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Preoperative prediction of sentinel nodal status using mammography images

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in Sweden, accounting for approximately 30 % of the cancer cases. The overall prognosis is good, but worsens if the cancer metastasizes from the primary tumor. In order to exclude or confirm lymph node metastasis in clinically node negative breast cancer, axillary lymph nodes are examined by sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB). Up to 85 % of the pa

The Global Footprint of Sectors

Studies investigating the footprint of nations have reported significant carbon-leakage between countries and the need to track emissions responsibility under a consumption-based accounting to complement traditional production estimates. Nonetheless, these works have largely ignored the impact of consumption by sectors in generating greenhouse gas emissions, which remained estimated under a produc

"Mot ett narkotikafritt samhälle" En kritisk diskursanalys av narkotikastrafflagens ideologiska grunder.

Narcotics have been the subject of hard legal regulation and zero tolerance policies in Sweden for more than three decades. This bachelor thesis seeks to examine the ideological grounds which the swedish druglaws are founded upon and maintained through. In order to identifiy these ideologies and understand their impact on the legaslative process a critical discourse analysis have been conducted wi

The potential for Binding PFAS Using Biochar and Phytoremediation

PFAS är en grupp kemikalier med olika toxiska egenskaper och som har spridat sig idag överallt i naturen. Gruppen är vanligt förekommande inom olika konsumentprodukter som slutligen hamnar på deponier i form av avfall och kan där ifrån släppas ut via lakvatten. För att förhindra utsläpp och minska spridningsrisken av PFAS från deponier så är det viktigt att undersöka och anlägga fungerande sanerinPFAS is a group of long-lasting chemicals with multiple known toxicological effects which has been found everywhere in nature. One of the possible source points of PFAS is via landfill through leachate leaving the area. It is therefore important to investigate and implementing remediation techniques to reduce the contamination risk. This thesis focuses on two components, first a literature study w

How is Sustainable Agriculture Represented in the EU CAP Proposal 2020-2027? A Discourse Analysis

The need for a sustainable agricultural system that works to support the environmental, social, and economic needs of the agricultural sector and those both within and affected by it is absolutely imperative given the climate crisis and challenging economic and social health of farmers. The agricultural sector has an enormous environmental impact while also providing large economic and social valu

Feeling risky, might detain later: The impact of emotional information on risk assessment in remand proceedings.

A fair judicial system assumes that judgments and decisions are made based on quality of evidence rather than extraneous factors. The evidence in criminal cases usually carries emotional content. Previous research shows that lay-people, such as juries, can be affected by emotional content when making legal decisions. However, judges who finalize verdicts have extensive legal education. The purpose

Investigating the extent and sustainability of wild meat hunting by the Amazonian communities of the La Pedrera region, Colombia

The unsustainable use of wild meat undermines efforts of many cornerstones of global sustainable development, from climate change mitigation to poverty and hunger reduction. We investigate how the indigenous communities of La Pedrera, in the Amazonian region of Colombia, utilise their local ecosystem for the harvesting of wild meat. We find that it likely acts as safety net and a safeguard against

“And If Something, Antiracism Is a Pedagogical Matter” - Finnish Early Childhood Education Teachers’ Understanding and Experiences of Antiracism and White Normativity

Early childhood education (ECE) builds the base for a child’s learning and socialization. Studies prove that racism and unequal treatment are present already in early childhood education, affecting negatively on an individual’s wellbeing. Antiracism is seen as a way to act against racism and lessen inequality. Via interviews of six ECE teachers working in Finland, this study analyzes if they recog

Varför certifieringar? En marknadsföringsmässig undersökning kring syftet med certifieringar

Corporate social responsibility, also known as CSR, is the responsibility companies have regarding its societal impact within the area in which they operate. Companies often choose to market their social responsibility which results in increased consumer loyalty and thus an increased competitive advantage. To communicate their CSR initiatives, companies may use various certifications such as MSC a

Brain and cellular alterations caused by CYP27A1 deficiency in mouse and human models

Förändringar i hjärnan vid avsaknad av CYP27A1 CYP27A1 är en gen vars färdiga protein är involverat i nedbrytning av kolesterol och gallsyrasyntes. Avsaknad av CYP27A1 eller produktion av en dysfunktionell variant av proteinet i människor resulterar i sjukdomen Cerebrotendinös xantomatos (CTX). CTX är en sjukdom som karaktäriseras av grumling av ögats lins, lipidinlagringar i form av knutor i senCYP27A1 is an important enzyme in cholesterol catabolism and bile acid biosynthesis. Deficiency of this enzyme in human leads to the disease Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis (CTX), which is a recessively inherited lipid storage disorder characterized by symptoms such as cataracts, tendon xanthomas and progressive neurological syndrome. The underlying cause for the neurological symptoms is not well u

Index prediction on the Swedish stock market using natural language processing methods on Swedish news

Varje dag publiceras stora mängder nyheter som både informerar och påverkar människor. I takt med framsteg inom maskininlärning samt att datorkraft blivit mer tillgängligt har nya tillvägagångsätt för att automatisk analysera text tillkommit. I kombination med att mer och mer alternativa datakällor används för att utföra aktieanalyser har detta resulterat i ett nytt forskningområde: automatisk texThis master thesis explores if topic modelling and sentiment analysis on Swedish financial newspaper data can be used to predict the direction of the Swedish stock market. A pipeline was set up where full length articles as well as article summaries were fed into a topic model and a sentiment analysis model. Several methods for combining the outputs of these models were explored in order to create

