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Adsorption of methanol on Ni3Al(111) and NiAl(110): A high resolution PES study

The adsorption of methanol on Ni3Al(1 1 1) and NiAl(1 1 0) has been studied using high resolution photoemission spectroscopy (HR-PES) and density functional theory (DFT). Both methanol and methoxy are formed on these surfaces after the initial methanol exposure at low temperatures. Heating to 200 K leads to further formation of methoxy. On NiAl(1 1 0) two different methoxy species are observed whe

Towards more prognostic information to patients with life threatening diseases: Why, how and when?

Physicians’ attitudes towards disclosure to patients of cancer diagnoses have changed from non-disclosure to full disclosure. Also disclosure of prognosis are likewise said to have changed, though not to the same degree. The overriding aim of this dissertation is to analyse information disclosed to patients with severe cancer prognoses, from a Swedish perspective, through two sets of interviews wi

Role of dietary beta-glucans in the prevention of the metabolic syndrome.

The present review examines the evidence regarding the effect of β-glucan on variables linked to the metabolic syndrome (MetS), including appetite control, glucose control, hypertension, and gut microbiota composition. Appetite control can indirectly influence MetS by inducing a decreased energy intake, and promising results for a β-glucan intake to decrease appetite have been found using gut horm

Prevention and Management of Complications Following Radical Cystectomy for Bladder Cancer

Context: This review focuses on the prevention and management of complications following radical cystectomy (RC) for bladder cancer (BCa). Objective: We review the current literature and perform an analysis of the frequency, treatment, and prevention of complications related to RC for BCa. Evidence acquisition: A Medline search was conducted to identify original articles, reviews, and editorials a

1/f-noise in Vertical InAs Nanowire Transistors

The material quality at high-k interfaces are a major concern for FET devices. We study the effect on two types of InAs nanowire (NW) transistors and compare their characteristics. It is found that by introducing an inner layer of Al2O3 at the high-kappa interface, the low frequency noise (LFN) performance regarding gate voltage noise spectral density, S-Vg, is improved by one order of magnitude p

Carbon partitioning in a wet and a semiwet subarctic mire ecosystem based on in situ C-14 pulse-labelling

In this study we quantify the partitioning of recent assimilates to above- and below-ground carbon (C) pools in two subarctic mire ecosystems - wet minerotrophic and semiwet ombrotrophic mire - using in situ C-14 pulse-labelling. Ecosystem C partitioning to rhizomes, coarse roots, fine roots, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and microbes were quantified twice during the growing season at three diffe

Digital holographic microscopy for non-invasive monitoring of cell cycle arrest in l929 cells.

Digital holographic microscopy (DHM) has emerged as a powerful non-invasive tool for cell analysis. It has the capacity to analyse multiple parameters simultaneously, such as cell- number, confluence and phase volume. This is done while cells are still adhered and growing in their culture flask. The aim of this study was to investigate whether DHM was able to monitor drug-induced cell cycle arrest

Diatom floristic change and lake paleoproduction as evidence of recent eutrophication in shallow lakes of the midwestern USA

Intensive agricultural practices can dramatically change the landscape, thereby increasing the concentrations and rates at which nutrients are delivered to aquatic ecosystems. In the United States, concerns about accelerating rates of lake eutrophication related to increases in nutrient loading require a method of quantifying ecological changes that have occurred since European settlement. Because

Subclass responses and their half-lives for antibodies against EBA175 and PfRh2 in naturally acquired immunity against Plasmodium falciparum malaria

Background: Plasmodium falciparum EBA175 and PfRh2 belong to two main families involved in parasite invasion, and both are potential vaccine candidates. Current knowledge is limited regarding which target antigens and subclasses of antibodies are actually important for protection, and how naturally acquired immunity is achieved. Methods: Repeated blood samples were collected from individuals in Ni

Palaeoclimate inferred from δO and palaeobotanical indicators in freshwater tufa of Lake Äntu Sinijärv, Estonia

