem of pricing with flexibility as vertical pr

”känna sig betydelsefull från början” Barnmorskors reflektioner och åtgärder kring blivande pappors delaktighet under graviditeten

Bakgrund: Studier visar att blivande pappor inte alltid upplever sig delaktiga under graviditeten. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa barnmorskors reflektioner om blivande pappors delaktighet under graviditet samt barnmorskors eventuella åtgärder för att få de blivande papporna att känna sig delaktiga. Metod: Enskilda intervjuer med 18 barnmorskor som arbetade inom mödrahälsovården gjordes.

Ballast Water Management Legal Approaches

Spridningen av främmande invasiva arter i den marina miljön genom barlastvatten och andra bärare har blivit fastställt som ett av de fyra största hoten mot världshaven, men trots detta har problemet blivit lite uppmärksammat av allmänheten. Under de senaste decennierna har spektakulära fall av invasioner, såsom t.ex. spridningen av vandringsmusslan till de amerikanska och kanadensiska Stora sjöarnThe introduction of invasive marine species into new environments by ships’ ballast water and via other vectors has been identified as one of the four greatest threats to the world’s oceans and yet this problem has gained little public attention. In the last few decades dramatic invasions, such as e.g. the spread of the zebra mussel in the Great Lakes marine area of the USA and Canada, have brough

Broadcast news production in the light of changing regulations in Hungary: A case study of the leading commercial and public service channels

In 2010 the center-right Fidesz-Christian Democrat coalition (Fidesz-KDNP) had an unprecedented electoral victory in Hungary. The party won two-thirds of the mandates, allowing the government not only to follow through with their reforms but change laws which require two-third of the votes. After the inauguration they started a fast legislation process, in the frame of this process the constitutio

Kohandelns betydelse för EUs finanspakt, med fokus på Tyskland, Frankrike och Storbritannien

Skuldkrisen drabbade Europa hårt år 2010. Det var flera länder som till exempel Irland, Portugal och Grekland som inte kunde betala tillbaka sina lån och finansiera sina optioner. Tyskland var beredda att hjälpa till, men Eu:s regelverk (Fördraget om Europeiska Unionens funktionssätt) förhindrade det. De fann lyckligtvis en kortsikitg väg att kringå regelverket. Tyskland och Frankrike tyckte inte

Estimating and Analyzing the Risk-Return Relationship in the Stock Market

The main purpose of this thesis is to estimate and investigate the relationship between risk and expected return in the stock market within a time-series context. The model is based on the intertemporal capital asset pricing model (ICAPM), and the method of log-linearization is implemented in the analysis. As a result, two main components of expected returns, the risk and hedge components are iden

Kupongskatt och EU-rätten – en analys av de svenska kupongskattereglernas förenlighet med EU-rätten vad gäller utdelning till utländska pensionsfonder

I upprepade avgöranden har EU-domstolen på senare tid slagit fast att det strider mot unionsrätten att ta ut källskatt på utdelning i gränsöverskridande situationer då jämförbara, rent inhemska transaktioner inte belastas med något motsvarande skatteuttag. Med anledning härav har möjligheten att ta ut källskatt på utdelning varit föremål för omfattande diskussioner, särskilt i utländsk litteratur.Lately, in repeated rulings, the European Court of Justice has held that it is contrary to EU law to levy withholding tax on dividends in transnational situations when comparable, solely domestic transactions are not burdened with a corresponding tax levy. In respect thereof the possibility to levy withholding tax on dividends has been the topic of extensive scholarly discussions, especially in fo

Klientens bedömning av parbehandling på den kommunala familjerådgivningen

Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur klienterna bedömer pågående eller avslutad parbehandling på Familjerådgivningen i Malmö och inkluderade samtliga besökare (N=242)under perioden 101206- 101227. Dessa besvarade vid ett tillfälle en enkät med 20 påståenden som är uppdelade i fem kluster: Bemötande, Tillfredsställelse, ”Gottmandyaden”, Familjerådgivarens förståelse för dyaden samt Organisation ochThe study aimed at finding out how clients judge ongoing or completed couple counselling at Familjerådgivningen in the city of Malmö. It included all visitors (N=242) during the period of 6th – 27th December 2010. At one occasion they filled in a questionnaire comprising five clusters: Counselor’s approach, Satisfaction, Counselor’s understanding of the couple,Organisation and other common factors

When A People Risk Losing Their Country to the Effects of Climate Change - The Social Implication of International Climate Change Displacement for Kiribati

This researchʼs foundation is the current state of affairs in Kiribati in relation to the effects of climate change and how the nation will face the future. The paper examines how different actors in Kiribati are helping the country prepare for possible climate change displacement in the future, from the viewpoint of said actors. Interview data, supplemented by observational data from time spent i

No Documents, No Rights - Exploring agency and vulnerability in the experiences of irregular migrant women from Zimbabwe in South Africa

This research draws attention to the way irregular migrants in South Africa experience their journey towards a better life, the vulnerability they face, and their capacity to adapt and to be agents of change. Qualitative interviews were held with 10 irregular migrant women, which were analyzed through an analytical framework of vulnerability and agency, while keeping a focus on their illegal migra

Facebook eller Facework? - En fallstudie om facebookrelationer på Företag X

I takt med att sociala medier och framför allt Facebook växer sig allt större tar även företag sig ut på sociala forum i markandsföringssyfte. När företag får en inblick i arbetstagares privatliv genom aktivitet på Facebook innebär det allt oftare konsekvenser för dessa i arbetslivet. Denna uppsats undersöker, genom en fallstudie av Företag X, hur arbetstagare och arbetsgivare tolkar relationen t

Dancing through the ages in Greece. A comparative study on Bronze Age-, Classical period- and Folk dancing

This thesis has dealt with dancing in the Greek Bronze Age from an anthropological perspective. The main question was whether any similarities in dancing in the Bronze Age through to the Classical period could be seen. By using an archaeological material and modern research on dance in the Classical period and on folk dancing in Greece today, the aim was to easier be able to interpret the Bronze A

In quest for the lost gamers - An investigation of board gaming in Scania, during the Iron and Middle Ages

Board gaming has to a large degree, been studied based on historical sources. Ironically, this is true even for prehistoric games, where the Icelandic sagas have been used as a starting point for a deductive hunt for the mysterious game Hnefatafl. Later studies of gaming have to a large extent been transferring older research results. According to the author, this has created a rather skewed pictu