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Empowering the powerless: Investigating the sustainability of climate change adaptation through the lens of empowerment in Char Shakhahati, Bangladesh

Climate Change Impacts are a major concern for Bangladesh. The country is expected to face an increase of 11% in precipitation, drier winter periods causing droughts, extremely high temperatures, sea level rise changing the dynamics of discharge of water from rivers, etc. intensifying poverty. At the forefront of these impacts are char islands highly exposed to the socio-ecological impacts from CC

From theory to practice: food waste reduction strategies in literature and a case study of municipalities in Skåne, Sweden

Matsvinn är ett stort globalt problem som för närvarande saknar tillräckliga politiska och lagstiftande åtgärder för att förstå och hantera problemet. Skåne län, har ambitiösa och högt satta klimatmål, där minskat kommunalt matsvinn kan vara ett sätt för att uppnå dessa mål. Jag ville bättre förstå vilken forskning som redan existerar, var forskningsbrister ligger och hur matsvinn reduceras i verkFood waste is recognized as a major global issue that currently lacks sufficient political and legislative action in order to understand or address it adequately. Skåne County, Sweden’s southernmost county, has highly ambitious climate action goals, and reducing municipal food waste could help them meet these goals. I wanted to better understand what research already exists, where research gaps li

"Det är inte så enkelt som man trott" : En kvalitativ studie om småbarnsföräldrars önskan att leva jämställt och spänningsfältet mellan ideal och praktik

“It’s not as simple as one thought” – a qualitive study of parents of young children with the wish to achieve equal parenting and the tension between ideal Sweden is seen as the most gender equal country in Europe and gender equality is a stated goal. Yet there is a gap between ideal and practice, which is seen when focusing on e.g. equal parenting. It is clear that women take greater responsibil

Cash greens everything around me? Identifying key barriers and drivers for advancing low-carbon investments in Denmark’s finance industry and evaluating the transition efforts of the industry

Meeting international climate goals require a major reallocation of global investment portfolios. However, in 2016, 74%. of all assets under management were still socially and environmentally unchecked. Research has started to address how finance can support the low-carbon transition, but little is known about how the financial sector itself perceives this transition. This thesis seeks to 1) ident

Skatteflykt enligt skatteflyktslagen och EU:s skatteflyktsdirektiv - Ur ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv

Uppsatsen behandlar begreppet skatteflykt och syftar till att försöka fastställa innebörden av begreppet med hjälp av den generellt utformade klausulen i skatteflyktslagen. EU-rätten studeras även då ett nytt s.k. skatteflyktsdirektiv sedan 1 januari i år gjorts gällande för EU:s medlemsländer. De frågor som uppsatsen svarar på är, förutom hur skatteflykt definieras i nationell respektive EU-rätt,The purpose of this paper is to define the term ”tax evasion” and determine the meaning of the General Anti Avoidance Rules, in both national law and European law. The Swedish generally designed clause against tax avoidance consists of four prerequisites, which all need to be fulfilled for the rule to be applicable. The first prerequisite constitutes that the legal act has implicated a substantial

From invisibility to political witch-hunt: The influence of everyday marginalization on the sense of Polish and European belonging among the LGBTQ+ minority in Poland.

Thirty years after the fall of communism and fifteen years after Poland joined the European Union, there have been more steps backwards than forwards in regards to gender and sexual equality. From the very beginning, this has been a cause of tension between Poland and the EU. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the conflicting constructs of sexual citizenship in Poland and Europe affect t

Vad innebär det för en kvinna att lämna en våldsam relation? : En kvalitativ studie om hur kvinnojourer pratar om våld i nära relationer

The aim of this qualitative study was to examine how four different women’s shelters talk about what happens to a woman after she has left a relationship where there has been domestic abuse. This was achieved by taking part of the different women’s shelters narratives on domestic abuse and their work through semi- structured interviews. This study focuses on how the different women’s shelters talk

Mjölksyrabakterier i suröl

Suröl är en dryck som ökat i populäritet, speciellt bland folk med stort intresse för hantverksöl och mikrobryggerier. Allt fler bryggerier vågar nu att gå utanför sin trygghetszon med att använda jäst av typen Saccharomyces cerevisiae och istället börjar experimentera med bakterier och jäst som tidigare ansetts vara produktförstörande, till exempel olika mjölksyrabakterier och vildjäst. Genom forSour beer is rapidly gaining popularity among people that have an interest in craft beer and the microbrewing scene. This leads to breweries starting to venture outside their comfort zones regarding the more traditional brewing yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and instead have started experimenting with different kinds of bacteria and yeast that in a normal process is regarded as spoilage bacteria,

Evaluation of Darcy Flow Velocities Obtained from Borehole Dilution Tests

Från avrinningsområdet Donauried-Hürbe i södra Tyskland pumpas varje dag grundvatten som renas och levereras som dricksvatten till cirka tre miljoner människor i bland annat städer som Stuttgart och Ulm. Området kring den 200 meter djupa karstakvifären, ifrån vilken dricksvattnet härstammar, är idag miljöpåverkad av mänsklig aktivitet såsom jordbruk och fordonstrafik. För att minimera föroreningsrThe project is part of a larger investigation of the water protection area Donauried-Hürbe. This area is a recharge zone used by one of Germany’s biggest water supply companies, the Zweckverband Landwasserversorgung (LW). The freshwater supply originates from a 200 m thick karst aquifer in the Swabian Alb (Schwäbische Alb) and flows southest towards the Donauried and into a porous aquifer. The lon

Digitalisering av försörjningsstöd. En kvalitativ studie av försörjningsstöd inom socialtjänsten.

