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"Sketching with my mind" : The role of prior intentions and intentions in action for the creative process of design
Competition between terminating and collective structures above spin 40ℏ in 154Dy
High-spin states in 154Dy were studied with the Gammasphere spectrometer using the 36S(122Sn,4n) reaction. Band terminating states were identified in the spin range I= (36-48)ℏ, and were found to compete with collective rotational cascades up to the highest observed spins. Several "sidebands" feeding the terminating structures were identified as well. A band dominated by M1 transitions was observe
Medborgare ska välja politiker – inte tvärtom
En film fyller femtio år : Ur kärlekens språk
"När det kommer fram så tänker man "oj liksom, det har varit ganska osynligt det här barnet". Skolkuratorers beskrivningar av att arbeta med barn som utsätts för våld i hemmet
This study aimed to examine how school counselors work with children who experience domestic violence, as well as which challenges they face in their work with this group. The study is based on six qualitative interviews with school counselors who all have experience working with children exposed to domestic violence. The interviews were analyzed using two sociological theories: Goffman's dram
Model uncertainty, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the science-policy interface
The COVID-19 pandemic illustrated many of the challenges with using science to guide planning and policymaking. One such challenge has to do with how to manage, represent and communicate uncertainties in epidemiological models. This is considerably complicated, we argue, by the fact that the models themselves are often instrumental in structuring the involved uncertainties. In this paper we explor
Ethics rounds in the ambulance service : a qualitative evaluation
BackgroundIt is a common ethical challenge for ambulance clinicians to care for patients with impaired decision-making capacities while assessing and determining the degree of decision-making ability and considering ethical values. Ambulance clinicians’ ethical competence seems to be increasingly important in coping with such varied ethical dilemmas. Ethics rounds is a model designed to promote th
Europa : fästning och luftslott
Att förneka Jesu levnad är ungefär lika begåvat som att tro att månlandningen var fejk
Medeltida kustbruk på Gotland -- en pilotstudie
Framställningar och Attityder - En studie av TikTok-användares porträttering av socialtjänsten
This study aimed to analyze how users on TikTok portrayed social services by identifying themes and patterns in their representations. Furthermore, the study searched to identify users' attitudes towards these portrayals, intending to understand how attitudes towards social services could be understood and constructed. Applying a perspective grounded in social constructivism and moral panic, t
To Merge or Not to Merge: The Shareholder Perspective on M&As
This study examines if abnormal return occurs in conjunction with merger announcements in the short-term and compares it with the compounded one-year buy-and-hold abnormal return in the long-interval for European manufacturing firms. In the final sample, the short-term study consisted of 209 firms, while the long-term incorporated 207, both during a sample period of 20 years. In addition, a set of
Crime Writing and Social Marketing as Creative Work
Crime fiction has become one of Sweden's biggest cultural exports. In this chapter, we discuss how individual crime fiction writers are used as role models for how creative industries should function in both local and global contexts. They appear to be at the forefront of outreach to an international audience, how to market books and your own author brand through events, and how to make a successf
Magnetic dipole bands in 190Hg : First evidence of excitations across the Z = 82 sub-shell in Hg nuclei
An experiment aimed at studying high-spin states in 190Hg was performed with the Eurogam II array. The data have revealed the presence of cascades of magnetic dipole transitions with some unexpected properties. Unlike the MI bands previously observed in the heavier Hg isotopes, these structures have extremely large B(M1)/B(E2) ratios, The observation of a third dipole band with much lower B(M1)/B(
Friskrivningsklausuler i juridiska rådgivningsavtal – Om användandet av klausultypen i förhållande till 36 § avtalslagen
I samband med att kommersiella uppdragsavtal om juridisk rådgivning träffas är det inte ovanligt att avtalsparterna samtidigt avtalar om att begränsa rådgivarens ansvar med hjälp av en så kallad friskrivningsklausul. Syftet med användandet av sådana klausuler kan vara att kanalisera avtalets risker till den part som besitter bäst kapacitet att hantera risken. En annan anledning kan vara att man soWhen a commercial contract regarding legal services is concluded, the liability of the legal advisor is often limited by agreeing on a so-called exemption clause. The purpose of agreeing on such a clause may be to channel the risks of the agreement to the party with the best capacity to manage the risk. Alternatively, a contracting party could have an interest in using the clause simply to reduce
Men istället så vill de kasta oss i fängelse - En undersökning om statlig repression mot miljöaktivister i Sverige
There are indications that state repression against environmental activism is increasing on a global scale. Meanwhile, there is a knowledge gap concerning this phenomenon in Sweden. This thesis studies why state repression occurs in Sweden. By conducting semi-structured interviews with environmental activists, and a literature review, state repression against environmental activists is explored. T
Det ombildade aktiebolaget - En närmare undersökning av fiktiv avräkning och kupongskatt vid gränsöverskridande ombildning
Genom direktiv 2019/2121 och EU-domstolens praxis kan ett aktiebolag genomföra en gränsöverskridande ombildning till en motsvarande juridisk person i en annan medlemsstat. I Sverige har reglerna införts i 24 a kap. ABL och skattemässiga justeringar har gjorts i IL genom prop. 2023/24:15. Uppsatsen syftar till att utreda om begränsat skattskyldiga ska betala kupongskatt i Sverige efter att ett svenThrough the EU Directive 2019/2121 and the practice of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), a limited liability company can make a cross-border conversion into a corresponding legal entity in another Member State. This essay aims to investigate whether withholding tax must be paid in Sweden after a Swedish-registered limited company carries out a cross-border conversion without condu
Harmoni eller kaos? - En studie om organisationskulturens och ledarskapets roll i arbetsplatslärandet
Dagens samhälle utvecklas i allt snabbare takt, framväxten av ny teknologi och digitalisering har ökat konkurrensen på arbetsmarknaden. Det har resulterat i ökade krav på organisationer att utveckla och stärka kompetensen hos sina medarbetare för att möta de nya utmaningarna. Mycket av lärandet i organisationer sker idag i den befintliga rollen men det räcker inte bara att säga till medarbetarna a
Specialistundersköterskekompetens-vilka effekter innebär det för undersköterskor, ledare och organisation?
I den här uppsatsen riktar jag min uppmärksamhet på specialistundersköterskekompetensutbildningen och vilka effekter den i första hand har för de deltagande undersköterskor som genomförde utbildningen. Jag analyserar även specialistundersköterskornas interaktioner med ledare och grupp, samt ledarens funktion i processen. Mina intressen utifrån ett HR perspektiv, är att se på effekter även för orga