The future of Hästbergadammen - Restoration and re-purposing of an abandoned hydroelectric powerplant

This thesis work is an academic study investigating how to transform and re-purpose the abandoned hydroelectric powerplant, Hästbergadammen. The powerplant has been abandoned since the dam collapsed in 2010, and the case of rebuilding it has been in the Land and Environment Court since 2016. The thesis proposes a new purpose for the site. It suggests giving back a public monumental place where t

Influence of permafrost disintegration on wetland carbon fluxes in Abisko, Sweden

Den globala uppvärmningen har stora effekter på det subarktiska ekosystemet i norra Sverige. De ökande temperaturerna i dessa ekosystem har lett till ett tinande av permafrosten i marken. Permafrosten innehåller stora mängder kol och när tjälen i marken försvinner blir detta kol tillgängligt för nedbrytning av mikrober i marken. Denna nedbrytning av kol i kombination med en våtare mark leder till The northern permafrost regions are experiencing a rapid warming as surface temperatures are rising, causing a disintegration of permafrost and a deepening of the active layer (AL). This releases previously frozen carbon, making it available for decomposition by microbes. The combination of the high microbial activity and overall wetter soils may cause anoxic conditions and in turn methane (CH4) a

Healthcare Within the Barbed Wires - International Legal Inquiry into the Right to Health in Occupied Akhalgori: The Prospects of Responsibility through Human Rights Litigation

The humanitarian crises, which suddenly emerged in Akhalgori and claimed the lives of dozens of people, raised questions on the legal responsibility of Georgia and Russia to guarantee timely and adequate healthcare in the district. The uncertainties regarding the state’s obligations were caused by the specific legal status of Akhalgori, which is Georgia’s lost territory beyond its effective contro

Ett metaspråkligt vakuum. En intervjustudie av svensklärares grammatikundervisning på gymnasiet

Ämnesplanen i svenska i gymnasiet ska bygga på men inte överlappa kursplanen i svenska i grundskolan. Grammatiken beskrivs endast implicit i Svenska 1 och omnämns explicit först i Svenska 2. Detta innebär att grammatikundervisning och metaspråk i svenskämnet på gymnasiet i hög grad är beroende av elevernas grammatiska förkunskaper från grundskolan. Syftet var att undersöka hur svensklärare hanteraThe syllabus in Swedish in upper secondary school should be based on, but not overlap, the syllabus in Swedish in primary school. Grammar is only implicitly described in Swedish 1 and is explicitly mentioned only once you move on to Swedish 2. This means that grammar teaching and metalanguage in Swedish in upper secondary school is to a large extent dependent on the students' prior grammatical

A Matter of Privacy: How the substantial rule of law ensures fundamental rights in a digital era

I en alltmer digital värld överförs elektronisk information varje sekund till alla delar av världen. Denna elektroniska information övervakas av stater och dess offentliga myndigheter, vars övervakningsförmåga läcktes redan 2013 av Edward Snowden. På andra sidan av detta fenomen finns grundläggande rättigheter, nämligen rätten till integritet, skydd av personuppgifter, en opartisk domstol och tillIn a world which is becoming more digital, electronic information is being transferred every second to all parts of the world, containing personal data. This electronic communication can be subject of surveillance by the public authorities – the capabilities of the public authorities were leaked already by Edward Snowden in 2013. On the other side of the surveillance are the fundamental rights, na

The immunoproteasome activity directly regulates the tumor immunogenicity of spheroid grown melanoma cells

Hur cancerceller ska bli bättre på att göra sig synlig för immunförsvaret Immunförsvaret består utav många olika celler som alla är med i att försvara kroppen från hot, när dom upptäcker en fara finns en del celler som kan eliminera målet, dom kallas T-celler. Ett hot som uppkommer i kroppen är cancer. Det finns många olika orsaker till att cancer uppstår, däribland arvsanlag men också miljöfaktoThe many cases of malignant melanoma and the following relapses after standard-of-care treatment demands inventions on finding new treatment to this cancer disease. One of the reasons for reduced clinical response in melanoma is the downregulation of tumor specific antigens which results in decreased tumor recognition, followed by tumor escape and progression. This study investigated the potential

VIKA/ The foldable bike project

This project is an exploration of how to create a foldable bicycle made of paper. The decision to develop a foldable, sustainable and hopefully affordable, paper bicycle came from frustrating experiences with several heavy and bulky foldable bicycles on the market. Paper as a material was chosen with the help from a Paper Cellulose expert named Heikki Sojjaka. Form and function exploration with sk

Det professionella mötet i hemmet inom avancerad palliativ vård- en Foucault- inspirerad intervjustudie utifrån sjuksköterskans perspektiv

Avancerad palliativ vård blir allt vanligare att bedriva i hemmet då fler svårt sjuka människor väljer att vårdas hemma i livets slut. Många studier beskriver vilka komponenter som ska ingå för att den palliativa vården ska anses vara av hög kvalitet. Det behövs dock mer kunskap om vilka aktiviteter som pågår under vårdrelaterade möten i hemmet och vilken inverkan dessa kan ha på vårdrelationen. S

Thickness determination of black phosphorususing Raman spectroscopy

Black phosphorus is a 2-D layered material. Since the isolation of a single layer of black phosphorus in 2014, it has garnered a great deal of interest due to several rare properties such as anisotropy, high conductivity, and tunable bandgap. These properties make it an ideal candidate for a wide variety of applications and provide a means for analyzing particular direction-dependent physical phen