Digitalisering av försörjningsstöd har under en tid kommit att diskuteras flitigt till följd av nya och fler implementerade digitala arbetsmetoder. Ändamålet är bland annat att effektivisera ansökan om försörjningsstöd som tidigare handlades av socialarbetare. Även e-tjänster har implementerats på allt fler instanser inom försörjningsstöd och förflyttar därmed en stor del av kommunikationen mellan

The Effect of High Shear Mixers on Functionality of non-starch-based hydrocolloids

Hydrocolloids are commonly used food additives that help in modification of viscosity, texture and stability of different food products, for example, dressings, meat products, juice, dairy beverages, etc. The application for hydrocolloids is wide, but one of the problems associated with hydrocolloids is that it is difficult to disperse them homogeneously which limits its utilisation to the fullest

Cultivating Creativity: Implications of transformational changes on creative process engagement

The study aims to develop a deeper understanding of how transformational changes can affect employees’ creative process engagement. By conducting a single case study at a technology organization that has been undergoing several transformational changes over the last decade, we have tried to reach our aim. Adopting an interpretive approach, we have investigated our research problem by conducting se

Minimum Wages and Poverty in India

A minimum wage policy has often been implemented to get workers out of poverty. However, the policy’s impact has been questioned, both theoretically and empirically, whether it fulfils its purpose. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of minimum wage on poverty in India. After the liberal reforms in 1991 has India been growing steadily, which has been followed by decreasing poverty

FDI and CO2 Emissions in the ASEAN-5 and India

With the tremendous increases in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the last four decades arose the problem of a possible relationship between FDI and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Scholars have hypothesized that international companies invest in countries with lax environmental regulations to escape high production cost, we call this the pollution haven hypothesis. The ASEAN-5, i.e. Indonesia,

’’Vi är nog många som lever i skam, skuld och tystnad’’ : En kvalitativ dokumentstudie om partners till personer med alkoholberoende

This research explored how partners of alcohol addicts articulate experiences of guilt and shame. The method chosen for this qualitative study was a document analysis of an online internet forum specialised in supporting relatives of alcohol addicts. The collected data included 20 distinct forum threads and the data was analysed using Becker’s labelling theory and Goffman’s stigma theory. This stu

Queering Sexual Consent Negotiations

Dominant understandings of sexual consent are understood through a heteronormative and dichotomous lens: masculine/active/initiating sexual activity against feminine/passive/responding to sexual activity. Thus, to what extent do sexualities beyond heterosexuality challenge and disrupt this dichotomous framework? To what extent can these sexualities form alternative ways and practises of negotiatin

"Vår verksamhet baserar sig på omtanken om kunden" : En kritisk diskursanalys av Svenska Spels marknadsföring och sitt sociala ansvar

The aim of this study was to analyze and highlight how AB Svenska Spel relate to their gambling advertising due to their social responsibilities and to analyze what image Swedish media direct to Svenska Spel. A critical discourse analysis, based on Fairclough's theory of discourses, was chosen to address how discourses are manifested and are expressed in text. The study has used Svenska spels

FROZEN POLITICS ON A THAWING CONTINENT : A Political Ecology Approach to Understanding Science and its Relationship to Neocolonial and Capitalist Processes in Antarctica

Despite possessing a unique relationship between humankind and the environment, and its occupation of a large proportion of the planet’s surface area, Antarctica is markedly absent from literature produced within the disciplines of human and political ecology. With no states or indigenous peoples, Antarctica is instead governed by a conglomeration of states as part of the Antarctic Treaty System,

Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Development

The private sector possesses a lot of capital and resources. Therefore, the idea that this capital could be directed to contribute towards the general efforts of international development is increasingly being explored. The rise of Corporate Social Responsibility has thus brought about a lot of research assessing the role of the private sector as a development tool. Within previous literature ther

Zero rating vid fortsatt användning av sociala medier

Nätneutralitet är ett relativt nytt begrepp som vuxit i media på senare år. Det som skildras är oftast fenomenet med zero rating där specifika sociala medier och applikationstjänster zero rate:as och surf på dessa plattformar ej räknas mot datataket. Innebörden av detta är en diskriminerande miljö med olika villkor, vilket främjar monopolist-bolag och hämmar möjligheterna för nya företag att ta si