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Human immunoglobulin G levels of viruses and associated glioma risk

Few consistent etiological factors have been identified for primary brain tumors. Inverse associations to asthma and low levels of varicella-zoster virus, immunoglobulin (Ig) levels in prevalent cases have indicted a role for the immune system in the development of glioma. Because samples from prevalent cases of glioma could be influenced by treatments such as steroids and chemotherapy, we investi

Measurement of ZZ production in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV and limits on anomalous ZZZ and ZZ gamma couplings with the ATLAS detector

A measurement of the ZZ production cross section in proton-proton collisions at root s = 7 TeV using data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider is presented. In a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.6 fb(-1) collected in 2011, events are selected that are consistent either with two Z bosons decaying to electrons or muons or with one Z boson decaying t

Comparisons of Immunoassay and Mass Spectrometry Measurements of Serum Estradiol Levels and Their Influence on Clinical Association Studies in Men.

Context:Immunoassay-based techniques, routinely used to measure serum estradiol (E2), are known to have reduced specificity, especially at lower concentrations, when compared with the gold standard technique of mass spectrometry (MS). Different measurement techniques may be responsible for the conflicting results of associations between serum E2 and clinical phenotypes in men.Objective:Our objecti

Vibratory perception threshold in young and middle-aged patients at high risk of knee osteoarthritis compared to controls

Objective Vibratory perception threshold (VPT) is impaired in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA). It is, however, not known if sensory deficits precede or follow as a consequence of OA. The aim of this study was to investigate VPT in 2 independent groups of patients with high risk of future OA (young anterior cruciate ligament [ACL]-injured patients and middle-aged meniscectomized patients) an

Climbing Fiber Receptive Fields-Organizational and Functional Aspects and Relationship to Limb Coordination.

Climbing fiber receptive fields are a physiological marker that have proven useful to delineate the details of the olivocerebellar circuitry. They have also proven useful as a point of reference to delineate the organization of other parts of the cerebellar circuitry. But what does the location of the climbing fiber receptive field imply and what is its relation to the presumed role of the cerebel

CCRL1/ACKR4 is expressed in key thymic microenvironments but is dispensable for T lymphopoiesis at steady state in adult mice

Thymus colonisation and thymocyte positioning are regulated by interactions between CCR7 and CCR9, and their respective ligands, CCL19/CCL21 and CCL25. The ligands of CCR7 and CCR9 also interact with the atypical receptor CCRL1 (also known as ACKR4), which is expressed in the thymus and has recently been reported to play an important role in normal alpha beta T-cell development. Here, we show that

How does testing affect retrieval-related processes? - An event-related potential (ERP) study on the short-term effects of repeated retrieval

Abstract in UndeterminedThe testing effect is conceptualized as the benefit for remembering items that were studied and tested rather than just studied. Thus far, little is known about the underlying neurocognitive mechanisms. In an event-related potential (ERP) study, we investigated the immediate consequences of testing on recollection processes. During an initial study phase, participants encou

Teaching about photosynthesis with simple equipment: analysis of light-induced changes in fluorescence and reflectance of plant leaves

Solar energy absorbed by plants results in either reflection or absorption. The latter results in photosynthesis, fluorescence, or heat. Measurements of fluorescence changes have been used for monitoring processes associated with photosynthesis. A simple method to follow changes in leaf fluorescence and leaf reflectance associated with nonphotochemical quenching and light acclimation of leaves is

Glucosamine but not ibuprofen alters cartilage turnover in osteoarthritis patients in response to physical training

Objective: To investigate changes in levels of serum cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) and urine c-telopeptide of type-2 collagen (CTX-II) as markers for cartilage turnover in patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee, in response to muscle strength training in combination with treatment with glucosamine, ibuprofen or placebo. Design: A 12-week double blind, placebo controlled, random

Free Volume Expansion of Poly[1-(trimethylsilyl)-1-propyne] Treated in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide As Revealed by Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy

The free volume changes of poly[1-(trimethyl-silyl)-1-propyne] (PTMSP) treated in supercritical CO2 (scCO(2)) were investigated with positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS). CO2 is known to plasticize and increase the free volume size of a broad range of polymers. In this work dense PTMSP films were treated with scCO(2) under different pressures and temperatures, resulting in the enlarg

Potential fresh water saving using greywater in toilet flushing in Syria.

Greywater reuse is becoming an increasingly important factor for potable water saving in many countries. Syria is one of the most water scarce countries in the Middle East. However, greywater reuse is still not common in the country. Regulations and standards for greywater reuse are not available. Recently, however, several stakeholders have started to plan for greywater reuse. The main objective

Robust Surface Doping of Bi2Se3 by Rubidium Intercalation

Rubidium adsorption on the surface of the topological insulator Bi2Se3 is found to induce a strong downward band bending, leading to the appearance of a quantum-confined two-dimensional electron gas state (2DEG) in the conduction band. The 2DEG shows a strong Rashba-type spin orbit splitting, and it has previously been pointed out that this has relevance to nanoscale spintronics devices. The adsor

Association between Atrial Fibrillatory Rate and Heart Rate Variability in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation and Congestive Heart Failure

Background Even if atrial fibrillatory rate (AFR) has been related to clinical outcome in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), its relation with ventricular response has not been deeply studied. The aim of this study was to investigate the relation between AFR and RR series variability in patients with AF. Methods Twenty-minute electrocardiograms in orthogonal leads were processed to extract AF

Improved Key Recovery Attack on the BEAN Stream Cipher

BEAN is a newly proposed lightweight stream cipher adopting Fibonacci FCSRs. It is designed for very constrained environments and aims at providing a balance between security, efficiency and cost. A weakness in BEAN was first found by Ågren and Hell in 2011, resulting in a key recovery attack slightly better than brute force. In this paper, we present new correlations between state and keystream w