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Psychological factors associated with habitat design for planetary mission simulators

Knowledge and experience of human and technological problems on long-duration missions to Moon and Mars, is at best minimal or worst-case non-existent, as these expeditions are yet to be undertaken. Problems stemming from isolation, inter-group relationships, human response to and interaction with spacecraft interiors in a confined isolated environment have been studied, but in limited ways. On fu

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The article is a presentation of the basic activities of the Swedish language board during the years 1987-1998 when I was its president. New possibilities and demands opened up with the development of computer technology. At the end of the 80ies I became aware of the possible linguistic effects of globalization upon national languages like Swedish and questions of national language policy were foc

Walking together with music. Teachers' voices on the joys and challenges of Higher Music Education

Music, Life and the Joy of Playing: Music Teachers on Teaching, Artistic Development and the Challenges of Music Studies is based on interviews with twelve musicians/teachers at the Malmö Academy of Music, conducted by Karin Johansson. The twelve interviewees offer a picture of life-long learning during which the joy and desire to make music is the chief driving force. A teacher at an academy of m

Evaluation of soft magnetic mouldable composite core motors

The objective of this paper is to evaluate a single-phase claw pole machine where the magnetic core is made of a soft magnetic mouldable composite material ((SMC)-C-2). (SMC)-C-2 has low permeability but also very low remagnetization losses, which makes this kind of material very suitable for high frequency applications. Therefore, the high speed characteristics of the single-phase claw-pole machi

Experimental Stroke and Neurotrophins: Regulation, function and gene transfer of neurotrophins in rat and mouse models of focal cerebral ischemia

Popular Abstract in Swedish Stroke är den tredje vanligaste dödsorsaken och den vanligaste orsaken till neurologiskt handikapp. Idag är möjligheten att motverka skadeutvecklingen vid stroke begränsad. Experimentella modeller för stroke innebär att vi kan studera mekanismer för nervcellsskada vid patologiskt sänkta blodflödesnivåer (ischemi). I våra studier har mellersta hjärnartären på ena sidan tStroke caused by focal cerebral ischemia is a major cause of death and neurological disability in humans. The forebrain region most commonly affected by ischemic incidents is that supplied by the middle cerebral artery. In this thesis, neuronal cell death has been investigated using immunohistochemistry for identification of specific neurons and unbiased counting methods after transient occlusion

Romantik i välfärdsstaten : metamorfosförfattarna och den svenska samtiden

Efter krigets och ångestens fyrtiotal vände sig den svenska litteraturen mot den ljusa romantiken, heter det i handböckerna. Paul Tenngarts studier av fem svenska författare med rötter i den legendariska Metamorfoskretsen - Paul Andersson, Lasse Söderberg, Svante Foerster, Petter Bergman och Birgitta Stenberg - ger en annan bild, där romantiken är samhällskritisk med udden riktad mot folkhemsbygge

Gaining competitive advantage through information technology. A resource-based approach to the creation and employment of strategic IT resources

Information technology is a central phenomenon in modern society. It is widely used in a variety of settings and commercial firms use it for a variety of purposes. It could be an Internet application, a manufacturing system, office support software, electronic data interchange or something else, applied in order to create economic benefits through improvements of operative work tasks and business