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Brandsyn i Öresundsregionen - en utvärdering och framtidsstudie

This report evaluates and compares the methods in fire inspection at Malmø Fire Brigade and Copenhagen Fire Brigade. The report also examines fire safety laws and regulations and the educational differences of the fire inspectors in Malmø and Copenhagen. The investigation is a project for Malmø Fire Brigade and Copenhagen Fire Brigade in co-operation with the Department of Fire Safety Engineering

Utformning och byggnation av modellbrandrum

This report describes the theoretical and practical work producing a Model Fire Room. The project resulted in a Model Fire Room which, in a standardized and clear way, shows the entire fire scenario from ignition to fully developed room fire. The most important stage of the fire scenario shown is the flashover.

Utvärdering av videoanalysmetoder för utrymning med tillämpning på hörn

Evaluating evacuation experiments is a time consuming work. This report explores the possibilities of an automated time saving procedure with the help of ordinary computer programs and video cameras. Simplifying the procedure means that more types of tests can be made, i.e. walking paths of people turning corners. Trials were performed during two days with fire safety engineering students at the F

Normer för en kvinnlig kommunist : om Arbetsbiens kärlek i debatten om kvinnan i den svenska kommunistiska rörelsen under mellankrigstiden.

Mycket forskning har förts kring Alexandra Kollontajs politiska liv, men mindre kring de skönlitterära verk hon har gjort. I denna uppsats åskådliggör jag Arbetsbiens kärleks förhållande till den samtida svenska kommuniströrelsen, men visar även hur en sådan analys kan bidra till en mer nyanserad läsning av hennes normering för sexualiteten, den kvinnliga kroppen och det kvinnliga arbetet.

The Role of Gold in a Portfolio in Different Market Conditions-Is gold still an attractive investment after the financial crisis in 2008?

This thesis examines whether gold is still attractive to be invested as one of the portfolio component after the financial crisis in 2008. Besides, the study suggests the appropriate weight of gold in the portfolio investment during the normal and crisis periods. This paper uses the U.S. stock, bond, and gold data from 1997 until 2013 to investigate optimal weights by constructing the optimal port

Ledarskapsstilar i media - Ett åskådliggörande av olika ledarskapsstilar i media

The purpose of this study was to examine how various types of leadership reflects in the workgroup constituted by the lead in an organization. We chose to observe a reality-show and analyze our selected material/situations by using Thomas Egner’s theory “The Managerial Grid” in which we could divide the leaders into certain categories. Our chosen reality-show helped us to demonstrate various types

Acoustophoretic sample preparation for PCR in sepsis diagnostics

Sepsis is a serious clinical syndrome and one of the most common causes of death. It is defined as a microbial invasion and excessive immune reaction. There is no common cure for sepsis, and mortality in sepsis is high and rises quickly, so it is important to start precise treatment quickly. Sepsis is, however, hard to diagnose, as it has no symptoms specific to it alone, and thus new ways to diag

From Constitutional Law to Reality: A Field Study on the new Kenyan Constitution’s Affects on Land Conflicts

In this field study it is examined how the new Kenyan constitution, approved in 2010, has affected conflicts related to land. The study is based on a combination of quantitative data, conducted through standardized interviews with 90 people living in areas affected by land disputes, and qualitative data, gathered through deep-interviews with seven policy experts, all being differently involved in

Environmental Sustainability of Floating Biodigesters in Tonlé Sap, Cambodia

Levnadsförhållandena är vanligtvis låga för människor som lever i flytande byar runt om i världen. Avsaknaden av adekvata avfallssystem i flytande byar försämrar både människors hälsa samtidigt som sjöar kontamineras. Detta examensarbete utvärderar hållbarheten av att implementera flytande bioreaktorer som avfallssystem för flytande byar i sjön Tonlé Sap, Kambodja. Det huvudsakliga syftet är att bConditions for humans living in floating villages around the world are usually in the lowest earning bracket. The lack of sanitary facilities pollutes lakes and deteriorates human health. This master thesis evaluates the environmental sustainability of implementing floating biodigesters as a sanitary solution in a village located on the lake Tonlé Sap in Cambodia. The main objectives include asses

Investigating the cost of migration in a freshwater fish

Abstract Migration is a widespread phenomenon in nature, observed in many different taxa. Migration is often caused by changes in food availability, physical conditions and predation risks. Moving is energetically costly, and hence migration is likely to be a trade-off between increased survival and an energetic cost for migrating, the cost could take shape in decreased fecundity and lower body c

