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It’s all about seeing and hearing : the Editors’ and Readers’ Choice Awards 2022

This year marks the inauguration of the annual Editors’ Choice Award and the Readers’ Choice Award, each presented for outstanding original papers and review articles published in the Journal of Comparative Physiology A. The winners of the 2022 Editors’ Choice Award were determined by vote of the Editorial Board for the most highly recommended papers published in Volume 207 in 2021. They are ‘Visu

The ESS neutrino super-beam near detector

The ESS Neutrino Super-Beam (ESSnuSB) is a proposed long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment, performed with a high-intensity neutrino beam, to be developed as an extension to the European Spallation Source proton linac currently under construction in Lund, Sweden. The neutrinos would be detected with the near and far detectors of the experiment, the former within several hundred meters of th

Contesting ritual practices in Twelver Shiism : modernism, sectarianism and the politics of self-flagellation (taṭbīr)

Shiis perform a number of rituals on the first 10 days of the Islamic month of Muḥarram to mourn the killing of the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, Husayn, in Karbala in southern Iraq in 680CE. Among the most controversial rituals is the practice of blood-letting self-flagellation (taṭbīr). This article provides a comprehensive discussion of debates around this ritual among prominent Shii cleric

Creating a Diasporic Public Sphere in Britain : Twelver Shia Networks in London

Since the 1980s, the Borough of Brent, in north-west London, has been a major global hub of transnational Twelver Shiism. With the influx of Iraqi refugees, many clerical leaders of Twelver Shia Islam established their European headquarters in Brent, and, in addition to Damascus and Tehran, London became a major centre of Iraqi diaspora politics during Saddam Hussein’s regime. The transnational ne

Effect of a Lifestyle-Focused Web-Based Application on Risk Factor Management in Patients Who Have Had a Myocardial Infarction : Randomized Controlled Trial

BACKGROUND: Cardiac rehabilitation is central in reducing mortality and morbidity after myocardial infarction. However, the fulfillment of guideline-recommended cardiac rehabilitation targets is unsatisfactory. eHealth offers new possibilities to improve clinical care.OBJECTIVE: This study aims to assess the effect of a web-based application designed to support adherence to lifestyle advice and se

Risk of Gynecological Cancers in Cholecystectomized Women : A Large Nationwide Cohort Study

Background: Gallstones affect women more frequently than men, and symptomatic gallstones are increasingly treated with surgical removal of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy). Breast, endometrial, and ovarian cancer share several risk factors with gallstones, including overweight, obesity, and exposure to female sex hormones. We intended to assess the association between chole-cystectomy and female

Effect of varying the intensity and train frequency of forelimb and cerebellar mossy fiber conditioned stimuli on the latency of conditioned eye- blink responses in decerebrate ferrets

To study the role of the mossy fiber afferents to the cerebellum in classical eye-blink conditioning, in particular the timing of the conditioned responses, we compared the effects of varying a peripheral conditioned stimulus with the effects of corresponding variations of direct stimulation of the mossy fibers. In one set of experiments, decerebrate ferrets were trained in a Pavlovian eye-blink c

Sleep and insomnia symptoms in adolescence

Vi spenderar en tredjedel av våra liv sovandes och sömn är en avgörande faktor för god hälsa och välbefinnande. Men det är även viktigt att erkänna sömnens komplexitet, eftersom det är flera faktorer som kan påverka sömnen. Både biologiska, kontextuella och psykosociala faktorer har inverkan på ungdomarnas sömn. Otillräcklig sömn, sömnproblem och symptom på insomni är vanligt hos ungdomar. SömnlösInsufficient sleep, sleep problems and insomnia are common in adolescents, and insomnia and insufficient sleep are public health concerns that can impact adolescents’ mental and physical health. There are several different treatments for sleep problems and insomnia, and there is a great focus on the problem when it has already arisen. However, since this is a public health problem, it is important

Nuancing the roles of entrepreneurial universities in regional economic development

