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Excavations at Monte da Igreja near Évora (Portugal), From the life-history of a monument to re-uses of ancient objects
Recorded storm damage in Swedish forests 1901-2000
Severe storm damage has been a recurring problem to the Swedish forestry sector since, at least, the start of the 19th century. This short communication presents a regionally resolved time-series of storm damage in Swedish forests during the last century. Data on storm damage have been gathered from the National Board of Forestry, the Regional Forestry Boards and scientific reports. Storm damage i
Exploration of Supraventricular Conduction with respect to Atrial Fibrillation. Methodological Aspects on Selected Techniques
Atrial fibrillation is the most common cardiac arrhythmia that demands medical attention. Computer-based detailed analysis of cardiac electrical signals from healthy subjects and patients with a history of atrial fibrillation has become an important tool in the further clarification of this disease. The aim of this study was to explore supraventricular conduction using the following selected techn
Swedish breeding bird survey: getting near the top!
Skeletal muscle fatigue and endurance in young and old men and women
The effects of increasing age on skeletal muscle fatigue and endurance were assessed in 22 healthy young (14 men and 8 women; mean age, 28 +/- 6 years) and 16 healthy old (8 men and 8 women; mean age, 73 +/- 3 years) individuals. All subjects performed 100 repeated maximum dynamic knee extensions at 90 degrees.s-1 (1.57 rad.s-1) using an isokinetic dynamometer (Cybex II). Peak torque was recorded
Skeingeborg : borgen som Saxo glömde
The castle Skeingeborg built around 1200 by the archbishop in Lund. It was build octagonal as a roadstation in the desert forestland at the border between Denmark and Sweden at the route between the bishopries in Lund and Växjö. The ironproduction and logistic possibilities in the area is discussed together with comparing studies of castles, roads and inland water transports in Denmark-Sweden
Grundbetydelse och förändringsprinciper hos relationella lexem
Uninterrupted perioperative enteral nutrition
Brain lesion contrast in MR imaging. Dependence on field strength and concentration of gadodiamide injection in patients and phantoms
PURPOSE: To compare the contrast effects of gadodiamide injection at 0.3 and at 1.5 T, at different concentrations in phantoms, and to correlate the results to clinical doses used for examining brain lesions. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Gel phantoms with T1 and T2 corresponding to brain gray matter were doped with different concentrations of gadodiamide injection and examined with T1-weighted sequences.
Ectomycorrhizal colonisation of roots and ash granules in a spruce forest treated with granulated wood ash
Granulated wood ash has been proposed as a slow release fertiliser suitable for forest soils. In this study ectomycorrhizal colonisation of roots and ash granules was studied in a 40-year-old spruce forest treated with 0, 3 or 6 t ha(-1) granulated wood ash. We used PCR-RFLP methods for ITS-typing and identification of ectomycorrhizal fungi. In total 20 different ITS-types were recognised on roots
Formation mechanism of mesoporous silica formed with triblock copolymers; effect of salt addition
SBA-15 was synthesised with Pluronic P104 ((EO)(27)-(PO)(61)-(EO)(27))) its Structure promoter at 45 degrees C, with and without NaCl (1.0 M) added to the Synthesis Mixture. TEOS (tetraethyl orthosilicate) was used as silica source. The formation process was studied by in-situ SAXS/SAXD using synchrotron light. Addition of salt affects the micellar size, initial cell-parameter of the 2-D hexagonal
Karaktärisering av arsenikförorening i matjordsprofiler kring Klippans Läderfabrik
Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: AB Klippans Läderfabrik var under sina verksamma år en av de största arbetsgivarna i området. Ett flertal giftiga ämnen användes i verksamheten, främst krom men även formalin och under en kort period arsenik. Fabrikstomten kom med tiden att förorenas. Stora delar av fabriken brann ned år 1917 och röken från branden sträckte sig in över ett intilliggande villaomrDuring environmental investigations at the polluted Klippan Leather Factory, elevated levels of arsenic were detected in the adjacent residential area. The arsenic is believed to have originated from a fire in the leather factory in 1917, when a plume of smoke covered the residential area and deposited arsenic as fallout. Investigations showed that the pollution was located in the topsoil, and dur
