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" Barn ska inte ha barn"

Bakgrund: Det är av stor vikt att unga kvinnor får god kunskap om effekter och biverkningar av abort då det kan påverka både deras psykiska och fysiska hälsa. Socialstyrelsens studier visar att ungdomar påvisar förhöjda riskbeteende vilka kan få negativa följder som exempelvis oönskad graviditet. Syfte: att undersöka unga kvinnors attityd till och kunskap om abort och preventivmedel samt att jämfö

"Vad ska jag göra med solen, sopa ner den från taken?" En postkolonial analys av Hanan al-Shaykhs "Ukannis al-shams 'an al-sutuh"

The aim of this thesis is to analyse the short story ”Ukannis al-shams ‘an al-suṭūḥ” by Ḥanān al-Shaykh from a postcolonial perspective. The analysis is based on the theories of Edward Said, Chandra Mohanty, Suha Sabbagh, Judith E. Tucker and Frantz Fanon. I have examined whether stereotypes of people, particularly Muslim women, from the Arab world can be found in the short story, and whether any

The influence of habitat structural complexity on invertebrate diversity: A comparison between an impacted and a pristine coral reef

Abstract Habitat complexity is shown to be an important driver of invertebrate diversity on impacted coral reefs when the diversity supported by a comparative unit of habitat complexity is compared to that of a pristine coral reef. The more structurally complex pristine reef does not support the conventionally expected greatest amount of diversity, instead an upper limit threshold to habitat comp

Rates or revenues? On the relation between tax structures and growth

This paper uses panel data from 45 OECD and Latin American countries over 21 years to estimate the effect of different tax structures on GDP growth. A key aim is to compare the results from using two common measurement techniques, statutory tax rates and tax revenues as share of total tax income. The results from GMM estimations indicate that the choice of measure not only affects the statistical

Is there a resource curse in financial development?: Empirical study on Middle East and North Africa

This paper empirically investigates the impact of natural resource dependence and abundance on financial sector development in MENA for the period 1980-2009. The link established provides a new explanation for the different levels of financial development across the region, which may influence the pace of economic growth. Using fixed effect estimator, the model makes an explicit differentiation be

Komponentavskrivningar - Större kostnader för fastighetsbolagen än nytta för dess intressenter?

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att analysera hur komponentavskrivningar på förvaltningsfastigheter påverkar redovisningens ändamålsenlighet gällande intressenternas behov av ekonomisk översikt och beslutsunderlag. Vidare ska undersökningen analysera huruvida de ökade kostnader som komponentmetoden medför, motsvarar en ökad ändamålsenlighet i redovisningen för intressenterna. Metod: Kvalitativ metod

Sockerskatt – en möjlig väg att styra svenskarnas sockerintag mot en mer hälsosam nivå?

Taxing sugar-sweetened foods has become a relevant question in Sweden. Proofs of this are the population’s huge intake of added sugar, an increasing share of obesity and large related medical treatment costs. This thesis gives a hands-on suggestion of how a tax on sugar-sweetened foods in Sweden could be constructed. The goal of this study is to decrease the sugar intake by 70 percentages of five

A reconnassaince study of Rävliden VHMS-deposit, northern Sweden

I Skelleftefältet finns idag runt 85 kända VHMS-fyndigheter, i Kristinebergsområdet finns fem av dessa fyndigheter, en av dem är Rävliden. Berggrunden består mestadels av meta-vulkaniter med ryolitisk komposition samt en meta-sedimentär vulkanisk bergart. Skelleftefältet har genomgått åtminstone två metamorfa event. Detta har resulterat i storskalig veckning av området. Fyndigheten i Rävliden liggIn the Skellefte district today there are about 85 known VHMS-deposits, in the Kristinebergs area there are five known deposits, one of them being Rävliden. The supracrustal rock primarily consists of metavolcanic rock of rhyolitic composition and also metasedimentary volcanic rock. The district has gone through at least two metamorphic events. This resulted in the presence of large scale folding.

