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Your search for "*" yielded 531638 hits

Identity as a strategic resource: a study on alternative gender NGOs in Kyrgyzstan

Since national independence many NGOs active in the domain of gender have been established in Kyrgyzstan. Recently, this part of the NGO sector has seen the emergence of alternative organizations, voicing new issues and perspectives. In this thesis, I take a closer look at these new actors: how they differ from the older generation and also in relation to each other. I am especially interested in

Designing for Mars: extraterrestrial full-body washing

NASA is currently working toward the goal of landing humans on Mars. One challenge this mission is faced with is the lack of technology or procedure that could provide the explorers with means to maintain good personal hygiene. In collaboration with NASA engineers and architects the task of this thesis was to design a prototype for a nozzle and a conceptual water heater for a Martian full-body was

"You cannot fly without wings" - A post-development perspective on the failure of the Kosovo cadastre reconstruction

This thesis analyses the failure of the post-war cadastre reconstruction that has been taking place in Kosovo since 1999, from the perspective of post-development theory. The “failure” is to be understood not as that the project process failed, but that the project failed in the sense that the finished product (the cadastre register) is not being used to the extent it was intended and is therefore

CSR Corporate Social Responsibility - förenligt med aktiebolagens krav på vinst?

Uppsatsen behandlar hur företagen kan vara delaktiga i ett samhällsansvar genom Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), och hur detta ansvar samtidigt kan förenas med aktiebolagslagens krav på vinst. Det tar flera år att bygga upp ett starkt varumärke, men kan röra sig om timmar för att förstöra det, om det visar sig att företaget inte lever upp till kraven på samhällsansvar. Det råder fortfarande

Förändrad sysselsättningsgrad – förhållandet mellan arbetsledningsrätten och anställningstryggheten

Frågan om rätt till heltid på arbetsmarknaden har länge varit omdebatterad. Kraven på rätt till heltid drivs såväl av de fackliga organisationerna som av politiker. Det kan vara svårt att försörja sig på ett deltidsarbete, och ur den aspekten har den deltidsanställde ett berättigat intresse av att kräva ett så högt arbetstidsmått som möjligt. Arbetsgivaren har å andra sidan ett intresse av att anpThe issue about the right to work full time has been debated for long time. The demand for the right to work full time is driven by the trade union movement as well as by politicians. It can be hard to earn a living when you work part-time, and from that aspect the part-time worker has an entitled interest to ask for such a high employment rate as possible. On the other hand the employer has an in

Lean Accounting inom sjukvården - Prototyping inom Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing på Skånes Universitetssjukhus

Purpose: The aim of the thesis is to create a prototype model for Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing (TD-ABC) within Lean Accounting, to study whether it can serve efficiently for cost and resource allocation within Skånes Universitetssjukhus (SUS) and compare TD-ABC with the existing costing method. Methodology: To deepen our understanding of the subject we have chosen to observe a health care p

Tingsrätten - en plats för emotionellt arbete?

En tingsrätt i Sverige har påbörjat ett hälsoprojekt för notarier då ledningen vill ge dem ett redskap för att hantera känslor som kan uppkomma i mötet med människor i kris. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur notarierna beskriver känslomässiga krav och upplevelser i sin yrkesroll och på sin arbetsplats där hälsoprojektet är en integrerad komponent. Genom att intervjua sju notarier som delta

Demokratiuppdragets dilemman i undervisningen: En studie om normalitet och avvikelse samt reproduktionen av vär[l]den

Många lärare tycker att skolans uppdrag att utveckla både kunskaper och demokratiska värden hos eleverna är svårt att genomföra. Kan undervisning verkligen både bidra till att utveckla samhället samtidigt som skolan ska fostra, bevara och reproducera vissa normer, tankar och värden? Syftet med uppsatsen är att skildra hur elever och deras lärare beskriver och förhåller sig till bärande begrepp i

Every Mind (of a VoT) is a Universe: a field-based study on assisting victims of human trafficking beyond the template

The aim of this thesis was to identify the implications of the normative premises which are present in the NGO AgainstHTR-S, which works with assistance of victims of human trafficking for sexual purposes. This in order to outline how and why the NGO has the potential to adapt its “Attention Model” to the needs of the individual. In conjunction with a field work in Costa Rica, empirical data was g

