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Your search for "*" yielded 532377 hits

Historical Gender Equality and Economic Development

To explore the historical relationship between gender equality and economic progress, this study implements two steps. First, it extends the Historical Gender-Equality Index (HGEI), a multidimensional measure of gender gaps originally developed by Dilli, Carmichael, and Rijpma (2019). Second, taking advantage of updated HGEI and a comprehensive longitudinal panel data structure, the effects of gen

A Bland New Way To Imitate? A Qualitative Study Exploring the Phenomena of Blands Through Consumers' Perceptions

Thesis Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore the phenomenon of blands – A rise of brands that potentially adhere to a similar blueprint while claiming to be disruptive, unique and extraordinary. Moreover, this thesis aims to create an understanding of how consumers perceive blands as well as well as how value is created. Methodology: The methodology takes a social constructivist stan

Playing the game of law and healthcare – Non-binary people's access to and experiences of trans-specific healthcare in Finland

For non-binary people the law is not securing trans-specific healthcare in Finland. The current regulation is built on understanding of gender as binary and according to the Act on Legal Recognition of the Gender of Transsexuals (563/2002) a person can be confirmed to belong to the “opposite gender” if she/he fulfils the preconditions. One of the requirements is a mental health diagnosis prior to

"Ett mord är ett mord. En människa är en människa"

Brottslighet är någonting som väcker känslor och intresse hos människor, vilket gör det tacksamt att använda brott som grund för nyhetsartiklar. Speciellt grova våldsbrott, som mord, ges ofta stort fokus i nyhetsrapportering då det har ett naturligt nyhetsvärde. Syftet med studien är att analysera hur svenska nyhetsartiklar porträtterar offer och gärningspersoner i mordfall. Vidare syftar studien

Improvement of the Rucio implementation for the LDCS platform and search for dark data

In this work we aim to implement a software package to detect and categorize dark data, data not accessible or not known by the user, generated in the simulations of the Light Dark Matter eXperiment (LDMX). This will involve studying current existing solutions for such problems, attempting to implement them for the Lightweight Distributed Computing System (LDCS), and developing our own Dark Data S

How to analyze identification in storytelling?

This thesis examines the use of storytelling in advertising from a rhetorical perspective. Specifically, stories told in IKEA’s recent advertising campaign Där livet händer (Where life happens) will be analyzed. The purpose is to propose a way in which to analyze identification in storytelling. Departing from a Burkean perspective, building on Black’s concept of the second persona and Burke’s dram

(Dis)engagement in a disguise: The challenge of understanding and recognizing engagement among millennial remote-workers

Maintaining engaged employees has become a key issue for organizations in recent years, as millennials have become the largest generation currently active in the work life. Recently, Covid-19 pandemic forced marketing agencies in Finland to start working in-remote, posing even bigger challenge for engagement in these organi- zations. Using the theoretical framework of social exchange, this thesis

Leading through a Pandemic: A study on Female Leadership & Covid-19 Outcomes

The purpose of this thesis is to examine if female-led countries fared the Covid-19 pandemic differently from male-led countries. To do so, I rely on a pooled OLS regression model, using data from 189 countries between January 2020 to March 2022. My results show that countries with female leaders have significantly fewer cases and deaths of Covid-19 than countries with male leaders. This is found

Brand Activism Scepticism

The aim of this thesis was to deepen the understanding of brand activism by looking into existing and novel dimensions on which consumers base their validation and opinion of brands engaging in socio-political discourse. This dissertation followed a dual-analysis approach in which both qualitative and quantitative research was conducted. This study drew on socio-political activism theories, consum

Borta bra men hemma bäst?

