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Your search for "*" yielded 531864 hits

Comprehensive transcriptomic profiling identifies breast cancer patients who may be spared adjuvant systemic therapy

Purpose: There is currently no molecular signature in clinical use for adjuvant endocrine therapy omission in breast cancer. Given the unique trial design of SweBCG91-RT, where adjuvant endocrine and chemotherapy were largely unadministered, we sought to evaluate the potential of transcriptomic profiling for identifying patients who may be spared adjuvant endocrine therapy. Experimental Design: We

The impact of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on hydrological extremes

Extreme climate events such as severe droughts and floods have become more frequent and widespread in the 21st Century. Recent studies have revealed the tele-connections between Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO) and extreme precipitation over different regions such as South America, India and China. This study investigates the influence of MJO on global extreme dry and wet conditions, and how the st

Evaluation of three satellite precipitation products TRMM 3B42, CMORPH, and PERSIANN over a subtropical watershed in China

This study conducted a comprehensive evaluation of three satellite precipitation products (TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission) 3B42, CMORPH (the Climate Prediction Center (CPC) Morphing algorithm), and PERSIANN (Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks)) using data from 52 rain gauge stations over the Meichuan watershed, which is a represent

Using fuzzy approach to build a continuous relationship between SCS curve number and soil properties

The commonly used Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS-CN) for surface runoff modeling is largely dependent on the Hydrologic Soil Groups (HSGs) which are derived through aggregation of all soil types into four hydrologic groups. The derived CN largely mutes away original soil attribute details. A fuzzy approach refining CN according to soil hydrologic properties was developed to preserve d

Stasi & AIDS in Africa – an Unlikely Connection

Our contemporary time is haunted by fabricated stories or so called “fake news”. Some of them are threatening the long-term work to promote health carried out by bodies, such as the WHO. The origin of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) being a contamination and a mutation originating from primates is well-documented. Despite this well documented fact, alternative narratives are often being heard o

Immune functions of platelets

Platelets are megakaryocyte-derived cellular fragments lacking a nucleus and are classically known for their crucial role in supporting hemostasis. Besides their hemostatic function, it is becoming increasingly clear that platelets are much more diverse and that they are capable of a wide range of immune-sensing functions. This chapter will focus on these non-hemostatic immunological aspects, espe

Pancreatic β-cell mRNA modification as a marker for type 2 diabetes

Diabetes mellitus invariably involves impaired regulation of insulin secretion from pancreatic β cells, as a result of unfavourable environmental influences in combination with aberrant expression of risk genes at either the transcriptional or the translational level. A recent report in Nature Metabolism explores a novel role of mRNA methylation in β-cell function and suggests that its downregulat

Moodle som stöd för aktivt lärande

För att lära sig programmera måste studenterna själva vara aktiva och öva programmering på dator. Med ett omfattande kursinnehåll går det av resursskälinte att göra all nödvändig övning obligatorisk därför har vi digitaliserat övningsuppgifter som tidigare varit på papper i ett försök att få studenterna att göra fler övningar på med en mer aktiv approach.Försöken har mottagits väl och en majoritet

Diffusion tensor MRI to distinguish progressive supranuclear palsy from a-synucleinopathies

Background: The differential diagnosis of progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and Lewy body disorders, which include Parkinson disease and dementia with Lewy bodies, is often challenging due to the overlapping symptoms. Purpose: To develop a diagnostic tool based on diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to distinguish between PSP and Lewy body disorders at the individual-subject level. Materials and Met

The value of the Skåne Health-care Register : Prospectively collected individual-level data for population-based studies

Aims: This study aimed to examine the population-based Skåne Health-care Register (SHR) regarding feasibility for scientific research and also strengths and weaknesses. Methods: To analyse the feasibility of the SHR, we performed a bibliographic search for peer-reviewed articles based on SHR data from 2000 to 2018. To analyse strengths and weaknesses, we used original SHR data about coverage and v

Samhällskunskap för alienerad elit : Observationsstudie av Särskilda läroverket

This thesis is built around an observational study of a class at an elite school. The study follows the class through their upper secondary school education (ages 16-19), focusing on social science lessons. I have used ethnographic methodology to describe and problematize how social science and value-based ambitions of equality conflict with the student role of superiority cultivated at this schoo

Extrusion of extracellular membrane vesicles from hyphal tips of streptomyces venezuelae coupled to cell-wall stress

Extracellular vesicle release is a wide-spread and broadly important phenomenon in bacteria. However, not much is known about the mechanism of vesicle release in Gram-positive bacteria. Observations of polarly growing Streptomyces venezuelae by live cell time-lapse imaging reveal release of extracellular membrane vesicles from tips of vegetative hyphae. Vesicle extrusion is associated with spontan

Ingmar Bergman at 100 : An Introduction

This book on Swedish film-maker Ingmar Bergman contains 18 new essays, representing parts of modern scholarship on the director’s work, mainly in the cinema. Most of the contributors to the book, some of them Swedish, others American or British, have written lavishly on Bergman previously, some even for decades. Bergman is one of the most written about artists in film history and his fame still li

Mary Ruefle : Dikter

Short presentation of American poet Mary Ruefle (b. 1952) and some of her later poems translated into Swedish