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Product and Package Develompent - An Integrated Approach

Since very few products are truly lifecycle adapted, most products need supportive functions during part(s) of their lifecycle — ranging from extensive systems of primary, secondary and tertiary packages to a simple wrapping or chemical surface protection. When a package is needed, consideration is seldom given to it during the actual development of the product. See Bramklev (2004). An illustrat

Interdisciplinarity, group responsibility and conflict as resources for learning

In the autumn of 2011, the course “The City: Boundary Transgressions and Visual Expressions” was given for the first time. Formally placed at the Division of Art History and Visual Studies, the course is a collaboration with the Division of Social Anthropology and is directed towards students from a range of disciplines within the fields of the humanities and social sciences. The course includes

Interactions of human C4BP with Bordetella pertussis and Streptococcus pyogenes

Popular Abstract in Swedish För att skydda sig mot infektioner har människan ett välutvecklat immunförsvar. I immunförsvaret ingår många olika celler och proteiner (äggviteämnen). Till exempel finns det celler som producerar antikroppar som specifikt känner igen bakterier och virus som en människa har utsatts för vid en tidigare infektion. Det finns också speciella celler som kan fagocytera (äta uMany microorganisms have developed mechanisms to protect themselves against attack from the complement system of the host. One possible mechanism for a microorganism to evade complement attack is to bind a human complement regulator, which may allow the microorganism to down-regulate complement activation. This thesis describes studies of such interactions between human C4b-binding protein (C4BP),

Modalities of Place: On Polarisation and Exclusion in Concepts of Place and in Site-Specific Art

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen tar upp polariserade plats-koncept (place/non-place, place/placelessnes, place/site etc. En modaliserande approach prövas, dvs nyanser och aspekter framhålls som alternativ till polariteter och dikotomier. Del 1 innefattar platsteori genom Edward Casey, Edward Relph, Kenneth Frampton, Perla Korosek-Serfaty och Henri Lefebvre. Här görs en kritisk läsning av In this thesis the notion of place is studied by way of investigating the “non-place” which is excluded or opposed, whenever a place is defined. “Non-place” is used here as a meta-concept, covering various recurring types of opposition to “place,” and it therefore represents a profoundly incoherent spect-rum of realities and concepts. Hence, a “non-place” may in this investigation appear as “lefto

Performance evaluation of N-well/P-sub photodiodes in 65nm CMOS process

This work explores the n-well/p-substrate photodiode in a deep submicron CMOS process. A CMOS chip is designed featuring different structures of the photodiode. When characterized at a wavelength of 850nm DC responsivities between 0.12 and 0.16 A/W and 3-dB bandwidths of about 6 MHz with a roll-off of about 5.5dB/decade are measured. These investigations are very useful in designing the transimped

Hyperspectral and multispectral remote sensing for mapping grassland vegetation

Popular Abstract in English European dry extensive grasslands are biodiversity hotspots which are severely threatened by land use intensification and abandonment. In order to plan efficient conservation actions it is necessary to collect information on the current status of grasslands, their species diversity and prevailing environmental conditions. Remote sensing technology in combination with grAs a consequence of agricultural intensification, large areas of species-rich grasslands have been lost and farmland biodiversity has declined. Previous studies have shown that the continuity of grazing management can have a significant influence on the environmental conditions and the levels of plant species diversity in grassland habitats. The preservation of species-rich grasslands has become a

Applications of Ion Beam Methods in Silicide/Si and Silicide/GaAs Nanometre Structures

Ion beam methods are used to analyse material (Ion Beam Analysis, IBA) and to modify the target (Ion Beam Modification of Materials, IBMM). In this thesis, ion beams have been used in various IBA techniques to investigate the surface nanometre structures, and also in an ion beam synthesis (IBS) technique to form thin films and to modify material properties. The work is divided into two main parts:

Transcriptional dysregulation in L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia

Popular Abstract in Swedish Parkinsons sjukdom karaktäriseras av en progressiv degenerering av dopamin-producerande celler. Avsaknad av dopamin resulterar i kardinalsymptomen bradykinesi (långsamma rörelser), akinesi (avsaknad av rörelser), rigiditet (muskelstelhet) samt tremor (lågfrekventa darrningar i händerna, även kallad ”pillertrillar” rörelser). Den mest framgångsrika behandlingen består avThis study explores the role of transcriptional regulation important in the development of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease. In patients with Parkinson’s disease, dyskinesia is one of the most difficult complications of the DA-replacement therapy by L-DOPA. The underlying mechanisms are still unknown, but a role of abnormal striatal plasticity has been proposed. The