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Determination of the detection limit of Ni-59 at the Lund AMS facility by using characteristic projectile X-rays

Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) is an ultra-sensitive method for counting atoms, both radionuclides and stable nuclides. When using small tandem accelerators to measure heavy isotopes, interfering isobars are often troublesome. One way to reduce this interference is to combine AMS with the detection of characteristic X-rays of the projectile. After analysis in the AMS system it is possible to

Observation of superdeformed states in Mo-88

High-spin states in Mo-88 were studied using the GAMMASPHERE germanium detector array in conjunction with the MICROBALL CsI(TI) charged-particle detector system. Three gamma-ray cascades with dynamic moments of inertia showing similar characteristics to superdeformed rotational bands observed in the neighbouring A = 80 region have been identified and assigned to the nucleus Mo-88. The quadrupole m

In vitro metabolism and in vivo pharmacokinetics of quinoline 3-carboxamide derivatives in various species

The metabolism of a group of quinoline 3-carboxamide derivatives was evaluated in liver microsomes from various species. In addition, metabolism data were compared with in vivo pharmacokinetics in the mouse. The studied compounds were metabolized by cytochrome P450 enzymes. Microsomal clearance was low and seemed independent of a substituent in the quinoline moiety, whereas clearance was enhanced

Hepatitis C virus infection with progression to hepatocellular carcinoma: a report of five prospectively followed patients in Sweden

Five Swedish patients with chronic hepatitis C were prospectively followed until hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) developed. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibodies were analysed by a second generation anti-HCV ELISA and a recombinant immunoblot assay (RIBA-2) and viraemia by detection of serum HCV RNA by polymerase chain reaction. Four patients had post transfusion hepatitis and in one patient the sourc

Ultrasound-enhanced Fibrinolysis Pro-fibrinolytic and Non-beneficial Effects Of Ultrasound Exposure

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ultraljud används inte bara som ett diagnostiskt hjälpmedel utan också som en behandlingsmetod. De terapeutiska områden som utforskas idag är destruktion av cancertumörer, behandling av diskbråck, ökning av antibiotikaeffekter, ökning av cellgiftseffekter och som i detta arbete, ökning av effekterna av propplösande läkemedel. Det görs även försök där ultraljud används fThe aim of this study was to further clarify the pro-fibrinolytic effects, and to explore the possible non-beneficial effects in ischemic organs, during exposure to pulsed ultrasound. This was accomplished by studies of the effects of different intensities of pulsed ultrasound exposure on the fibrinolytic properties of streptokinase and reteplase. Measurements were performed both following pre-exp

Skuld och oskuld : barnamord och barnkvävning i rättslig diskurs och praxis omkring 1680–1800

Syftet med denna avhandling är att analysera hur berättelser om skyldiga och oskyldiga mödrar konstruerades under perioden ca. 1680-1800. De två brottskategorierna barnamord och barnkvävning har undersökts. Källmaterialet har huvudsakligen bestått av protokoll från hovrätten, underrätter och sockenstämmor. Jag har klarlagt vilka omständigheter som utreddes vid brottsutredningarna och fick betydelsThe objective of this thesis is to analyse how judicial texts concerning guilty and innocent mothers were constructed during the period of c. 1680-1800. The two crimes of infanticide and overlaying have been examined. Source materials have primarily consisted of proceedings from the appeals court, courts of first instance, and parish meetings. The aim has been to survey the judicial discourse, tha

A Simple Slab Temperature Model

The model presented in this paper has been used for predicting the slab core temperature in several applications at The Danish Steel Works Ltd. The model has the advantages that it is simple and only contains a minimum of physical parameters, which makes it easy use and adapt to slab temperature measurements. The model has been verified using 11 data sets covering three different slab thicknesses

Prediction of bone loss using biochemical markers of bone turnover.

The association between baseline levels of eleven bone turnover markers and 5-year rate of bone density change was prospectively studied in a population-based sample of 601 75-year-old women. Several bone formation and resorption markers as well as urinary osteocalcin were modestly correlated to rate of bone density change. Introduction Prediction of bone loss by bone turnover markers (BTMs) has b

Natural killer T cell subsets and regulation of autoimmune diabetes

This thesis is focused on natural killer (NK) T cells. NKT cells recognize lipids and glycolipids, rather than peptides, in the contents of the antigen presenting molecule CD1d. NKT cells have a surface phenotype reminiscent of memory cells, and have been shown to rapidly produce large amounts of cytokines, such as IL-4 and IFN-gamma, upon activation. Because of their rapid response to activation,

Use of nanoparticles in capillary and microchip electrochromatography

Applications of nanoparticles are of rising interest in separation science, due to their favorable surface-to-volume ratio as well as their applicability in miniaturization. A stationary phase with large surface area in combination with an electroosmotic flow-driven system has great potential in a highly efficient separation system. This review covers the use of various nanoparticles as stationary

Effect of alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) on mineralisation, morphology and mechanical endurance of femur and tibia in turkey

The aim of this study was to determine the influence of alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) on volumetric bone density, geometrical and mechanical properties of femur and tibia in farm turkeys. All animals were kept under standard rearing conditions with constant access to water and appropriate feed, supplied in accordance with the stage of production cycle. Bone samples were collected 14 weeks after beginn

Mini-Jet Production in Proton-Antiproton Interactions and Particle Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions

The thesis is based on the data analysis and detector development of the EMU01/CERN, E863/BNL and UA1/CERN experiments. Particle fluctuations are studied with the scaled factorial moments in the fragmentation region of oxygen-induced emulsion interactions from 3.7 to 200 A GeV. The intermittency indices show an energy independent behaviour in the target and projectile regions of pseudorapidity. I

TOP2A and HER2 gene amplification as predictors of response to anthracycline treatment in breast cancer

The purpose of this study was to evaluate amplification of topoisomerase IIalpha (TOP2A) and HER2 genes as predictors of response to chemotherapy in advanced breast cancer. Gene copy number of TOP2A and HER2 were analysed with chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH) on paraffin-embedded tissue sections from the primary tumour of 85 patients treated with anthracycline containing chemotherapy. TOP2

Protein kinase C beta1 is implicated in the regulation of neuroblastoma cell growth and proliferation

To investigate a putative involvement of protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms in supporting neuroblastoma cell proliferation, SK-N-BE(2) neuroblastoma cells were transfected with expression vectors coding for the C2 and V5 regions from different PKC isoforms. These structures have been suggested to inhibit the activity of their corresponding PKC isoform. The PKC fragments were fused to enhanced green f

Survival rate 28 days after hospital admission with first myocardial infarction. Inverse relationship with socio-economic circumstances.

Objective. To study to what extent geographical differences of the mortality from ischaemic heart disease (IHD) can be accounted for by the 28-day case fatality rate (CFR) following first hospital admittance for acute myocardial infarction (MI) and whether the geographical pattern of survival has any relationship with socio-economic circumstances. Design. Register-based surveillance study. Setting