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Heat and Fluid Flow in Microscale and Nanoscale Structures
Foretellings of Ragnarök: World-engulfing Asymptotic Giants and the Inheritance of White Dwarfs
The search for planets around white dwarf stars, and evidence for dynamical instability around them in the form of atmospheric pollution and circumstellar disks, raises questions about the nature of planetary systems that can survive the vicissitudes of the asymptotic giant branch (AGB). We study the competing effects, on planets at several AU from the star, of strong tidal forces arising from the
Informationscenter i Simrishamn
“Reasons for meanings: A theory of semantics grounded in perception, action and interaction”
Effect of Cement Type, Silica Fume, Water-cement Ratio, Age and Moderate Shift in Temperature on Self-desiccation in Concrete.
This article outlines an experimental and numerical study on the effect of cement type, silica fume, w/c, age and moderate shift of temperature on self-desiccation and strength of concrete. For this purpose 81 sealed cylinders made of 9 concretes with w/c varying between 0.32 and 0.50, based on two types of Portland Cement, were manufactured. Five per cent silica fume was used in one third of the
Audiences in the Round: Multi-method research in factual and reality television
Editors’ introduction
Dementia with Lewy bodies - a clinical and neurological approach
Popular Abstract in Swedish Demens med Lewy bodies - en ny demenssjukdom Vid sidan av de klassiska demensformerna Alzheimers sjukdom, blodkärlsdemens och frontallobsdemens har forskargrupper från flera håll i världen på senare år funnit tecken på en ny demensform som man kallar ”demens med Lewy bodies (DLB)”. Sjukdomen bär drag av både Alzheimers och Parkinsons sjukdom och därför är forskare oeniDementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is a dementia disorder, clinically characterized by fluctuating cognitive impairment, attention deficits, visual hallucinations, parkinsonism and other neuropsychiatric features. Sensitivity to neuroleptic medication is a common finding. In the present study 24% of 200 autopsied cases, within the Lund longitudinal prospective dementia study fulfilled the clinical di
En doft av mynta : Noveller av kvinnliga arabiska författare
Translated authors: Emily Nasrallah Hiyam al-Muflih Samirah Azzam Radwa Ashur Hanan al-Shaykh Salwa Bakr Layla al-Uthman Halah al-Nashif Nafilah Dhahab Buthaynah al-Nasiri Translators: Henry Daib Kerstin Johansson Marita Roos
Dagen då ett världskrig började: utvalda krönikor om väpnade konflikter under 00-talet
Maximum likelihood analysis in ECG signal processing
Varför har skolan så svårt att utgå från elevernas erfarenheter? : om kunskapsarbetets betingelser, skolspråk och litteraturförståelse
Klassiska uppfattningar om teodicéproblemet i kristendomen och andra religioner presenteras kortfattat. Några vanliga argumentlinjer för en teodicé presenteras: modifierad allmakt, denna värld som en skola för evigheten, och människans fria vilja. Argumentationens moraliska aspekter betonas. Särskilt uppmärksammas de nya infallsvinklar på teodicéproblemet som baseras i modern vetenskap. Exempelvis
Luftföroreningar vid svetsning
Beskrivning ges av utveckling av analysuppställning för PIXE-analys, kombinerad med metod för analys av fluor. Vidareutveckling av spektrumevalueringsprogram, HEX, presenteras. Beskrivning av utförda svetsröskarakteriseringar ges. Resultat redovisas för följande belagda elektroder: OK 48.00, OK 38.65 samt OK 61.41. För sistnämnda, rostfria elektrod, presenteras procedur för bestämning av kroms val
Renewal and Obsolescence. An Evolutionary Perspective on Industry Growth and Regional Development in Sweden 1968-2002
Identity references in product design: An approach for inter-relating visual product experience and brand value representation.
This paper examines references of visual product identity in product design. The perception of identity is the result of a composite experience of the presentational and representational dimensions of the product. As consumers to a large degree create their value perceptions of products and brands based on the design of the product, it is important for companies to understand how perceptions of id
Alarm reduction in industrial process control
The proper handling of alarms is crucial to automated process control. In practice, many alarms are only distractive and do not represent a fault situation. Here, a toolbox is proposed that aims to reduce the occurrence of the so called nuisance alarms. It is a general computerized tool that takes advantage of the control system's built-in functions, and is a first step to an enhanced overall alar