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Preliminary studies on the role of ten-a during CNS and eye development of Drosophila.

ten-a is one of the two Drosophila genes whose products belong to the Ten M protein family. TheTen-a protein is a type II transmembrane protein. This protein was found to be mainly expressed in the CNSof the embryo and in the compound eye of the pupa. No report about the function of ten-a has beenpublished to date. Here, we showed, in a preliminary report, that ten-a has a function in the developm

Anatomy of the coronary sinus with regard to cardiac resynchronization therapy implantation

Knowledge of the coronary sinus (CS) anatomy is crucial for implantation of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). Obstacles to CS entry, such as the Eustachian ridge and Thebesian valve, as well as within the CS, such as Vieussen’s valve and the vein of Marshall, are important to understand and differentiate during implantation or to identify earlier by imaging. Anatomic knowledge is mandatory

The Influence of Age on Cerebral Tissue Oxygenation in Vasovagal Syncope and Orthostatic Hypotension

Age-related physiological impairment increases susceptibility to syncope. We tested the hypotheses that cerebral oxygenation during orthostatic provocation, as well as the level at which syncope occurs, differs according to age. Non-invasive hemodynamic monitoring and cerebral oximetry were applied during a head-up tilt test in 139 patients with vasovagal syncope (mean (SD) 45, (17) years, 60%-fem

EcoDesign and the Ten Golden Rules: Generic advice for merging environmental aspects into product development

The most important moment in product development is when demands and specifications are decided for the product that is being planned. The specification defines the goal for the product development process. It is a very important steering opportunity for the continuing work and for environmentally driven demands that are to be addressed in the product development phase. The designers are said to h

The Influence of pH on the Lipase Digestion of Nanosized Triolein, Diolein and Monoolein films

Herein we studied the processes at the liquid aqueous interface at pH 7 and 8.5 during Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis of nanosized tri-, di- and mono-olein films deposited on a planar substrate. By employing a combination of ellipsometry, QCM-D and ATR-FTIR, we were able to reveal the physical properties of the thin films at high time resolution throughout the initial hydratio

Realization of axially defined GaInP/InP/InAsP triple-junction photovoltaic nanowires for high-performance solar cells

III-V semiconductor-based planar multi-junction solar cells synthesized to match the solar spectrum, increase absorption, and reduce thermalization loss are today's world-record efficiency solar cells. Realizing similarly performing multi-junction III-V nanowire (NW) solar cells would require significantly less material and is more sustainable at lower cost than planar solar cells. The NW geometry

On-line compositional measurements of AuAg aerosol nanoparticles generated by spark ablation using optical emission spectroscopy

Spark ablation is an established technique for generating aerosol nanoparticles. Recent demonstrations of compositional tuning of bimetallic aerosols have led to a demand for on-line stoichiometry measurements. In this work, we present a simple, non-intrusive method to determine the composition of a binary AuAg nanoparticle aerosol on-line using the optical emission from the electrical discharges.

Disability, Justice and Freedom as Non-Domination

Disability scholars have recently proposed that republican theory is relevant to think about justice in relation to disability. Following in their footsteps, this article submits that the republican conception of freedom as non-domination provides a fresh angle to legitimise disability rights in terms of justice and prevent their interpretation as charity or privileges. This proposition takes its

Strategy for the multiplicity of degrowth

This chapter starts with outlining a degrowth vision for social-ecological transformation. It then traces the existing discussion on strategy in the degrowth movement and explains why it is important to think about strategy. Its key contribution is a conceptualiation strategy, which builds on and is closely aligned with our understanding of degrowth. Finally, it introduces the book and its structu

Ilio-femoral calcium score may assist Glasgow Aneurysm Score prediction of long-term survival of low-risk patients after infrarenal EVAR

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study is to evaluate if ilio-femoral calcium score (CS) combined with Glasgow Aneurysm Score (GAS) can improve the prediction of long-term survival after EVAR.METHODS: All the patients who underwent infrarenal endovascular aortic repair (EVAR) for non-ruptured AAA between January 2004 and December 2012 at a tertiary referral center were retrospectively included if the p

Från välfärdsstat till välfärdsmix, från statskyrka till civilsamhällesaktör

När Svenska kyrkan, den gamla lutherska statliga institutionen för tro och tillhörighet, ges ny inramning i ett välfärdssamhälle som förändras – förändras då även bilden av kyrkans sociala ansvarstagande?I detta kapitel är ambitionen att beskriva Svenska kyrkans roll i förhållande först till ”välfärdsstaten” och sedan till den välfärdsmix eller den ”välfärdspluralism” som präglar förhållandena ida

Diakoni - reflektion och praktik

I dagens välfärdspluralism antar idéburna organisationer roller som gemenskapsbyggare, röstbärare och serviceleverantörer. Det socialpolitiska landskapet är under ständig förändring – något som påverkar kyrkan och dess diakonala arbete. I kyrklig diakoni ryms praktik och reflektion, teologisk och socialpolitisk. Hur gestaltas detta? Vilka verksamheter prioriteras, hur organiseras och leds det diak

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Att rapportera resultat ser de flesta i dagens samhälle som en självklar plikt. Många offentligfinansierade verksamheter styrs enligt en marknadslogik som bygger på kontraktsbaserade uppdrag som bland annat innebär en granskning av hur skattemedlen används. Redovisning sker genom mer eller mindre ingående kontroll med syftet att säkra den kvalitet man beställt och att visa att eftersträvade result

No Difference in Conversion Rate to Hip Arthroplasty After Intramedullary Nail or Sliding Hip Screw for Extracapsular Hip Fractures : An Observational Cohort Study of 19,604 Individuals

BACKGROUND: The widespread use of intramedullary nails (IMNs) compared with sliding hip screws (SHSs) in extracapsular hip fractures (AO/OTA 31-A1, 31-A2, 31-A3) has been questioned because of a higher complication rate, although the outcome might have improved through more recent implant designs and the learning curve. This study aimed to investigate if there is a difference with regard to the cu

Taboo obsessions and their association with suicidality in obsessive-compulsive disorder

Individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) more often think about, attempt, and die by suicide than individuals from the general population. Sexual and religious obsessions (i.e., taboo obsessions) have been linked to increased risk of suicidality, but it is unclear if they explain additional risk over and above other risk factors. We refined the recently proposed multidimensional hierar

Networks of inflammation, depression, and cognition in aging males and females

BackgroundPrioritizing the maintenance of healthy cognitive aging and personalizing preventive interventions to enhance their effectiveness is crucial as the global population ages. Systemic inflammation and depression in older people have been associated with decreased levels of cognition but results have been inconsistent.AimsTo explore the interactive network of inflammation, depression and cog