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Culture Unbound: Americanization and Everyday Life in Sweden

This book investigates the significance processes of Americanization have had in shaping and influencing the form and content of everyday life in Sweden. However, rather than simply viewing Americanization as an irresistible homogenizing force, it is argued that to the extent that Swedish everyday life has been Americanized, it has been Americanized in a very Swedish way. Here the dreams, actions,

Modular three-phase machines with laminated winding for hybrid vehicle application

A design model development for electrical machines with laminated windings is presented. The focus is to provide manufacturable solutions for commercial vehicle traction applications. The machine is designed with axially distributed single-layer wave-winding segments with a core that builds a modular three-phase machine. The phase segment, whose central part is a wave-winding made as a laminated w

Age effects on semantic coherence: Latent semantic analysis applied to letter fluency data

Abstract in UndeterminedWe investigated age-related changes in the semantic distance between successively generated words in two letter fluency tasks differing with respect to demands placed on executive control. The semantic distance was measured by Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA). The results show that older people have a larger semantic distance between successively generated items than young pe

Modification of Oxide Surfaces with Functional Organic Molecules, Nanoparticles, and Hetero-Oxide Layers

Popular Abstract in English It is hard to imagine present day’s lifestyle without the use of modern technologies as prevalent in sectors including bioscience & technology and the semiconductor & chemical industries. In technological advances of biosensors, catalysis, and microelectronics, the surface modification of materials (which includes modification of the wetting, structural, electriThe research work described in this thesis is concerned with the modification of oxide surfaces, as reflected by its title. The surfaces and their modification have been studied using a range of experimental surface characterization tools, in particular x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), fluorescence microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and scanning tunneling mic

Hand function, Everyday Occupations and Wellbeing in Individuals with Systemic Sclerosis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Aktivitet och förmågan att kunna utföra olika dagliga sysslor är central för människan och har stor betydelse för upplevelse av hälsa. I samband med sjukdom eller skada kan förmågan till aktivitet förändras, och komplexiteten i de dagliga sysslorna blir tydlig. Systemisk skleros (sklerodermi) är en ovanlig bindvävsjukdom, som karakteriseras av förändring av immunförsvarSystemic sclerosis (scleroderma) is a connective tissue disease which, in various ways, influences an individual’s ability to participate in everyday occupations. The general objective of this work was to elucidate the consequences of scleroderma with respect to hand function, everyday occupations and wellbeing, in order to provide a knowledge base suitable for occupational therapy interventions.

Color-Based Detection Robust to Varying Illumination Spectrum

In color-based detection methods, varying illumination often causes problems, since an object may be perceived to have different colors under different lighting conditions. In the field of color constancy this is usually handled by estimating the illumination spectrum and accounting for its effect on the perceived color. In this paper a method for designing a robust classifier is presented, i.e.,

Development of sensitive cellular assay systems and their application to the identification of "orphan" seven-transmembrane receptors

Popular Abstract in Swedish I alla flercelliga organismer behövs utbyte av information mellan cellerna, som bygger upp kroppen. För detta ändamål är cellerna försedda med små antenner, som kan ta emot signaler och kallas därför receptorer. Receptorer kan vara uppbyggda på olika sätt. De flesta receptorer slingrar sig sju gånger genom membranet och har ett gemensamt sätt att fortleda signaler till Seven-transmembrane, G-protein coupled receptors play a central role in physiology since they facilitate cell communication in multicellular organisms by recognition of a broad range of ligands. They also represent important drug targets. Unfortunately, for many of these receptors the endogenous ligands, and, hence, their physiological functions, remain to be identified. These receptors are usuall

Flower Cues for Hawkmoths: Colour, Place and Odour

Popular Abstract in Swedish Blommor använder färg och doft för att locka till sig pollinatörer. Hur använder sig svärmare av dessa olika signaler för att hitta blomman? För att få svar på denna fråga undersöktes två arter av svärmare, en dagaktiv, Macroglossum stellatarum, och en nattaktiv, Deilephila elpenor. Båda arterna har färgseende och den nattaktiva svärmaren kan skilja på olika färger äveFlowers use different cues to attract pollinators including colour and odour. How do hawkmoths use these cues to find the flowers? This question was investigated in two species of hawkmoth, the diurnal species, Macroglossum stellatarum, and the nocturnal species, Deilephila elpenor. Both species have colour vision and D. elpenor can discriminate colours under very dim light intensities. Both speci

Enhancing Knowledge Acquistion Through the use of KMS

An important competitive advantage source for firms in complex, uncertain, and high-velocity environments is their external knowledge-related relationships. Information and communication technologies (ICT) can play an important role in knowledge-intensive processes and flows. Using the dynamic capability and absorptive capability views the paper presents and discusses how ICT can be used to enhanc