Modeling the growth and regional extent of new particle formation events

As aerosol particles are important for global climate effects, their sources and influence on global aerosol particle concentrations need to be quantified. One of the major aerosol sources in the atmosphere is new particle formation (NPF) of new nanometer sized particles in the atmosphere. The influence on the global aerosol concentration due to NPF events is however not well quantified. The goals

Impulse buying online: a visual, comparative enquiry into two mediums of grocery retailing

The purpose of our thesis has been to see how impulse buying could manifest itself online by comparing the offline and online mediums through visual enquiry, and build on the already extensive literature on offline impulse buying. The object oriented visual enquiry was used offline and online to observe grocery stores and their current and potential impulse buying stimuli. We gained an initial und

Ingen av betydelse. Mödrar från samkönad familjebildning talar om spermadonatorn.

Tidigare forskning på samkönad familjebildning i Sverige har främst rört homosexuella kvinnor och män som tillsammans delat föräldraskap i så kallade flerföräldrafamiljer. I denna kvalitativa studie fokuseras mödrar som istället vänt sig till fertilitetsklinik för insemination med donatorsäd från permanent okända donatorer. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med elva mödrar från sju samkönadPrevious research on same-sex parenting in Sweden has focused on families in which homosexual women and men share parenting tasks in so called multi-parent families. This qualitative study focuses on mothers who turned to fertility clinics for insemination with semen from permanently unknown donors. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eleven mothers from seven same-sex families. Discour

Atmospheric decomposition of cyclic ethers

Ida Mexnell Ett biobränsles påverkan på luftmiljön Användningen av fossila bränslen anses i dagsläget vara den enskilt största orsaken till den globala uppvärmningen, vilket beror på dess bidrag till ökningen av växthusgaser i atmosfären. Med hopp om att kunna bromsa den uppvärmande trenden pågår forskning för att ta fram alternativa bränslen som ska vara mer skonsamma mot miljön och inte bidra Renewable alternatives to fossil fuels are of importance nowadays since the use of fossil fuels is considered to stand for the largest contribution to global warming. In recent years, a group of cyclic ethers called furans have been proposed as potential renewable fuels. To enable evaluation of the usefulness of these compounds as fuels, it is important to understand their atmospheric chemistry si

Hur påverkas priset på guld av olika makroekonomiska variabler och avkastningen på alternativa tillgångar?

Den här uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka hur guldpriset påverkas av olika makroekonomiska variabler samt avkastningen på alternativa tillgångar. Studien är gjord ur ett amerikanskt perspektiv och undersöker hur priset på fysiskt guld påverkas av prisindexet Consumer Price Index – All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), BNP-tillväxt, aktieindexet MSCI US Prime Market 750 Index och Treasury bills med tre må

Concertive Bureaucracy in Knowledge-Intensive Work: Loosening the Iron Cage

Thesis Purpose: The main purpose of our thesis is to provide a worker perspective on bureaucratic control in a knowledge-intensive context. Methodology (Empirical Foundation): Our research has been carried out from an interpretive perspective. The empirical material has been constructed through a qualitative case study performed within a knowledge-intensive work context. Theoretical Perspec

A room in the hotel Alphaville : An essay on surveillance and exposed bodies in Haruki Murakami's After Dark

This essay analyses the novel After Dark, written by Japanese author Haruki Murakami. It examines, from a Foucaultian perspective, how the novel presents a modern panoptic society. It is discussed how surveillance and objectification are connected and how they behave within the panoptic structure. Also, it is discussed how certain characters in the novel, both male and female, respond with fear to

The Arab Spring and its different outcomes: Explaining the variation in the state of democratisation

The theme of this study is the Arab Spring and democratisation. The Arab Spring affected every country in the region very differently. This study aims to explain the variation of the state of democratisation in the different countries, as well as identify the factor(s) behind this variation. Six countries are selected for the analysis; half of them experienced major changes, the other half just mi

Does unemployment leave persistent scars on earnings? Evidence from the Swedish twin registry

Does unemployment leave persistent scars on earnings? The European debt crisis has pushed unemployment rates to extraordinary levels in various parts of Europe. This raises important questions about the long term consequences of the crises. Previous research conducted in the USA, Great Britain and Sweden has provided strong evidence for lasting scars inflicted on unemployed workers wages. This pap