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Innan Järnridån föll-invandring och slaver i tidig medeltid.
Three Realities : Women in different phases of drug abuse - a social psychological investigation
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingens syfte är att ge ett bidrag till att belysa hur olika teorier och modeller kan förklara den sociala, kulturella och psykologiska situation som en avgränsad grupp kvinnor med narkotikaproblem befinner sig i. I avhandlingen görs en ansats att integrera ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv med ett kvinnoforskningsperspektiv och ett personlighetspsykologiskt perspThe purpose of this study was to systematically examine the social, cultural and psychological situation of a group of women with drug addiction, and to gain an understanding of it. Different theoretical perspectives were utilized in efforts to understand and explain why some young women start using drugs. The attempt was made to integrate a social psychological perspective with a perspective base
Polyelectrolytes on Surfaces and their Complexes with Surfactants, Thermodynamics versus kinetics
The interfacial properties of polyelectrolytes, mainly cationic with various content of amphiphilic groups, and their complexes with an oppositely charged surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), have been investigated using time-resolved ellipsometry. This thesis focuses on the kinetics and reversibility aspects of polymer adsorption and the control of the adsorption by regulating the electrosta
Allt ljus på vinnaren
Nils Ekholm, stormvarningarna och allmänheten
The Value of Knowledge
Hamlet eller Hamilton? Litteraturvetenskapens problem och möjligheter
First principles methods for electronic structure calculations of solids
A straightforward gradient expansion of the exchange energy of a perturbed electron gas is performed. Studied perturbations range from very weak to those that produce, e.g., a silicon-like band structure with a band gap. The expansions involve density gradients up to fourth degree and we include all terms originating in linear- and second-order response theory. The expansion reproduces exactly cal
Introduction: Ethnicity in Ancient Amazonia
Internationellt privaträttsliga rättsfall. 3. uppl.
Helicobacter pylori cell surface interactions with glycosaminoglycans. Identification and characterisation of proteins binding to heparin/heparan sulphate.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Helicobacter pylori är en bakterie som orsakar såväl magkatarr, magsår som magsäckscancer. H. pylori producerar olika virulensfaktorer såsom enzymet ureas, ett cell vakuolbildande toxin (VacA), andra cytotoxiska proteiner (cagA eller pathogenicity island-associated proteins), flageller och adhesiner. För etablering av H. pylori infektion, måste dessa virulensfaktorer inHelicobacter pylori is a gastric pathogen which cause chronic type B gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. H. pylori produces virulence factors such as urease, vacuolating cytotoxin VacA, cag pathogenicity island-associated proteins, flagella and adhesins. These proteins interact with several host cell molecules such as sialylated cell surface glycoproteins, some of glycolipids and mucins. Glycosami
Norm Supporting Actors and Structures at the Very Local Level of Implementation in Higher Education in Sweden
Software for Numerical Simulation of Drying Induced Deformation of Wooden Products
A previously developed computational model for 3D finite element simulations of wood during moisture changes is in the present work provided with a special-purpose graphical user interface. The software is designed to use a personal computer for the graphical user interface and to have possibility to use distributed computational resources for the simulation.
Placental Immune Defences - Protection Against Rejection and Infection
The placenta must not only provide nutrients and take care of fetal waste products, it also needs to protect the fetus from maternal immunological attacks while at the same time transmitting maternal immunoglobulins to ensure protection against infectious agents.
Influence of FK506 on certain aspects of lymphocyte activation and lymphocyte-endothelial cell interactions in vitro
In the present thesis, the influence of the immunosuppressive drug FK506 on mitogen-induced changes in the expression of subunits a and ß of the IL-2 receptor by isolated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells has been studied. Up-regulation and release of the a-chain were potently depressed by FK506, even in the presence of exogenous IL-2. In contrast, up-regulation of the ß-chain on these same
Why Women Ask for Less Salary than Men : Mediation of Stereotype Threat in Salary Negotiations
Popular Abstract in Swedish Kvinnor begär lägre lön än män i löneförhandlingar. Könsskillnader i förhandlingsprestation har nyligen förklarats som en stereotyphotseffekt. Enligt stereotype threat theory kan prestationen hos negativt stereotyperade gruppmedlemmar tillfälligt försämras i kontexter där den negativa stereotypen är framträdande. Kvinnor stereotyperas som dåliga förhandlare, jämfört medWomen ask for less salary than men in negotiations. Sex differences in negotiating performance have recently been explained as stereotype threat effects. Stereotype threat theory states that the performance of negatively stereotyped group-members can suffer in contexts where the negative stereotype is salient. Women are stereo¬typed as bad negotiators, compared to men, and previous research has sh
Heat transfer in food processing - recent developments and applications
Heat transfer is one of the most important and most common engineering disciplines in food processing. There are many unit operations in the food industry where steady or unsteady state heat transfer is taking place. These operations are of primary importance and affect the design of equipment as well as safety, nutritional and sensory aspects of the product. The chapters in this book deal mainly
Kampen om historien - Ådalen 1931 - Sociala konflikter, historiemedvetande och historiebruk 1931-2000
Popular Abstract in Swedish Det finns en skillnad mellan historia som vetenskap och historia som historiskt minne, som boken vill fästa uppmärksamhet på. Ådalen som motbild till det trygga Folkhemmet är en bild av hur vi kan uppleva verkligheten. Inte nödvändigtvis hur den såg ut. Vår uppfattning om vad som hänt kan vaa nog så verklig när vi handlar, agerar och tolkar omvärlden. Det är denna tolknThe prelude to this thesis is provided by the dramatic scenes that took place in Ådalen. During a demonstration, four men and one young woman were shot to death and five others injured by military troops ordered to Lunde harbour. Inspired by a number of other researchers (Koselleck, Samuel, Somers, Stråth, Södring, Jensen and Burke, to name a few), my investigation has analysed how the story of th