Betydelsen av raka borrhål för större geoenergisystem

Ett 200 meter djupt borrhål avviker ofta mer eller mindre från sin planerade bana. Hur mycket borrhålet avviker beror på de geologiska förutsättningarna, vilken borrteknik och vilken borrutrustning som används. Alternativet kan vara så kallad riktad borrning vilket innebär att styrning kopplas på borrhammaren för att få hålet så rakt som möjligt. Priset på riktad borrning ligger i storleksordningeA 200 meter deep borehole often deviates more or less from its planned path. How much the borehole deviates depends on the geological conditions, the drilling technique and drilling equipment used. The alternative is directional drilling which means that a device is coupled to the rotary hammer to make the hole as straight as possible. The cost of directional drilling is in the order of 50 % highe

Planning for a sustainble community, the curious case of Lund Northeast / Brunnshög

We’re living in a time where more and more evidence of our impact on the environment appears every day. A lot of resource and time have been spent in order to identify and inform about the ecological footprint us humans enlarge day by day. The realization of human impact on the environment introduced large scale research and UN reports on the subject and a definition and goal to strive after was e

Intergroup relations and the perception of identity threat: the case study of central bosnia

This thesis, aiming to contribute to a better understanding of why Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina fear a Bosniak-dominated state, is a response to development efforts of the international community to democratize Bosnian-Herzegovinian society, generate a shared sense of nationhood among all citizens and speed up its path towards Euro-Atlantic integrations. With the use of conceptual framework, t

NGOs´ Position & Role in the Dublin II Discussion: A case study on the involvement of the advocacy networks ECRE and Pro Asyl in the European Asylum Policy

The situation for asylum seekers in the EU varies greatly depending on the country responsible for the individual asylum claim. Even though the EU Commission is working to harmonize the different member states asylum policy, great disparities still exist. Many NGOs have been criticizing the Common European Asylum System (CEAS), defining the Dublin Regulation as the responsible instrument for the m

The Irony of Ostracism: Can Extreme Political Actions Result From A Process Once Created To Prevent Political Rebellion?

This study investigated how ostracism and social exclusion may lead to individuals being more willing to participate in and recommend extreme action against a political cause and/or against an opposing group that is hindering their aims. In addition, it assessed if rejection sensitivity and right-wing authoritarianism moderated this effect. The participants were asked to read an article describing

A Probabilistic Model of Neutron Scattering in Thin Films

In the light of a world-wide shortage of helium-3 (3He) a development of novel neutron detector systems (NDS) is necessary. This requires mathematical descriptions of the neutron scattering process in thin films. In this bachelor thesis our aim is to make a probabilistic model of the scattering of a single neutron travelling through a thin film, with main focus on the first scatter occurrence. The

NGOs and Governmentality in Chile The Case of TECHO and slum eradication programs

This qualitative case study analyses the Chilean NGO TECHO, now present in 19 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, from the perspective of Foucault's concept of governmentality, as elaborated by Rose and Miller (2008). They argue that non-state modes of power are the defining features of contemporary societies, and that these operate through loose, associative networks through which a

Beer is yellow, neither blue nor pink

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate how theories regarding core values and cultural shifts could contribute to the segmentation research field. The aim of this study was further to investigate how to attract an additional segment without loosing the original target audience. To exemplify we did a case study regarding whether it is possible for, an existing brand operating in the

The Path Dependency of former monopolists A case study of Scandinavian Airlines System

Abstract Title: The Path Dependency of former monopolists Seminar date: 2013-05-30 Course: FEKN90 Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete på Civilekonomprogrammet (30 ECTS) Authors: Niklas Sandberg and Henrik Karlsson Advisor: Matts Kärreman Five key words: Monopolist, Path dependency, Strategy, Competition and Deregulation Purpose: To explain how path dependency is affecting the strategies of former mon

Kafferep som kulturarv

Denna uppsats i tillämpad kulturanalys undersöker kafferepet förr och nu. Syftet med uppsat-sen är att undersöka hur idén om ett "förr" iscensätts genom kafferepet och hur deltagarna genom detta relaterar till vad de ser som sitt kulturarv. Materialet består av intervjuer, delta-gande observation, frågelistor och internetbaserad etnografi som samlats in och analyserats genom en fenomenolThis thesis in applied cultural analysis investigate the phenomenon of “kafferep” (coffee par-ty), a Swedish term that is usually described as a social gathering where women meet in the home to drink coffee, eat cookies and cake, and talk. A gathering commonly popular in the late 19th century that today has been revitalized, where young women dress up in 50’s clothes and perform their idea of the