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Understanding the spreadsheets use in budgeting

This paper explores the use of spreadsheets in budgeting in order to explain how and why spreadsheets are used or not used in budgeting practice. Guided by modern budgeting research, budgeting is considered as a social phenomenon which requires flexibility for decision-making and integration for management control. Twenty-one interviews with business controllers in eleven leading for-profit organi

Making Films in Scandinavia: On work and production infrastructure in the contemporary regional sector

In this chapter, I discuss some effects on the ‘creative classes’ in Sweden and Scandinavia due to developments during roughly the last decade. In this period, a majority of the feature film making but also some documentary and TV-production has moved away from Stockholm, the capital, to newly established, regional production centres. A similar process has been going on for a while in other parts

Textens Transfigurationer

This thesis focuses on the opera text enlightened from four different perspectives: the translator, the librettist, the composer and finally the singer, based on the author’s thirty years of professsional practice, in the spirit of Donald A. Schön’s study from 1983: The Reflective Practitioner; How professionals think in action. The method is basically hermeneutic and the esthetics inspired by Umb

Physical properties and processes of secondary organic aerosol and its constituents

Atmospheric aerosol particles are involved in several important processes including the formation of clouds and precipitation. A considerable fraction of the ambient aerosol mass consists of organic compounds of both primary and secondary origin. These organic compounds are often semi-volatile and susceptible to oxidation which makes the organic aerosol a dynamic system, both chemically and physic

Penguins: The Secret Lives of the World's Most Intriguing Birds

A remarkable insight into the life of every species Is it true that Penguins stay with the same partner for life? Why do most penguins keep stones in their stomachs? Why is a fat King Penguin male more attractive to the female? Penguins are fascinating animals: they cannot fly, they are awkward on land, but are as agile as fish under water. Their ability to survive in some of the coldest regions o

A reduced-order through-flow program for choked and cooled axial turbines

A reduced-order through-flow program has been developed at the Lund Institute of Technology. The goal of the work was to develop and verify a program suitable for scientific studies of coaxial turbines. The program has built-in capability for multiple choked stages, and turbine cooling, as well as flexible modules for state, losses, deviation, and blockage. The code uses Matlab [trademark] as a pl

Natur och miljö - diskurs och materialitet

Var finns naturen och hur upplever vi den? Vad är meningen med naturen och hur skapas denna mening? Vad är skillnaden mellan natur och miljö och vad blir konsekvenserna om man tar fasta på hur denna skillnad uppstått? Detta är frågor som rör naturens kulturhistoria och kulturisering. Ur ett internationellt perspektiv har intresset för naturens kulturella konstruktion vuxit fram under de senaste de

Perception of touch : Developmental and personality factors in touch avoidance

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna doktorsavhandling vill belysa och öka kunskapen om beröringsundvikande. Beröringsundvikande är inte ett enkelt index på hur mycket en person berör eller undviker att bli berörd, utan ett tecken på en persons djupt rotade attityder gentemot beröring, jämförbart med en personlighetsegenskap. Avhandlingsarbetet tar sin teoretiska utgångspunkt från anknytningsteorin,The studies in this doctoral thesis investigated the concept of touch avoidance. Touch avoidance indicates a person’s negative affect toward physical contact/touch. In study 1 the aim was to develop a questionnaire that measures the level of touch avoidance. The results showed that touch avoidance can be measured along five different dimensions. The results are discussed in relation to attachment

Linear Attacks on Stream Ciphers

This paper is a survey of how linear attacks can be applied on stream ciphers. It gives an overview of the development of linear attacks and a short theoretical explanation on how a linear attack on a stream cipher is typically launched today. The main part of the paper is then a more detailed description of the application of linear attacks on three stream cipher designs, namely Grain, Pomaranch,

Brownification of freshwaters - the role of dissolved organic matter and iron

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under de senaste årtiondena har vattenfärgen i många svenska sjöar och vattendrag ökat. Detta innebär att vattnet blir brunare, och detta fenomen benämns därför brunifiering. Brunifiering är inget unikt för Sverige, utan förekommer på åtskilliga ställen på norra halvklotet. Brunifieringen påverkar det akvatiska ekosystemet och vattnets potentiella samhällsnytta. Ur en eThe term brownification refers to the trend of increasing water color, i.e. the water becoming browner, which has been observed throughout the northern hemisphere over the last decades. Brownification has both ecological and societal implications. From an ecological point of view the impaired light climate may e.g. reduce aquatic primary production and affect predator-prey interactions within the