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Development of Comfort Evaluation Tool for Analysis of Bus Structures

The automotive industry is continuously striving for reduced development cost, time to market and high quality on their products to remain market leader. This is achieved by constantly developing their simulation methods in order to attain more accurate simulation results and include more aspects of the complexity when developing a vehicle such as durability, vehicle dynamics and comfort. This th

Om sumimasen, sumanai och suman : en jämförande analys

The main purpose of this paper is to describe the pragmatic and morphological attributes of sumimasen, sumanai and suman used as routine formulae. By way of introduction, previous research, pragmatic theory and key informants of Japanese descent have been consulted in order to provide a detailed interpretation of sumimasen and its properties. By conducting interviews with aforementioned informants

Mitigating Procyclicality due to Minimum Capital Requirements in the Swedish Banking Sector

This study explores methods for mitigating procyclicality due to calculations of minimum capital requirements to cover credit risk. The basis for calculations are provided by the Basel Committee in the Basel accords and the main concern is that they could strengthen the amplitude of economic cycle fluctuations. Our study constructs a portfolio that aims to replicate the Swedish market for corporat

Barrier Quanto Options in Energy Markets

Weather derivatives have increased their relevance in energy markets throughout the last years. Among them, quanto options are one of the fairly new contracts that are traded, over the counter, to manage price and volume risk. Their research literature is scarce and few papers have been published so far. The purpose of the thesis is to slightly improve the current quanto options literature, from a

Comparison of MODIS-Algorithms for Estimating Gross Primary Production from Satellite Data in semi-arid Africa

Klimatmönstren världen över förändras och med dessa den globala distributionen och mängden av landbundet kol, dvs vegetationen som bland annat nyttjas som mat och fiber. Också I sig självt en viktig faktor i klimatets utveckling genom dess roll i energi- och vattenkretsloppen. Vetskap om kvantitet och distribution av landbundet kol och hur detta förändras är en viktigt del av arbetet i att förstå The climatic patterns of the world are changing and with them the spatial distribution of global terrestrial carbon; the food and fiber of the world and in itself an important factor in the changing climate. Knowledge of how the terrestrial carbon stock is changing, its distribution and quantity, is important in understanding how the patterns of the world are changing and large scale models using

Cognitive Psychology in Crisis: Ameliorating the Shortcomings of Representationalism

Traditional cognitive psychology relies on concepts bordering idealism, an issue that has been known since the end of the 19th century. At best, the underlying assumptions are misleading and do not bring us closer to an understanding of human enterprise. Also, psychology in general is not a unified paradigm; its sub-disciplines rely on different conceptual bases. Ecological Psychology can change t

Kina och tecknen : En studie av de kinesiska tecknens historiska, nutida och framtida roll

The Chinese characters are one of the world’s oldest scripts still in use today. They developed from inscriptions on animal bones into standardised logograms, to ultimately become the simplified characters used in China today. Throughout the history, written Chinese has served as a unifying force, bringing the various linguistic groups within China together. Thanks to the continuous use of charact

“Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair”: A Phonoaesthetic Study into the Perceptions of Native English Speakers about Certain Speech Sounds

This essay explores four different aesthetic qualities (beautiful, ugly, soothing, irritating) on twoand- a-half dozen different phones as perceived by native speakers of English. Data were gathered by way of an online survey gathering 22 responses and which, when combined with several findings from previous research articles, reveal a number of tendencies both expected and unexpected. Respondents

Styrning av Siemens PLC med Android applikation

This is a thesis that describes the procedure for setting up the web server on Siemens S7-300 and S7-1200. It also describes how to develop an application on Android to connect to the PLC and then read and send information. It is on the request of ÅF that the Method chapter is written as a step – by – step manual for easy repeat of the project and to get similar results. To communicate with the PL

Vår bebyggda miljö - En granskning av kommunernas miljöarbete

The main objective of this study is to investigate the environmental work progress in Sweden with a focus on buildings. Variety of actions as well as investment programs have come and gone, likewise the public and political commitment to the issue. Today, there is a common knowledge about how our human actions lead to a negative impact on the environment. We need more coordinated actions to revers

There’s plenty of room at the bottom but is there room at the top? Nanotechnology in the Czech Republic: policy and barriers to innnovation

Due to the possibility of nanotechnology becoming the next general purpose technology, generating considerable socio-economic benefits, it has become popular with policy-makers and academics around the world, and led to massive investments in national R&D programmes. While in some cases nanotechnology is still in its early stages of research, in many others it has already resulted in innovatio

Att göra väl

Oavsett om man har ett fullt positiv eller skeptiskt inställning till välgörenhet så är det något som väcker det känslor hos de flesta. Genom mina egna erfarenheter har jag märkt att många gärna talar om vad för sorts välgörenhet de gör men ofta har jag också hört personer som försvarat sig och motiverat varför de inte gör välgörenhet. Den officiella definitionen av välgörenhet enligt NationalencyRegardless of one’s own attitude towards charity it evokes emotions among most people. Drawing from my own experiences as a volunteer for different organizations and causes, I have noticed that many are happy to, very openly, share and talk about how they do charity or if they are skeptical towards charity, defend why they do not do charity. Doing charity is commonly defined as an unselfish act al

The European sovereign debt crisis: a debt crisis and a sovereignty crisis

With the eruption of the sovereign debt crisis, a huge threat and disaster had been brought to the European Union, the member states and the entire euro zone. The ongoing financial crisis has made it very difficult or even impossible for some member states within the euro zone to re-finance the government debt without the third party’s assistance. Greece being one of those states is experiencing t