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Securitising Kurdistan

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the Kurdish question in Turkey has affected the country‘s security policies during the time between 1984 and 2005. To do this, several different factors are analysed, such as the securitisation of the Kurdish question, the (non)involvement of the civil society, and several state institutions. These institutions are the armed forces (TSK), the National I

Partial Test of Biological Sex on the Swedish Labour Market

Testosterone is the main androgen affecting sexual differentiation in-utero. According to the twin testosterone transfer hypothesis, a female fetus sharing uterus with a male is exposed to higher testosterone levels. Likewise, a male fetus sharing uterus with another male is exposed to higher levels. In this short thesis, wages of twins in opposite-sexed pairs are compared to wages of twins in sam

Surviving Poverty in the Philippines

Basic human rights are not being met in many parts of the world. People in poverty suffer from hunger, ill-health, poor education and low standards of living which negatively affect their well-being. These reasons and poverty as a wide spread social problem that undermines the economy and development of entire nations, make poverty socially relevant and important to study. To understand how poor p

Sustainability Assurance - The Swedish audit profession’s interpretation and manifestation of competence

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the audit profession's interpretation of the characteristic competence in sustainability assurance, and how this is practically demonstrated. Method: In this paper, a qualitative research with an inductive method approach has been used. Theoretical perspectives: Theories in this paper consist of Flint’s (1988) philosophy of auditing, Abbott’

Tintin - en transmedial berättelse i förändring

Denna uppsats är skriven av Christian Frisk och Josefine Waldenström. Uppsatsen är skriven i ämnet Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Institutionen för kommunikation och medier på Lunds universitet. Uppsatsen syftar till att genom en kvalitativ textanalys kartlägga hur medietexten Tintin har förändrats när den transmedierats, och om förutsättningarna för berättande förändrats sedan transmedial

Cause related Marketing - en jämförelse mellan brand-cause fit och consumer-cause fit i reklamkampanjer

Syftet med studien var att undersöka studenters attityder till CrM samt se om det finns skillnader i studenters attityder gentemot CrM med brand-cause fit och CrM med consumer-cause fit och med studien ämnade vi bidra till existerande teori och forskning om CrM. Studiens empiri utgörs av insamlad data från 236 stycken pappersenkäter som besvarades av kaffedrickande och margarinätande studenter påThe purpose of this study was to investigate students’ attitudes toward CrM and see whether attitudes differ between CrM with brand-cause fit and CrM with consumer-cause fit and our aim was to contribute to existing CrM theory. The study’s empirical data was collected from 236 paper-based surveys that were filled out by coffee-drinking and margarine-eating students at Lund’s School of Economics an

Living Stories of Care: Exploring Discursive Clashes Through Storytelling by Nurses

Purpose: Nurses constitute a key group to focus on due to their close proximity to the core of health care, the patient. We aim to understand the care discourse in the practice of nursing within public health care organizations, and its coexistence with the current marketization discourse promoted by the New Public Management paradigm. Our intention with this approach is not only to nuance and pro

On the way to sustainability through social learning : an action research approach to 4H farms in Sweden

The world is facing complex sustainability challenges, and the quest for a more sustainable world is characterized by uncertainty, both regarding goals and means. It is argued that this uncertainty requires a social learning process, where people collectively find shared problem perception and directions for sustainable solutions. The Swedish 4H farms have a great potential of being a platform for

Design of a Torque Control Strategy for Enhanced Comfort in Heavy Trucks

Heavy trucks vehicles by design often suffer from issues causing driver discomfort. That discomfort is here considered caused by oscillations in the driveline, which are affecting the driver. The driveline oscillations – sometimes referred to as shunt and shuffle - exist because of the sheer amount of power in a heavy truck engine, combined with a driveline where the components are relatively weak

Som en sköld runt hjärtat - Unga vuxnas erfarenheter av att medicinera mot depression

Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer undersöka unga vuxnas erfarenheter av att medicinera mot depression, samt hur de förstår sitt tillstånd som deprimerade. Elva informanter mellan 20 och 30 år, som diagnostiserats med depression och använt SSRI eller SNRI, intervjuades, och materialet analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys. Resultatet visade att inforThe purpose of this qualitative study was to explore how young adults experience depression and antidepressant medication, and how they understand their condition. Using semi-structured interviews, eleven interviewees between the ages of 20 and 30, who had been diagnosed with depression and had medicated with SSRI or SNRI, were interviewed, and the results were analyzed using thematic analysis. Th

