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Public Administration Theory and Public Administration Change
Human conceptions of the rise and fall of civilizations
SETI, our hopes or fears of a future contact with ETI, is a modern expression of an unending human obsession with the rise and fall of civilizations. People across the globe from our earliest sources to our contemporary culture have tried to understand the beginning and end of history, the creation and the doom. Factor L of the Drake Equation could in other words be understood in a longer historic
Modern filmteori 2
Anthology consisting of texts within modern film theory
A minimum distance analysis of a certain class of two dimensional ISI channels
In this paper we perform a minimum distance analysis of a class of two dimensional intersymbol interference channels. In particular, some important cases of multitrack multihead magnetic recording systems fall into the studied class. Previously, Soljanin and Georghiades have studied the same problem as we do. The results derived in this paper are more conclusive and they improve upon theirs. The f
The measurement of light
In this chapter various thermal, electronic and chemical devices are described, as well as well as the construction and calibration of a spectroradiometer. A separate section is devoted to the measurement of very weak light, such as the ultraweak luminescence from living cells.
Vardag i olika världar : Om dementa och vårdbiträden på tre gruppboenden
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur ser vardagen ut för äldre demenssjuka människor? Vad händer när dementa och vårdbiträden dagligen möts i nära och intima relationer? Denna avhandling ger en ingående beskrivning av hur vardagen gestaltar sig på tre gruppboenden för dementa med utgångspunkt från hur dementa och vårdbiträden faktiskt handlar i olika situationer. Ett försök görs att ge ett förståelsepeThis thesis is about the residents and employees at three group homes for older people suffering from dementia. The empirical data comprises princi- pally of participant observation and interviews with caregivers. The aim of the dissertation is to describe and understand what happens during daily life at a group home for elderly suffering from dementia. The ambition is to understand the patterns o
Lunds universitets kokbok
Från Eden till damavdelningen. Studier om kvinnan i litteraturen
Results and analysis from fire tests of building products in ISO 9705, the room/corner test
The estrogen receptor in fish and effects of synthetic estrogens in the environment - Ecological and evolutionary perspectives and societal awareness
Popular Abstract in Swedish Vår läkemedelsanvändning har eskalerat de senaste två årtionden och vi har kunnat behandla, bota och förebygga sjukdomar samt minskat antalet oönskade graviditeter i större utsträckning jämfört med förr. Detta har dock också fört med sig negativa effekter och miljöproblem efter att läkemedlen kommer ut i naturen. Ett antal läkemedel är så kallade endokrina störningssubsSynthetic hormones are a group of pharmaceuticals used for various human and animal treatments. However, consumption and disposal of these substances have also given rise to negative effects and environmental problems for organisms in the wild which is why these substances have been classified as estrogenic endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). Studies on the estrogen receptors (ers) and their ge
From Features via Frames to Spaces: Modeling Scientific Conceptual Change Without Incommensurability or Aprioricity
The (dynamic) frame model, originating in artificial intelligence and cognitive psychology, has recently been applied to change-phenomena traditionally studied within history and philosophy of science. Its application purpose is to account for episodes of conceptual dynamics in the empirical sciences (allegedly) suggestive of incommensurability as evidenced by “ruptures” in the symbolic forms of h
Open Access in Swedish Private Sector R&D
Open Access definieras som fri, omedelbar, permanent tillgång till vetenskapligt material i fulltext. Redan idag använder sig universiteten av Open Access, och en stor andel forskare anger att de har kännedom om OA. Statistiska Centralbyrån (SCB) har gjort uppskattningen att nära 75% av alla pengar som investeras i svensk forskning kommer från privata företag. Trots detta verkar inte Open Access-dOpen Access (OA) is defined as the free, online, immediate, permanent access to scientific and scholarly material in full-text. Open Access practices have reached the universities and now nearly all university researchers report knowledge of OA. Statistics Sweden (SCB) has estimated that 75% of all money invested in research activities in Sweden is done by private companies. In spite of this, the
Generative Grammar
Kommentar till Skollag (1985:1100)
Att fråga och att svara: Samhällsvetenskaplig metod
Definiteness Effects : Bilingual, typological and diachronic variation
This volume explores in detail the empirical and conceptual content of the definiteness effect in grammar. It brings together a variety of relevant observations from a typological, diachronic and a bilingual/second language acquisition perspective, and provides a general overview of different approaches concerned with the syntactic, morphological, semantic, and pragmatic properties of the Definite