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Utsatta - Är vi det? : En kvalitativ studie av biståndshandläggares upplevelser av sin arbetssituation

According to society and the media, many social workers are often exposed to threats or violence, or to threats of violence, at work. Social workers can work in numerous different fields, including in social welfare. The purpose of this study was to examine how such welfare workers experience their work situation from an exposure point of view. A total or four interviews were held with welfare off

Integration i Sverige sett utifrån personer med utländsk bakgrund

Through time Sweden has become a multicultural society due to the immigration. Statistics show that foreign-born persons have a lot more difficulties to confront compared to Swedish-born people, not least at the labour market. The integration in the Swedish society is often seen as deficient because of the situation at the labour market and in relation to the Swedish language. But integration is a

Skiljeavtalets subjektiva omfattning i koncernförhållanden

This master thesis investigates the subjective scope of the arbitration agreement and whether a non-signatory group company can be bound by an arbitration agreement entered into by another group company within the same group. The investigation is based on a typical situation in which the non-signatory group company acts in conjunction with the signatory group company prior to, during and after exe

Kvinnliga stalkare: Uppvisar kvinnor som förföljer samma riskfaktorer som män gällande stalkning utifrån riskbedömningsinstrumentet SAM?

Deltagarna i studien bestod av 183 personer (31 kvinnor, 152 män) misstänka för stalkningsbrott som blev bedömda med riskbedömningsinstrumentet Stalking Assessment Management (SAM). Syftet var att analysera deras resultat efter könsskillnader i fråga om stalkningsbeteende, riskfaktorer hos förövaren och sårbarhetsfaktorer hos offret. Av totalt 30 riskfaktorerna i SAM var det fem stycken som skiljd

Om medias sätt att framställa socialtjänsten. En undersökning av två svenska kvällstidningar.

Abstract Author: Marina Linder Title: The media portrayal of the social services – a study of two Swedish tabloid magazines Supervisor: Lars Harrysson The objective of this study was to explore how media creates a picture by using the social services in Sweden as an example. The method being used is qualitive content analysis on 23 articles from two major national tabloid newspapers. The material

Dialectics between Formal Political Culture & Civic Culture through Internet: An Analysis of the US State‘s War Discourse and the US Anti-War Activism from February 2009 to June 2011

Research Aim and Questions: The research aims at addressing the question of dialectics between formal political culture and civic culture through internet as a new media with a concentration on the US government’s war discourse and the US anti-war activism. The main research question is: what are the dialectics between the US anti-war activism and the US state from February 2009 (Barack Obama’s in

H.I.S.S- Heteronormativitet i grundskolans sex- och samlevnadsundervisning

Authors: Emelie Ekroth Coloma and Pauline Conradsson Title: H I S S- Heteronormativity in the junior high school sex education Supervisor: Tabitha Wright Nielsen Assessor: Lars Harrysson Sexuality is something that affects everyone in some way during most of their lives, no matter age, sex or language. Heterosexuality is currently the sexual orientation that is norm in Sweden. This is called hete

The Real Deal - En studie om mellan värdet av att äga och använda lyx

Under 2008, fick uthyrning av lyxväskor mycket uppmärksamhet efter att det diskuterats i filmen Sex and the City. Sedan dess har flera uthyrningssidor som specialiserar sig på väskor startats. Detta har gjort det möjligt för vem som helst att bära en lyxväska och inte enbart de väldigt kapitalstarka. Litteratur och tidigare forskning menar att det mest centrala hos människan är att äga sina saker.

Olika beskrivningar av samma händelse: En kritisk diskursanalys av medias rapportering av händelserna i Beslan

Den här uppsatsen syftar till att med hjälp av kritisk diskursanalys studera hur fyra medier beskriver händelserna i Beslan mellan första och tredje september 2004 för att se vilka skillnader och likheter som finns emellan dessa medier och om en indelning i västerländska och ryska medier är möjlig. Det skall även undersökas ifall dessa skillnader och likheter är tillräckliga för att dra slutsatsen

Vi och de andra – En kvalitativ studie om hur hemtjänstspersonal upplever att arbeta med människor med olika bakgrund.

The purpose of my study was to examine care staff and unit heads perceptions and experiences in cultural meetings, both within the staff groups and within the recipients of care in the home service. I wanted to investigate what these cultural meetings means in the work with the elderly, how it is noticed and affects their work. The study is based on a qualitative research method with interviews of

Gemenskap och utanförskap i en studentförening - en kvantitativ studie av en studentförening

The purpose of this paper was to examine if there was an experience of alienation in a student association and what the meaning of the usage of symbols and having a commitment within a group meant to maintain the group identity. Using a quantitative method the research analyzed answers from students in the student association at the university of technology in Lund. The theory in this paper was co

Food Packaging Innovation

Food production, especially meat production, has a large impact on the environment and wastage of these products has an even greater impact (WRAP 2007). A lot of food is thrown away due to "safety scares" and consumers insecurity of the safety and quality of the food. If the microbiological state of meat can be identified and constantly updated, throughout the whole supply chain, includi

The Challenge of Wind Power in Italy: Is the Answer Blowing in the Wind?

The latest years have seen the worldwide interest around wind power increasing significantly. Italy as well has joined this global movement. But does the Italian wind power industry have the capabilities for a substantial and sustainable future growth? This paper analyzes the Italian wind power sector using a slightly modified Porter’s diamond model in a comparative analysis with the Spanish one,

Evaluate the attitudes and stances of Hong Kong newspapers toward Chinese sensitive issue after the handover in 1997: Content analysis of news coverage of South China Morning Post, Apple Daily, Ming Pao, and Wen Wei Po from September to December 2010 about the Nobel Peace Prize Winner Liu Xiaobo

Hong Kong used to enjoy high degree of press freedom during the period under the British colonial control, however, since the handover to China in 1997, the media self-censorship is becoming explicit. Attributed by the political and economic influences from China, Hong Kong media become more reserved in reporting Chinese sensitive issue, the objectivity and impartiality is threatened. This paper i

The trustworthiness of anonymous eWOM

The main purpose of this research essay is to understand why and to what extent consumers trust anonymous eWOM. Secondly, it aims to understand what role anonymous eWOM has on the consumer’s purchase decision. A qualitative approach were used where data is collected through semi-structured interviews. The research is conducted with a phenomenological method in combination with an abductive work ap

Exploring Product information leaks in marketing communications and product development

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore the phenomenon of Product information leaks and to address whether it can be used as tool in marketing communications and new product development. Methodology: This qualitative exploratory study has studied the phenomenon product information leaks using two case studies (Apple iPad and Sony Ericsson Xperia Play) from the telecommunications and gami

Brandfara i bärbara datorer

This report is written to shed light on the fire risks with laptop computers. Different parts of the laptops are tested in different hypotheses, using literature studies, case studies and experiments. The result indicates that Lithium-Ion batteries are the major risk, because of their high energy content. In some cases, the protective circuits may fail, which in worst case may result in rapidly in

Momentum and Contrarian Trading Strategies: Evidence from the Chinese stock market 2000-2010

The paper employs Jegadeesh and Titman (1993)’s overlapping ranking period method to build winner-portfolio and loser-portfolio, and thereafter conducts empirical studies on the momentum and contrarian effects on the Chinese stock market from 2000 to 2010. One thing worth mentioning here is that the author processes the data using her own Matlab codes instead of doing tremendous manual work. It is