Relaxing or Constraining Foreign Ownership Structure in the United Arab Emirates

Denna uppsats behandlar restriktioner för utländskt ägande i aktiebolag i Förenade Arab Emiraten (UAE). Till en början kommer studien att guida oss genom en översikt av bolagsetablering samt bolagsstrukturer i landet, vilket sedermera leder till att specificera skillnaderna mellan frizon och fastland. Följaktligen avgränsas studien för att snävare fokusera på aktiebolag i fastlandet. Här presenterThis essay covers the subject of foreign ownership restrictions in LLCs in UAE mainland. In the beginning the study will guide us through an overview of the incorporation process and recognized company structures, which further specifies the differences between free zone and mainland. Accordingly, the study narrows down to focus on mainland LLCs, where the 49/51 rule, which restricts foreign inves

En jämförelse mellan tre geodetiska tekniker

Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) is a technique to rapidly collect detailed and accurate data of an object. The technology can briefly be described as a laser beam emitted by an instrument which sweeps across a target object collecting millions of closely placed coordinates (x,y,z) in a matter of minutes. Terrestrial Laser Scanning technology has existed for a long time however only in recent year

Requirements Analysis of Using Object-Orientation in Filling Machine Systems

The use of an object-oriented approach in software engineering has proven to be successful for many years, but in the fields of mechanics and automation it has been ignored for long. The Tetra Pak Carton Bottle automation team believes that a switch from a function-oriented architecture to an object-oriented one would be of benefit not only to them but also any department which is involved with de

Märkning av importerade, färdigförpackade livsmedel i Malmö stad - Uppfyller butikerna Livsmedelsverkets märkningskrav?

Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka efterlevnaden av lagen gällande märkning av importerade färdigförpackade livsmedel hos livsmedelsbutiker i Malmö. 20 butiker studerades. Vid besöken granskades dels märkning av ett antal importerade färdigförpackade livsmedel, och dels utfördes enkätundersökning kring butikens livsmedelsmärkning och märkningsrutiner. Enkätundersökningen besvarades vanligtvThe purpose of this thesis is to examine the compliance of the labeling law of imported prepackaged foods in grocery stores in Malmö. 20 stores were studied. During the visits the labels of a number of imported pre-packaged foods were examined, and there was also a survey conducted about the store's food labels and their labeling rutines. The survey was usually answered by the owner or store

A Geography of Injustice: Understanding and Counteracting the Reproduction of Capitalism

This thesis examines the nature of the capitalist mode of production and begins with the contention that it necessarily produces unjust outcomes do to its economic mandates and corresponding organization of social relationships. More specifically, this thesis will investigate the processes through which the capitalistic mode of production reproduces itself. An understanding of these processes allo

Spatiotemporal variation of net methane emissions and its causes across an ombrotrophic peatland : a site study from Southern Sweden

Naturliga metanutsläpp sker från våra våtmarker världen över. Metan produceras naturligt genom nedbrytning i de syrefria förhållanden som en våtmark erbjuder. För att bättre kunna modellera och skala upp hur mycker metan som faktiskt släpps ut från dessa våtmarker måste ytterligare förståelse skapas över varför metanutsläppen varierar så kraftigt både i tid och rum. Denna studie försöker öka förstMethane emissions from natural wetlands are an important contributor to methane levels in the atmosphere. These emissions are highly variable in time and space, even within sites. Further understanding of this variation is vital to successfully model the overall methane emissions from wetlands. This study investigates spatial variation through measurements of 22 plots across Fäjemyr bog. Manual me

Interaction design for future mobile phones + Ericsson Modus concept phone

This master thesis explores some ideas about interaction design of mobile communication and mobile devices. In initial studies the definitions of mobility and communication are summarised as a foundation for deeper understanding of the interaction between the user and the technical devices. Also additional studies about future usage and human behaviour are presented. Based on additional user obser

Fågel, fiende eller mitt i mellan? En studie över ordet nešers betydelse och användning i Gamla Testamentet

This thesis is a study of the Hebrew word nešer, which is the name of the bird most often mentioned in the Old Testament. What kind of bird it is, is not defined in any of the texts in which it occurs, but the modern interpretations call it either an eagle or a vulture. The purpose of this thesis is to see if it is possible to define what kind of bird it is, see how it has been used in the Old Tes

How are information systems utilised for capital investment proposals? A case study on organisations in the private and public sector.

The purpose of the thesis is to investigate how information systems are utilised for capital investment appraisals in organisations in the private and public sector as regards to employees and controllers who are involved in the production of investment appraisals. The conslusion reached is that usage of information systems for capital investment appraisals is affected by individuals’ characterist

Beteende och trafikanalys vid Semenarieskolan

An increasingly amount of parents choose to drive their children to the school. The tendency has increased to a point when schools parking areas is too congested which impairs road safety. When motorists no longer have any space to legally unload their kids, they park in unsuitable locations that significantly increase the risk of an accident. The increasing amount of car driving is not only creat