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Skyddsombudets roll i små byggföretag

Problem What is the role of the safety representative? What training does the safety representative have and in what areas do they want to increase their knowledge? How can a safety representative be proactive? • What affect do the party organizations have in small enterprises? Purpose The purpose of the study is to investigate how safety representatives are working in small construction enterpris

Modern Biomass Energy Projects in China and Their Impacts on Rural Development

The Chinese Central Government has made the promotion of biomass energy an important aspect of China’s national development plans on renewable energy. Numerous biomass energy projects emerged in rural areas in recent years. Official pronouncements regard biomass energy as an effective solution to China’s energy need and environmental problems. However, there is a general lack of understanding on w

Moderbolags ansvar för dotterbolags skulder - Varför finns det ingen lagstiftning om ansvarsgenombrott i Sverige?

Under de senaste årtionden har företagsformen aktiebolagsrätt varit en mycket populär form att bedriva näringsverksamhet på, detta såväl internationellt som nationellt. Det mest karakteristiska draget för aktiebolag är det begränsande ansvaret. Det begränsade ansvaret innebär att en aktieägare som huvudregel inte riskerar mer en det satsade kapitalet. Den privata förmögenhetsmassan är således skilIn recent decades, the form of limited company has been a very popular way to conduct business on, this both international and national. The most characteristic feature for the limted company is the limited liability. The limited liability means that shareholders as a rule do not risk more than the invested capital. The private furtune is thus seperated from the company's assets. The general r

Styrelsens lojalitetsplikt - En studie i gränslandet mellan aktiebolagsrätt och kapitalmarknadsrätt

Det övergripande temat för denna uppsats är inriktat mot att reda ut den komplicerade, och i doktrin väl diskuterade, lojalitetsplikten för styrelsen i ett aktiebolag. Lojalitetsplikten är inte uttryckligen lagstadgad i Aktiebolagslagen (2005:551) (ABL), dess existens erkänns dock av en majoritet i doktrin. Diskussionen i doktrin hänvisar både till regler och allmänna rättsprinciper för att bekräfThe general theme of this thesis is directed towards unravelling the complicated, and in doctrine well discussed, duty of loyalty for the board of directors in a corporate company. The duty of loyalty is not explicitly legislated in the Swedish Company Act, however the majority in Swedish doctrine recognizes its exist-ence. The discussion in doctrine refers to rules as well as general principles o

The Role of Technology Development in Research Commerzialization: Lessons from a Case Study of a Life Science Project at Lund University

This paper aimed to explore the main role of technology development in research commercialization through review of relevant theories and a comprehensive analysis of the case using autoethnography as methodology. The objective was to gain insights into relationship of three variables – technology, entrepreneur and resources – of a technology startup during evolutionary stages of an idea from oppor

Introduction of new technology in the labor ward: professional boundaries and practice.

The introduction of new technology in the complex and safety-critical obstetric setting represents a notoriously difficult process. The changes of working practice brought about by a new device can challenge and affect professional boundaries. Consistent with the epistemological pluralism of medical social science research we decided to explore and celebrate the partially overlapping and sometimes

Hydrological Energy Analysis of Yangtze River Basin, China

In this project, an Energy model from Thomson Reuters HBV-TR similar as the HBV model from Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) is used in Yangtze River Basin for energy inflow simulation. Yangtze River is the biggest river in China and the area of whole river basin is about 1.8 million square kilometers covering more than one fifth of whole China area. At the same time Yangtze

Academia and Activism in Feminist Practices - Applied Cultural Analysis for a NGO

This thesis is based on the two months I spent in Bolivia doing applied cultural analysis for a nongovernmental organization (ECAM) that works for women empowerment and gender equality. My intention is to explore the relationship between academia and activism by focusing on the approaches that have been pointed out as counterproductive in the struggle for gender equality. Specifically, the objecti