Privat och offentligt sparande, en komparativ studie av bestämmande faktorer
Skillnader i sparnivå kan utifrån ekonomisk tillväxtteori förklara en del i varför ekonomier växer i olika takt. Uppsatsen behandlar landsspecifika faktorer vilka utifrån bakomliggande mikro- och makroekonomiskteori kan tänkas förklara varför vissa länder sparar mer än andra. En uppdelning görs i privat och offentligt sparande för att undersöka om de påverkas av samma faktorer. Även relationen mel
Forum shopping in the context of the European Insolvency Regulation and Freedom of Establishment post Interedil - C 396/09
Where debtors seek to open insolvency proceedings in a Member State that have the most favourable insolvency regime it is referred to as "forum shopping". According to Article 3 (1) in conjunction with Article 4 of the European Insolvency Regulation the appropriate jurisdiction and the applicable law are determined by the core element of the Regulation the debtor´s "centre of main i
EU Trade Barriers Regulation - An 'Insurance Policy' for European Union Companies in Accessing the Russian Market
This thesis discusses the potentials of application of the EU Trade Barriers Regulation (TBR) to EU-Russia trade relations. In light of the forthcoming and long-awaited Russia's WTO accession (expected to be completed in mid-2012), the theoretical analysis suggests that the TBR would become functional and useful for EU companies in tackling obstacles to trade on the Russian market. Also, this
Försvararinträdets betydelse för en rättvis rättegång
Rätten till en rättvis rättegång enligt artikel 6 i den Europeiska konventionen om skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna (Europakonventionen) omfattar rätten att biträdas av en försvarare. Den Europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna (Europadomstolen) har i sin tolkning av bestämmelsen betonat betydelsen av ett tidigt försvararinträde. I denna studie gransThe right to legal assistance is a part of the right to a fair trial under article 6 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (the Convention). In its interpretation of the article The European Court of Human Rights (the Court) has emphasized the importance of legal assistance early on in the proceedings. This study examines early access to legal assistance in
Israel Holmström - de profana visorna och den "lätta" lyriken
Israel Holmströms (1661-1708) vislyrik och "lätta" diktning analyseras mot bakgrund av den världsliga visdiktningen under barocken i Sverige med utblickar främst till tysk visdiktning. Mot bakgrund av den världsliga visans genrer studeras Holmströms visdiktning där även de språkliga drag som kännetecknar hans visor undersöks. Analysen fokuserar på vad som förenar och skiljer Holmströms d
Sälja tjänster till Norge, Finland eller Danmark?
Redan så tidigt som 1957 diskuterades frågan om fri rörlighet och hur man inom dåvarande EG kunde underlätta rörligheten för de fyra friheterna: personer, varor, kapital och tjänster. Till dags dato har EU rönt framgångar för tre av dessa fyra friheter, för tjänster är det dock fortsatt besvärligt. En process att undanröja de hinder som stod i vägen för tjänsters fria rörlighet inleddes av stats- As early as 1957 the issue of freedom of movement was discussed and how the EU could facilitate the movement of the four freedoms: people, good, capital and services. To date the EU has been successful for three of the four freedoms, however for services the situation remains difficult. A process to eliminate the obstacles that stood in the way of free movement of services was launched by heads of
Psaltarpsalmen i Svenska kyrkans gudstjänstliv
During the second half of the 20th century, more possibilities of singing Psalms in the common Sunday service arose in Church of Sweden. The aim of this study is to see in what different ways the Psalms are usually sung and where they appear in the different worship books. I am interested in how this has changed over time, from the 1940s until today. A special focus is also on church musicians and