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Observation of a linked-loop quantum state in a topological magnet

Quantum phases can be classified by topological invariants, which take on discrete values capturing global information about the quantum state1–13. Over the past decades, these invariants have come to play a central role in describing matter, providing the foundation for understanding superfluids5, magnets6,7, the quantum Hall effect3,8, topological insulators9,10, Weyl semimetals11–13 and other p

Renewable energy transition, demand for metals and resource curse effects

Mitigating climate change will require large-scale changes to energy systems. Two examples are increased use of renewable energy resources and electrification of the transport sector. These changes increase demand for metals. This chapter looks into which metals are used in renewable energy technologies and why, how much is required to transition the global energy system and which countries hold t

Women´s experiences of preeclampsia as a condition of uncertainty : a qualitative study

BACKGROUND: Preeclampsia is a severe condition that annually affects about 3-8% of pregnancies worldwide. Preeclampsia is thereby one of the most common pregnancy complications for both mother and child. Despite that, there is limited research exploring the women´s perspective of experiencing preeclampsia.AIM: The aim of this study was to describe women´s experiences of preeclampsia to improve the

The Borg scale is a sustainable method for prescribing and monitoring self-administered aerobic endurance exercise in patients with chronic kidney disease

Aim: To examine adherence, performance, and safety of self-administered aerobic endurance exercise when exercise intensity was prescribed and self-monitored with the Borg RPE scale in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), and the relationship between performed exercise and change in walking distance. Materials and Methods: 97 men and 50 women (age 66 ± 14 years, measured GFR 22 ± 8 mL/min/1.

A Brake System Coefficient of Friction Estimation Using 3D Friction Maps

The coefficient of friction (COF) is one of the core factors in the evaluation of brake system performance. It is challenging to predict the COF, since it is strongly influenced by several parameters such as contact pressure (p), slip rate (v) and temperature (T) that depend on the driving conditions. There is a need for better models to describe how the brake friction varies under different drivi

Social challenges within sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems

The formation of sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems to foster sustainable entrepreneurship in regional and national levels has become an increasing phenomenon. Therefore, the research stream of sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems is gaining relevance in the sustainable entrepreneurship literature. What has been missing, however, is an empirical analysis of stakeholder collaborations in sust

Treatment seeking for alcohol-related issues during the COVID-19 pandemic : An analysis of an addiction-specialized psychiatric treatment facility

The COVID-19 pandemic and its societal impact may cause long-term behavioral changes in alcohol use due to increased psychological distress, unemployment, and time spent home. The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on treatment seeking for alcohol use disorders and related problems in a Swedish psychiatric treatment facility. Using

Kring Fakiren

Den lundensiske 1800-talshumoristen, diktaren och journalisten Axel Wallengren (1865–96) är mest känd under signaturen Falstaff, fakir. Den här boken anlägger skilda perspektiv på personen Wallengren själv, på hans texter och på en rad personer som direkt eller indirekt kan ha inspirerats av honom. Det handlar dels om sådana som ingick i den mycket kreativa miljö som 1890-talets Lund utgjorde, del

Acute Hemodynamic Effects of Simultaneous and Sequential Multi-Point Pacing in Heart Failure Patients With an Expected Higher Rate of Sub-response to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy : Results of Multicenter SYNSEQ Study

The aim of the SYNSEQ (Left Ventricular Synchronous vs. Sequential MultiSpot Pacing for CRT) study was to evaluate the acute hemodynamic response (AHR) of simultaneous (3P-MPP syn) or sequential (3P-MPP seq) multi-3-point-left-ventricular (LV) pacing vs. single point pacing (SPP) in a group of patients at risk of a suboptimal response to cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). Twenty five patient

Selection of Weather Files and Their Importance for Building Performance Simulations in the Light of Climate Change and Urban Heat Islands

Building performance predictions and their reliability rely heavily on weather data inputs. Climate is affected by spatial and temporal differences related to climate change and urban heat island effects, but the weather files used in building performance simulations (BPS) often remain unchanged and may represent weather observations generated from inadequate space and time for their application.

Reliability of data on percent consonants correct and its associated quality indicator in the Swedish cleft lip and palate registry

BACKGROUND: Data in national health care quality registries must be valid and reliable in order to enable open comparisons of results.AIM: To assess the reliability of data on percent consonants correct (PCC) and its associated quality indicator ≥86% correct consonants in the Swedish quality registry for patients born with cleft lip and palate (CLP) registry.METHODS: Six independent speech-languag

Three-dimensional time-lapse inversion of transient electromagnetic data, with application at an Icelandic geothermal site

Transient electromagnetic (TEM) is an efficient non-invasive method to map electrical conductivity distribution in the subsurface. This paper presents an inversion scheme for 3-D TEM time-lapse (TL) data using a generalized minimum support (MS) norm and its application to monitoring conductivity changes over time. In particular, two challenges for TL TEM applications are addressed: (i) the survey

Participation of alkali and sulfur in ammonia combustion chemistry : Investigation for ammonia/solid fuel co-firing applications

Ammonia (NH3) is a promising carbon-free energy carrier. Co-firing of ammonia in solid fuel-fired facilities is a feasible solution to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Solid fuels, such as coal and biomass, contain various trace elements, such as alkali metals and sulfur, which are released to the gas phase during combustion. Experimental characterization and modeling are used to study the p

Organisering, ledarskap och det diakonala frirummet

Syftet med det här kapitlet är att belysa grundläggande villkor för organiseringen av diakonala insatser i Svenska kyrkans församlingar. Vi kommer i första hand fokusera på sådana villkor som rör verksamheten i sig men teologiska förutsättningar berörs också. Vi kommer att konstatera att det i stort saknas riktlinjer för organiseringen av församlingarnas diakoni. Arbetets organisering skiljer sig

Degrowth & Strategy : How to bring about social-ecological transformation

Degrowth is a counter-hegemonic movement that has the ambitious aim of transforming society towards social and ecological justice. But how do we get there? That is the question this book addresses. Adhering to the multiplicity of degrowth whilst also arguing that strategic prioritisation and coordination are key, Degrowth & Strategy advances the debate on strategy for social-ecological transfo

Genome-wide association study identifies Sjögren's risk loci with functional implications in immune and glandular cells

Sjögren's disease is a complex autoimmune disease with twelve established susceptibility loci. This genome-wide association study (GWAS) identifies ten novel genome-wide significant (GWS) regions in Sjögren's cases of European ancestry: CD247, NAB1, PTTG1-MIR146A, PRDM1-ATG5, TNFAIP3, XKR6, MAPT-CRHR1, RPTOR-CHMP6-BAIAP6, TYK2, SYNGR1. Polygenic risk scores yield predictability (AUROC = 0.71) and