We investigated a 3.75-m-long lacustrine sediment record from Lake Äntu Sinijärv, northern Estonia, which has a modeled basal age >12,800 cal yr BP. Our multi-proxy approach focused on the stable oxygen isotope composition (δ18O) of freshwater tufa. Our new palaeoclimate information for the Eastern Baltic region, based on high-resolution δ18O data (219 samples), is supported by pollen and plant ma

Bridging the State and Society: Case Study of Mahalla Institutions in Uzbekistan

Abstract in UndeterminedUzbekistan, after gaining independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, had publicly declared that it would adhere to democratic governance principles in designing and implementing its public administration policies. As a newly-independent state with democracy claims, Uzbekistan had tried to establish new democratic institutions with an effort to capture international communi

WRF-SBM Simulations of Melting-Layer Structure in Mixed-Phase Precipitation Events Observed during LPVEx

Two mixed-phase precipitation events were observed on 21 September and 20 October 2010 over the southern part of Finland during the Light Precipitation Validation Experiment (LPVEx). These events have been simulated using the Weather Research and Forecasting Model coupled with spectral bin microphysics (WRF-SBM). The detailed ice-melting scheme with prognosis of the liquid water fraction during me

Genetics of complications in patients with type 2 diabetes

Popular Abstract in English Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a polygenic disorder characterized by impaired insulin secretion or insulin action in which genes interact with the environment to cause the disease. T2D represent 90% of all patients with diabetes. The disease is increasing globally, with an estimated prevalence of 592 million affected by 2035. According to World Health Organization records, apType 2 diabetes (T2D) is a polygenic disease caused by an interaction between genetic and environmental factors such as low physical activity, smoking, and obesity. The disease is associated with devastating chronic microvascular (nephropathy, retinopathy, and neuropathy) and macrovascular (coronary heart disease and stroke) complications. Genome-wide associated studies (GWASs) have been an unbias

A search for excited neutrinos in e(-) p collisions at HERA

A search for first generation excited neutrinos is performed using the full e(-) p data sample collected by the HI experiment at HERA at a centre-of-mass energy of 319 GeV, corresponding to a total luminosity of 184 pb(-1). The electroweak decays of excited neutrinos nu* -> nu gamma, v* -> nu Z and nu* -> eW with subsequent hadronic or leptonic decays of the W and Z bosons are considered. No evide

Rare coding variants and X-linked loci associated with age at menarche

More than 100 loci have been identified for age at menarche by genome-wide association studies; however, collectively these explain only similar to 3% of the trait variance. Here we test two overlooked sources of variation in 192,974 European ancestry women: low-frequency proteincoding variants and X-chromosome variants. Five missense/nonsense variants (in ALMS1/LAMB2/TNRC6A/TACR3/PRKAG1) are asso

Nonequilibrium Green's Function Model for Simulation of Quantum Cascade Laser Devices Under Operating Conditions

A simulation scheme based on nonequilibrium Green's functions for biased periodic semiconductor heterostructure devices is presented in detail. The implementation can determine current and optical gain both for small and large optical fields. Specific results for superlattices, quantum cascade lasers, and quantum cascade detectors are shown which demonstrate the capabilities of the approach.

Osteoporosis in elderly women; Bone traits, fracture and the PTH gene complex

Background: Fragility fractures are a major health problem world wide and the numbers are growing due to ageing populations. Early identification of individuals at risk for osteoporosis and fracture, enabling preventive measures and treatment is essential. Bone strength is partly dependent on lifestyle but genetic factors account for approximately 70-80%. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is the key regul

Health-related quality of life 5 years after carpal tunnel release among patients with diabetes: a prospective study with matched controls.

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common entrapment neuropathy encountered in diabetes. The short-term improvement after carpal tunnel release has previously been demonstrated not to differ between patients with and without diabetes, despite a marked impairment in health-related quality of life (HRQL) among the former. In this study, we compare HRQL 5 years after carpal tunnel release betwe