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How do newly founded social enterprises manage their stakeholder relationships?

Problem Previous research suggests that it ought to be more challenging for social enterprise to manage its stakeholder relationships. It is assumed that a social enterprise in general both have a larger amount of stakeholders compared to regular enterprises, and that there is a larger divergence in values and interest among the stakeholders. Another layer of complexity is added if the social ente

Ethnographic study of domestic violence in Ghana

This thesis explores the problem of domestic violence in Ghana from a socio-legal perspective. It investigates the tensions that arise from the application of customary and state law in order to understand why domestic violence, persist and continues being prevalent in communities in Ghana. It draws on living law theory. Based on a multi-sited research qualitative design, interviews were conducted

Risk Preferences of Management Generations

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the risk preferences of current and future management generations and its implications for strategic management. Methodology: A quantitative research strategy has been chosen in order to fulfil the purpose of this study. The data collection has been gathered primarily through surveys and complementing secondary data. Subsequently, the gathered data

How to Integrate Purchasing with the Sales and Operations Planning Process

Sales and Operations Planning, S&OP, is a cross-functional, collaborative business manage- ment process where the goal is to balance demand and supply through an operational plan, aligned with the strategy of the company. Alfa Laval, a Swedish manufacturer founded 1883, has during the last year implemented Sales and Operations Planning at their business unit Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers. In

Kring Stenarna - En lägerskola i tegel

When you first step ashore the island of Ven, in Öresund right between Sweden and Denmark, you have two options. Either you go straight ahead, towards the bike rental, or you turn to your right and start walking along the shore. If you do so, you will soon start to find colourful pebbles on the ground along the waterline. Some are round and soft to the touch, others are rough and edgy, and they ar

Att släppa kontroll för att få kontroll - En studie om fjärdepartslogistiska relationer

En allt mer konkurrensinriktad marknad har ökat behovet för företag att fokusera på sin kärnkompetens. Givet denna utveckling har större nätverk med fler involverade parter vuxit fram, vilket lett till att fler företag börjat vända sig till en fjärde part. Fjärdepartslogistik innefattar en komplex integrering av försörjningskedjans alla komponenter och ett för kunden större överlåtande av sin verk

Hur arbetar Tesla för att nå ut till sin publik?

Examensarbetets titel:​ Hur arbetar Tesla för att nå ut till sin publik? Seminariedatum:​ 31 maj 2018 Ämne/kurs:​ FEKH29 Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 HP Författare:​ Andreas Kandefelt, Henrik Svantesson och Martin Wesström. Handledare:​ Oskar Christensson Fem nyckelord:​ Sociala medier, Retorik, Brand Community, Tesla och Marknadsföring Syfte:​ Uppsatsens syfte är att gTitle:​ How is Tesla reaching their audience? Seminar date:​ 31 may 2018. Course:​ FEKH29, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points Authors:​ Andreas Kandefelt, Henrik Svantesson and Martin Wesström. Advisor:​ Oskar Christensson Key words:​ Social media, Rhetoric, Brand Community, Tesla and Marketing Purpose:​ The projects

Den instabila kulturen: en postmodernistisk studie av Guccis kampanj Utopian Fantasy

This dissertation intends to display how today’s culturally dominant features of postmodernism can be read in the fashion image. By doing a qualitative study of Gucci’s campaign Utopian Fantasy from Spring/Summer 2018, this thesis has located postmodern tendencies in the fashion image. Results show that the ’anything goes culture’, with a fragmented subject, the de-centering of values and unstable

"Belgium is beginning to pay the Congo bill; she will wish she have never heard of the Congo before she has finished." : en retorikanalys av Edmund D. Morels bok Red Rubber

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur kampanjen mot kung Leopold av Belgiens mandat över kolonin Kongo. Genom att undersöka Edmund D. Morels argumentation i boken Red Rubber försöker jag visa på hur författaren valt att lägga upp sin argumentation, vilket gjordes genom en retorikanalys. Denna retorikanalys utgick från Thomas Laqueurs teori om en språklig förändring i beskrivningen av kroppen,

