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The role of holocene land-use change (6K to 0.2K before present) on regional climate via biogeophysical feedbacks in NW Europe.
Unilateralism, multilateralism and the quest for hydrosolidarity
Matthew Buckingham
Economic Valuation of the Environmental Impact of Logging Residue Recovery and Nutrient Compensation
The Visual Re-creation of Black People in a "White" Country: Oscar Micheaux in Swedish Film Culture in the 1920s
An Experiment of Integrated Technologies in Digital Archaeology : Creation of New Pipelines to Increase the Perception of Archaeological Data
Abstract Digital visualization has gone through a revolutionary decade. Compared to other fields where these methods have been applied, archaeology has been, and still is, more resistant to integrating tools and instruments able to describe materials and scenarios with high resolution. This is partly due to the archaeological misconception of high cost of scientific equipment and the complexity in
II. Technical phoniatrics
The EU as a Unique Foreign Policy Actor. The case of EU–Central American Relations
Procurement Procedures as predictors for cost and time overrun in construction
The choice of procedure during public procurement is assumed to affect the overall result of the project. When studying the construction industry; delivery methods, payment systems and project specific variables may affect the end result. The question here is if project success is predicted by choice of procurement procedures. A survey was done on 222 road and railroad construction projects in Swe
Market transformation for energy efficient building technologies
Markets of Moral: Rethinking green consumption
Identifying Critical Components of Electric Power Systems: A Network Analytic Approach
We propose a method for identifying and ranking critical components and sets of components in technical infrastructures. Criticality is defined as the vulnerability of the system to failure in a specific component, or set of components. The identification of critical components is increasingly difficult when considering multiple simultaneous failures, especially component failures with synergistic
Omsorg och genus: ur omsorgstagarnas och omsorgsgivarnas perspektiv
Etiken och makten
Abstract is not available
Tracing stylistic evolution in Mycenaean pictorial vase painting
Kommentarer kring keramikmaterialet från Västergarn, Snauvalds 1:5 m.fl.
Ersätt A-ekonomi med F.R.U.
Allting flyter - lärare mellan förvandling, anpassning och reform
Ett mycket vanligt påstående i skolforskningslitteraturen är att skolan är en synnerligen trög institution som motstår förändring. Om man däremot beger sig till en skola och talar med personalen där beskriver de mycket sällan skolan i termer av stabilitet, utan snarare att skolan är i förändring. Syftet med föreliggande text är att problematisera och försöka förstå dels dubbelheten vad gäller före
Framtidsperspektiv på Dalby kyrka, kloster och gård
This text deals with the final session of the conference Locus Celebris concerning the future of Dalby church, monastery and manor. A round table discussion was organized with contributions from nine participants, all with some kind of relationship to the Dalby complex. The participants in the discussion were an exhibition curator, an IT expert from the Design Sciences Department at Lund Universit