Comparative heat stress study of acorn barnacles Tetraclita japonica and Tetraclita squamosa of Cape D’aguilar, Hong Kong

Abstract: The physiological responses of two Hong Kong acorn barnacles, Tetraclita japonica and T. squamosa differed under identical heat stress conditions. Both species experienced increased body temperature and mantle water osmolality with higher temperatures and prolonged emersion time. Species comparisons however, showed that T. japonica had warmer body temperatures and more concentrated osm

Effects of HSA and polystyrene nanoparticles on Abeta42 fibrillation kinetics

Alzheimers sjukdom och nanopartiklar – blir vi dementa snabbare? Demenssjukdomar kommer märkbart att påverka vår allt mer åldrande befolkning. Alzheimers sjukdom är den vanligaste av dessa och leder till exempel till minnesförlust och förändrad personlighet. En sak som kännetecknar sjukdomen är bildandet av plack i hjärnan. Plack består av ihopklumpade protein. Proteinet som utgör dessa utgör desAbstract Alzheimer’s disease is a common form of dementia with one of its hallmarks being the formation of plaques in the brain consisting of fibrils formed from the amyloid beta peptide (Aβ). Nanoparticles have in vitro been shown to affect the rate of which these fibrils form. When nanoparticles enter a biological system they will be covered with proteins, a protein corona is formed. In this st

Röstpatientens yrke och diagnos En kartläggning av nybesök på foniatriska mottagningar i Sverige samt uppföljning av prof. Björn Fritzells studie från 1996.

Prof. Björn Fritzell publicerade 1996 en studie där han presenterade en kartläggning av röstpatienter på nybesök vid foniatriska mottagningar i Sverige. Insamlingen av uppgifter gjordes efter kön, yrke, ålder och diagnos. Slutsatsen var att yrket kan ses som en riskfaktor för röstproblem, framför allt när det gällde lärare. En uppdatering har sedan dess varit efterfrågad. Föreliggande studie syfta

Ekonomisk optimering av energiproduktion - Analys av kostnadsbesparing

This thesis deals with the subject of economic optimization of energy production. An initial theoretical part present the various input data required for an optimization. The most basic inputs are the forecasts of district heating load, forecast of electricity price and cost functions. Some different optimization methods used for economic optimization of energy is described. An example of how to

Branded applications - Function triumphs Brand? -An exploratory study of branded applications’ role in the brand building process

Abstract Title: Branded applications - Function triumphs Brand? -An exploratory study of branded applications’ role in the brand building process Date of the Seminar: 2013.05.29 Course: BUSN29, Degree project in Global marketing Authors: Vukcevic, Lidia and Willgottson, Malin Supervisor: Elg, Ulf Keywords: Brand building process, High/low involvement brands, Mobile marketing, Branded applica

Effects of sugarcane expansion on surface runoff and evapotranspiration in the Rio Grande basin

Efterfrågan på sockerrör har de senaste åren ökat i takt med att fler länder strävar efter att minska sitt beroende av fossila bränslen. Som en följd har antalet sockerrörsodlingar kraftigt ökat i Brasilien vilket medfört en oro inför vilka effekter denna omvandling av ursprunglig mark till sockerrörsodling har på lokala hydrologin och klimatet. I det här arbetet har påverkan av sockerrörs expanThe demand for sugarcane has increased in recent years as more countries desire to reduce its dependence of fossil fuels. Therefore, the number of sugarcane plantations has rapidly increased in Brazil which raises concerns for what effect these conversion of original land to sugarcane plantations have on local hydrology and climate. In this thesis, the effects of sugarcane expansion on surface ru

"Reklam handlar om effekt och bang for the buck"

Reklam kan inte ses som en isolerad kommunikation mellan företag och konsumenter, den existerar i samtiden, i en kontext och i ett samhälle som låter sig påverkas av den. Vad som exponeras i det offentliga påverkar de uppfattningar och föreställning människor har om omvärlden i ett långsiktigt perspektiv. Syftet med studien är att undersöka och skapa förståelse för hur reklambyråer hanterar balans

Självständighet kontra offerstatus – en studie om spänningsförhållandet mellan de våldsutsattas offerstatus och Socialstyrelsens policy om stärkning

The purpose of this study was to examine whether the social services and women shelters working with abused women at the safe houses enable self-determination, well-being and happiness while abused women are seen as victims. The idea for the study came to during my own work as a social worker and the personal experience that abused women living at safe houses are not satisfied with the given inter