Does more trade equal less return - Applied on the Swedish stock market

The main purposes in this master´s thesis are to examine the effect of liquidity on stock returns but also measuring the return premium in relation to liquidity towards the Swedish stock exchange market. In order to test these relationships the Fama and MacBeth (1997) Cross-sectional methodology have been applied. The relationships are tested for two different types of liquidity, the turnover rate

Strokedrabbade personers erfarenheter och upplevelser av förändringar i deras vardagliga aktiviteter

Bakgrund. Varje år drabbas omkring 25 000 personer i Sverige av stroke. Individer som drabbats av stroke får oftast funktionsnedsättningar som orsakar aktivitetsbegränsning i vardagslivet. Syfte. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka erfarenheter och upplevelser strokedrabbade personer har av förändringar i vardagliga aktiviteter.Metod. Studien genomfördes som en kvantitativ metod där instrum

Aktivitetsmönster och upplevd aktivitetsbalans/aktivitetsobalans hos föräldrar till barn med rörelsehinder

I dagens samhälle har vi mycket att göra i vår vardag. Vi har många olika aktiviteter som måste utföras, men också aktiviteter som vi vill göra och som vi kanske till och med inte hinner med. Tidigare forskning nämner betydelsen av att ha aktivitetsbalans i sin vardag och att ohälsa och stress i vardagen är vanligare hos föräldrar till barn med funktionsnedsättning, än föräldrar till barn utan fun

Upplevelsen av vardagliga aktiviteter hos personer med Aspergers Syndrom

Trots studier och forskning som gjorts det senaste årtiondet om Aspergers Syndrom [ASD] är kunskapen kring vilka aktiviteter personer med ASD utför och hur de upplever dem begränsad. Syftet med studien var att belysa vilka aktiviteter personer med ASD utför och vilken mening dessa aktiviteter har för personerna. Med en ökad kunskap kring de vardagliga aktiviteternas mening kan arbetsterapeutens ar

En förvandlad text - nyöversättning och modernisering av Enid Blytons Fem går i fällan

I den här uppsatsen studeras vad som hänt med en text vid nyöversättning när den skulle "städas" från etniskt diskriminerande beskrivningar och moderniseras. Kapitel ur Enid Blyton's Fem går i fällan har närstuderats i två olika versioner från 1957 och från 1977. De har sedan jämförts med originaltexten Five Fall Into Adventure från 1950. Slutsatsen blev att vid städningen och modern

Masculinities and Fatherhood. Perspectives from men in prison.

This thesis consists of a study whereby five imprisoned men were interviewed regarding their perspectives on masculinity and fatherhood. Drawing upon critical gender theory, masculinities theory (R.W. Connell, M. Kimmel and J. Hearn among others) and intersectional approaches to social studies, the author analyzes the interrelationship between notions on masculinity and fatherhood, from a point of

Pursing Green Growth in the STRING Region: A Participative Approach towards a Green Growth Strategy

‘Green growth’ is a concept that has gained credence in the literature and wider policy-making circles, broadly referring to the implementation of policy and development strategies that encourage economic growth whilst ensuring that environmental wellbeing is maintained and / or improved. However, few examples of ‘green growth strategies’ have been produced to date, and the literature is sparse re

CSR Audit in China: with case study of supply chain CSR audit

This research gives a special attention to CSR audit in China, from both theoretical and practical perspectives. The research starts with the analysis of theoretical foundation that underlies the emergence and development of CSR and CSR audit. Both stakeholder theory and principal-agent theory are applicable to explain it. In the context of these two theories, the corporate management is not only

Women entrepreneurs and gender role issues in China: A Foucauldian discourse analysis

In recent years, women entrepreneurship has received much attention from both economic policy-makers and entrepreneurship researchers - women entrepreneurs are considered important for inno-vation and thus economic development. This is manifested in an increasing interest in, and a prolif-eration of writings on, the topic. A number of studies undertaken in recent years to investigate women entrepr