This paper explores the idea of the entrepreneurial university and how it differs in diverse regional and institutional settings. From the analysis of university engagement in a regional economic development programme in fifteen city-regions in England (UK), this study identifies three roles that entrepreneurial universities play in regional economic development as growth supporter, steerer, and d

Bioactive adrenomedullin in sepsis patients in the emergency department is associated with mortality, organ failure and admission to intensive care

BackgroundAdrenomedullin is a vasoactive hormone with potentially prognostic and therapeutic value, which mainly has been investigated in intensive care unit (ICU) settings. The triaging in the emergency department (ED) of patients to the right level of care is crucial for patient outcome.ObjectivesThe primary aim of this study was to investigate the association of bioactive adrenomedullin (bio-AD

X-ray Induced Fragmentation of Protonated Cystine

We demonstrate site-specific X-ray induced fragmentation across the sulfur L-edge of protonated cystine, the dimer of the amino acid cysteine. Ion yield NEXAFS were performed in the gas phase using electrospray ionization (ESI) in combination with an ion trap. The interpretation of the sulfur L-edge NEXAFS spectrum is supported by Restricted Open-Shell Configuration Interaction (ROCIS) calculation

Clinical rating scales for assessing pain in newborn infants

Objectives: This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (methodology). The objectives are as follows:. To systematically review the current literature describing the development, content, and measurement properties of clinical rating scales for the assessment of pain in newborn infants.

Anorexia nervosa and autism : a prospective twin cohort study

Background: Anorexia nervosa (AN) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may be phenotypically and etiologically linked. However, due to the absence of prospective studies, it remains unclear whether the elevation of autistic traits in AN is evident in early childhood. Here, we prospectively investigated autistic traits before and after the first diagnosis of AN. Methods: In a population-based sample

Mechanistic Investigation into Dynamic Function of Third-Component Incorporated in Ternary Near-Infrared Nonfullerene Organic Solar Cells

Organic solar cells (OSCs) consisting of an ultralow-bandgap nonfullerene acceptor (NFA) with an optical absorption edge that extends to the near-infrared (NIR) region are of vital interest to semitransparent and tandem devices. However, huge energy-loss related to inefficient charge dissociation hinders their further development. The critical issues of charge separation as exemplified in NIR-NFA

Cost-effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccination for elderly in Sweden

Introduction: The aim was to assess cost-effectiveness of including pneumococcal vaccination for elderly in a national vaccination programme in Sweden, comparing health-effects and costs of pneumococcal related diseases with a vaccination programme versus no vaccination. Method: We used a single-cohort deterministic decision-tree model to simulate the current burden of pneumococcal disease in Swed

Role of fine needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of soft tissue tumours

Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is a widely accepted safe, simple and rapid diagnostic procedure used in the examination of neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions of various locations. Since its introduction, FNAC has developed into an effective diagnostic tool practiced in a large majority of medical centres evaluating and treating oncological patients. The role of FNAC has been limited in

Precision Medicine in Diabetes : A Consensus Report From the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)

The convergence of advances in medical science, human biology, data science, and technology has enabled the generation of new insights into the phenotype known as "diabetes." Increased knowledge of this condition has emerged from populations around the world, illuminating the differences in how diabetes presents, its variable prevalence, and how best practice in treatment varies between population

The interaction between macroprudential and monetary policies: The cases of Norway and Sweden

To shed light on the interaction between macroprudential and monetary policies, we study the inward transmission of foreign monetary policy in conjunction with domestic macroprudential and monetary policies in Norway and Sweden. Using detailed bank-level data we show how Norwegian and Swedish banks’ lending reacts to monetary policy surprises arising abroad, controlling for the domestic macroprude

Effects of milk proteins and posttranslational modifications on noncoagulating milk from Swedish Red dairy cattle

Milk that does not coagulate after rennet addition, also called noncoagulating (NC) milk, is unwanted in cheese production due to prolonged processing time. Amounts of whey and casein proteins, genetic variants, as well as posttranslational modifications (PTM) of proteins are all contributing factors in rennet-induced coagulation of milk. In this study, we conducted a wide-ranging investigation of