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Light, Comfort and Joy : User experience of light and darkness in Swedish homes

Avhandlingen undersöker användares upplevelser och beteende kopplat till belysning, ljusarmaturer och fönsteröppningar i svenska hem såväl dag som natt. En kombinerad undersökningsstrategi används där både kvantitativt och kvalitativt material samlats in i fält och i en fullskalemodell av en lägenhet. I avhandlingen identifieras flera motiv bakom boendes ljusrelaterade beteende och val samt faktorThe thesis examines user experience and behaviour relating to lighting, luminaires and window openings during day and night, in Swedish homes. Applying a mixed methods strategy of inquiry, both quantitative and qualitative data were collected in the field and in a full-scale model of an apartment. The thesis has identified multiple motivations behind residents’ lighting behaviour and choices, enab

Innovation and Employment: Process versus Product Innovation

Which kinds of growth lead to increased employment and which do not? This is one of the questions that this important volume attempts to answer. The book explores the complex relationships between innovation, growth and employment that are vital for both research into, and policy for, the creation of jobs.Politicians claiming that more rapid growth would remedy unemployment do not usually specify

Public Technology Procurement and Innovation Theory

Public technology procurement (PTP) occurs when a public agency places an order for a product or system which does not exist at the time, but which could (probably) be developed within a reasonable period. Additional or new technological development work is required to fulfil the demands of the buyer. This is the ‘ideal type’ of public technology procurement.

Policy Implications

Our investigation and analysis of public technology procurement has demonstrated that, as argued in Chapter 1 of this book, it is a concept with salient features. These distinguish it from other types of public procurement. With this particular type of procurement, policy makers are faced with new challenges. The reasons pursuing for public technology procurement, and consequently its processes an

The role of South-South FDI in the economies of developing Asia

This paper attempts to measure the size of South-South foreign direct investment (FDI) in developing East Asia and the trends in it, and the characteristics of the investing countries and the investments themselves. It also summarizes the findings of studies in individual countries of the effects of these investments. The studies of individual countries will be used to try to find some consensus o

The study of contical interactiens in short time intervals during the search for word associations

Cortical connectivity was studied in tasks of generating the use of words in comparison with reading aloud the same words. These tasks were used earlier in PET and high-density ERP recording studies, which described both the functional anatomy and time course of involvement of cortical areas in word processing. We developed a new method for studying the synchrony of EEG spectral components within