Kreativitetens scen

Vi lever i spännande tider brukar det heta. Det är ett slitet uttryck, men kanske mer sant än någonsin och Alexander Bard och Jan Söderqvist försöker i sin Futurica-trilogi visa att det inte bara är vår fysiska omgivning som är på väg att helt ändra skepnad – även hela vår världssyn och metafysiska system står i begrepp att kollapsa och ersättas av något nytt. Sant eller inte står det i varje fall

If you shall critique something, then you have to create an alternative: A ethnographic study of Navdanya Biodiversity Conservation Farm’s practices of farming with nature

This thesis is an ethnographic study of Navdanya Biodiversity Conservation Farm, and their critique of the industrial agriculture and food system that focuses on agricultural intensification when the real issue is about food availability and distribution. The main critique is that industrial agriculture is based on extraction and focuses on profit rather than the livelihood of farmers. That it is

Verbala kränkningar i hemmet – en grund för omhändertagande enligt 2 § LVU?

Syftet med denna uppsats var att studera verbala kränkningar som en motsvarighet till vad som beskrivs som psykisk misshandel i Lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga (LVU). Mitt huvudsakliga undersökningsområde var hur verbala kränkningar i hemmet hanterats vid beslut om förberedande av vård av unga med stöd av 1 och 2 §§ LVU. Jag gjorde en tematisk analys på 8 rättsfall med syfMy aim with this thesis was to study verbal abuse as an equivalent to psychological abuse in The Care of Young Persons Act (LVU). The primary focus was on verbal abuse in the home as a reason to take a child into protective custody according to LVU. I made a thematic analysis on 8 court cases, with the purpose to find how the Social welfare board and County administrative board reasoned, when it c

Solo Female Travellers' Risk Perceptions and Risk Reduction Strategies - As Expressed in Online Travel Blog Narratives

Production of risks has emerged as one dominating process of contemporary society, and consciousness towards risk is increasing continuously. Travelling being a common practice in today’s society suggests that also participation in travel entails increasing risk, and that risk perceptions are inevitable part of the tourism experience. Therefore, the study aims at finding out what kind of risk perc

Climate responsive building design in warm and humid climates

This study assess the climate consideration in building designs and aims to explore the extent of passive house performances in warm and humid climates. Previous studies have shown significant correlation between climate conscious building designs and meaningful improvements in indoor climate. The study uses a number of indices that are used to summarize indoor climatic parameters that describes h

Not gay as in happy, but queer as in fuck you : an examination into how subaltern counterpublics contribute to understanding social change towards commons management

Optimal management of the commons to ensure sustainability relies on community management. Despite widespread knowledge of this, conventional wisdom is locked into how much the state should regulate the market. Free market ideology, defined as neoliberalism, promotes a culture of extreme competition and individualism which stand in contrast to the needed cultures of participation and inclusion for

Why would firms choose dividends over share repurchases?

This study investigates the relationship between the two different payout policies, dividends and share repurchases, and firm value in the Swedish market. We aim to clarify how the lack of difference in taxation of dividends and capital gains in Sweden affects investors’ preferences for different payout policies and whether a certain payout policy incentivizes investor to pay extra for a firm that

Biodiversity after Brexit : agri-environmental policy in England after Brexit and private investment in ecosystem services

The process of agricultural intensification in England has brought with it significant negative environmental and biodiversity impacts associated with large-scale land use change. The Common Agricultural Policy, implemented at the European Union level, has historically been a significant driver of this intensification, but has also introduced agri-environmental (AE) policies for managing these neg

Dress brooches and identities - a comparative study of collective identities and dress brooches in early medieval urban and rural sites in South West Scania

This thesis concerns early medieval dress brooches from urban and rural sites in South West Scania. The purpose is to investigate similarities and differences between urban and rural sites as well as between the rural places in particular. The main research questions concern the reasons for the similarities and differences, what connections and contact areas are observable according to the dress b