Examensarbetets titel: Borta Bra men Hemma Bäst?: En kvalitativ flerfallsstudie om hur svenska startups väljer produktionsplats Seminariedatum: 3 juni, 2022 Ämne/kurs: FEKH99, Examensarbete i Entreprenörskap och Innovation, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Elias Alhar, Karl-Oscar Giertz och Måns Wirfelt Handledare: Joakim Winborg Nyckelord: Entreprenöriellt beslutsfattande; Supply chain management; LäTitle: There’s No Place Like Home?: A qualitative multiple-case study about how Swedish startups choose location of production Seminar date: June 3rd, 2022 Course: FEKH99, Bachelor Degree Project in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Business administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credit Points Authors: Elias Alhar, Karl-Oscar Giertz och Måns Wirfelt Advisor: Joakim Winborg Ke

Unveiling the Invisible: Capabilities and Well-being of Undocumented Syrian Migrants in Istanbul

The number of irregular migrants increased in Turkey, especially after the EU-Turkey Joint Action Plan of 2016. This study examines the situation of undocumented Syrian migrants in terms of their capabilities and approaches to the well-being of this particular group from the normative framework of the capability approach with a specific focus on material conditions. Building on the Capability Appr

Optimization-Based Geometry Correction Of Blood Flow CFD Simulations Using 4D-Flow Data

Kan man kombinera Magnetisk Resonanstomografi, mer k ̈ant som MRI, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, med geometrioptimering av fl ̈odessimuleringar f ̈or att f ̊a fram mer detaljrika bilder av blodfl ̈odet? I denna studiehar vi arbetat med att vidareutveckla ett verktyg f ̈or att ̈oka uppl ̈osningen p ̊a tredimensionella bilder av blodk ̈arl i kroppen. Ett syfte med den h ̈ar tekniken ̈ar att ge l ̈akar4D-flow is a powerful tool capable of capturing 3-dimensional, time-resolved flow measurements of blood flow in the body. Their current use is limited by resolution and scan times. A proposed solution is to use Simulation Based Imaging (SBI). This combines lower resolution 4D-flow scans with CFD simulations to improve resolution and reduce scan times. Previous work has focused on inlet and outlet

Marknadsföringslagen och dynamisk prissättning - Är prismarknadsföring i kombination med dynamisk prissättning förenligt med marknadsföringslagen?

Den digitala utvecklingen har förändrat detaljhandelsbranschen i stor utsträckning. Priserna på e-handelsmarknaden är normalt sett lägre än priserna i fysiska butiker till följd av hård konkurrens, prismedvetna konsumenter och dynamisk prissättning (en prissättningsmodell som innebär att priserna på en produkt varierar flera gånger om dagen). Prismarknadsföring (realisationer, slutförsäljningar, uDigitalisation has had a significant impact on the retail industry. Due to strong competition, price-conscious consumers and dynamic pricing (a pricing strategy in which prices varies several times throughout the day) prices in E-commerce are usually lower than prices in traditional commerce. Under these circumstances, price reductions (sales, clearance sales and finale sales) and price comparison

Assessment of hip deformities during childhood: a combined approach of Machine Learning and Finite Element Analysis

Kan simuleringsmodeller förbättra diagnostik av förändringar i höftens anatomi hos barn? Anatomiska förändringar i höftleden kan drabba barn i olika åldrar. En följd av detta kan vara att belastningen i höften ändras, vilket kan öka risken för artros. Att undersöka och behandla förändringar i höftens anatomi hos barn är viktigt för att förhindra komplikationer senare i livet. Höftleden är en viOsteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that will cause pain and stiffness in the joint if not treated. One cause of early osteoarthritis in the hip joint is pediatric hip deformities. Hip deformities can occur in different stages of childhood and cause the bones to be misshapen or the hip joint to be dislocated. This thesis aimed to build subject-specific computer models of the hip joint to fi

Performance and Wear Behaviour of Coated and Uncoated Cemented Carbide Tools during Milling of Titanium Alloys

Purpose – The purpose of this project is to study the performance of uncoated versus coated cemented carbide tools when performing milling operations in heat treated titanium alloys, with the goal of establishing a base line of knowledge and methodology linked to these difficult-to-machine materials relevant for the metal cutting industry. Design/methodology/approach – The work that is carried out

The land carbon sink of Lithuanian forests in the light of climate change: A model approach

Forests form the backbone of the European terrestrial carbon sink (State Forest Service & Ministry of Environment, 2018). As the European Union (EU) strives to become climate neutral by 2050, forests are accounted for the natural carbon absorption mechanism (European Commission, n.d.). Currently, the European net land carbon sink is decreasing largely due to forest ageing (Pilli et al., 2022),